Spare The "switch" Spoil The Child?

Exactly true.

Never, no way, no how.

And, its horrifying that some are talking about the vicious beating of a 4yo baby, with a tree limb, as though its "discipline".

The perpetrator of such a beating should never again be allowed near that child or any other.

Tree limb???!!!

Most ridiculously funny image you can ever conjur!

It's a switch. A supple, young tree branch.
and it cut's like a knife .you probably enjoy that.

The switch was to capture the attentions of young mush for brains so they will remember to be good next time. Otherwise, with their short little spans of attention how would they ever learn?

Hell, as often as you are found ignorant I think you'd have benefitted from some switchin.
anything you say ....btw if anyone's been found ignorant it's you.
as to the switch you never answered my question..

As my question came first you need to answer MY question.
false ! I have answered as I see fit, nothing more is required.
Tree limb???!!!

Most ridiculously funny image you can ever conjur!

It's a switch. A supple, young tree branch.
and it cut's like a knife .you probably enjoy that.

The switch was to capture the attentions of young mush for brains so they will remember to be good next time. Otherwise, with their short little spans of attention how would they ever learn?

Hell, as often as you are found ignorant I think you'd have benefitted from some switchin.
anything you say ....btw if anyone's been found ignorant it's you.
as to the switch you never answered my question..

As my question came first you need to answer MY question.
false ! I have answered as I see fit, nothing more is required.

Fuck face.
I think the phrase used to be "spare the ROD".... So what the hell was the "rod" they were referring to? A curtain rod? lightning rod? rat rod? :dunno:

Well... It was the BEATING rod, of course! Back in the day, parents used the beating rod to teach the children to mind them and it worked. Usually, it only took one good beating. Children tended to remember that and the mere sight or mention of the beating rod was enough to strike fear in the hearts of the misbehaving child. Now this all sounds really brutal but they never had any problem with ADHD. The beating rod cured that.

Now, I am 55, so I came along after the beating rod became out of vogue. My father used the good old leather belt, which wasn't quite as barbaric but had the same effect. What bugged me the most was, my sisters never got the belt. Seems like, even when THEY did something wrong, the blame was somehow cast on me, the older sibling, and I got the belt. As we became older, the belt was no longer used, we were simply "grounded" for an indeterminate period of time. Grounding was somewhat ambiguous, it could include any number of restrictions on our liberty. As a teen, it seemed to be almost as undesirable as the belt. When you were grounded there was no TV, no radio, no telephone, no games to play. You didn't get to go out and play, and it usually involved some obscure chore that no one ever wanted to do, like clean the basement. When the grounding sentence was handed down, it was never for a specified time, it may last a week or a month, you never knew. It largely depended on your behavior.

In any event, none of this happens nowadays. Children rule the roost in most families. Beating rods, belts and even groundings are viewed as "child abuse" and subject to litigation and/or criminal charges. We now have a few generations of children who have been raised in such environments, you be the judge as to whether or not that is for the better.
the fun just ran away screaming from this thread.

When you are shown to be a mush-for-brains?
really? when will that happen.?
you don't have the slightest idea why I answered that post the way I did.
making your statement meaningless.
and it cut's like a knife .you probably enjoy that.

The switch was to capture the attentions of young mush for brains so they will remember to be good next time. Otherwise, with their short little spans of attention how would they ever learn?

Hell, as often as you are found ignorant I think you'd have benefitted from some switchin.
anything you say ....btw if anyone's been found ignorant it's you.
as to the switch you never answered my question..

As my question came first you need to answer MY question.
false ! I have answered as I see fit, nothing more is required.

Fuck face.
more evidence of bigotry proudly provided by mojo.
There's no reason for hitting a kid as punishment. No slapping, spanking, nothing. You don't teach small people to become peaceful, caring adults by hitting them.

Exactly true.

Never, no way, no how.

And, its horrifying that some are talking about the vicious beating of a 4yo baby, with a tree limb, as though its "discipline".

The perpetrator of such a beating should never again be allowed near that child or any other.

Tree limb???!!!

Most ridiculously funny image you can ever conjur!

It's a switch. A supple, green, young tree branch.

Look at the footage of that monster showing the branch.

Or never mind the weapon.

Look at the photos of the baby's legs and backside.

Why would anyone defend child abuse?

Get a frikken clue.
the switch was a standard feature at our house as was my mom's FAVORITE the brush or extension cord.
my dads best back up was a embossed western style belt.
it left cowboy hats and cactus imprints for days afterwards.

My mother's weapon of choice was an old broom handle that she had wrapped tape aroud one end to make it easier for her hold onto. Once, when the family was gone from the house, I found it and put it it the wood burning stove. I can imagine why I thought she wouldn't figure out what had happened to it but she accidentally broke by arm when I accidentally fell down the basement steps.

If they let Peterson keep that poor baby, maybe he'll want to "switch" to a broom handle. That way, he'll always be able to "discipline" his kids bloody.
The switch was to capture the attentions of young mush for brains so they will remember to be good next time. Otherwise, with their short little spans of attention how would they ever learn?

Hell, as often as you are found ignorant I think you'd have benefitted from some switchin.
anything you say ....btw if anyone's been found ignorant it's you.
as to the switch you never answered my question..

As my question came first you need to answer MY question.
false ! I have answered as I see fit, nothing more is required.

Fuck face.
more evidence of bigotry proudly provided by mojo.

You are a Muslim, I'd guess.
the switch was a standard feature at our house as was my mom's FAVORITE the brush or extension cord.
my dads best back up was a embossed western style belt.
it left cowboy hats and cactus imprints for days afterwards.

My mother's weapon of choice was an old broom handle that she had wrapped tape aroud one end to make it easier for her hold onto. Once, when the family was gone from the house, I found it and put it it the wood burning stove. I can imagine why I thought she wouldn't figure out what had happened to it but she accidentally broke by arm when I accidentally fell down the basement steps.

If they let Peterson keep that poor baby, maybe he'll want to "switch" to a broom handle. That way, he'll always be able to "discipline" his kids bloody.
both my parents thought it was a good idea to beat us for things we had not or might do aka preemptive discipline.
btw my dad was a lifer in the corps.
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anything you say ....btw if anyone's been found ignorant it's you.
as to the switch you never answered my question..

As my question came first you need to answer MY question.
false ! I have answered as I see fit, nothing more is required.

Fuck face.
more evidence of bigotry proudly provided by mojo.

You are a Muslim, I'd guess.
and as always you'd be wrong ,besides the muslims aren't doing anything christians haven't done.
btw, I'm an atheist...
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When I got in real trouble as a child, like for fighting... I'd get whipped with a fucking mesquite branch. Sometimes I'd have to personally select it myself. No thorns, thank God, but nothing dry and dead either. They always made sure the branch was smooth and firm before the whoopin'. That shit fucking hurt.

Sometimes it was the belt though

And some of my relatives favored the bitchslap or the backhand. Like if I was mouthing off at my family or givin' somebody a dirty look in the store. Some families don't fucking care if their children mouth off at them, or if they are staring at strangers. Not mine. I got the fucking backhand.

When I got in real trouble as a child, like for fighting... I'd get whipped with a fucking mesquite branch. Sometimes I'd have to personally select it myself. No thorns, thank God, but nothing dry and dead either. They always made sure the branch was smooth and firm before the whoopin'. That shit fucking hurt.

Sometimes it was the belt though

And some of my relatives favored the bitchslap or the backhand. Like if I was mouthing off at my family or givin' somebody a dirty look in the store. Some families don't fucking care if their children mouth off at them, or if they are staring at strangers. Not mine. I got the fucking backhand.

From daws' link

It is never acceptable to beat a little kid bloody with a weapon, because that is always child abuse.

I can't believe it's 2014 and I have to spell that out for people. Yet in the wake of star running back Adrian Peterson's grand jury indictment for reckless and negligent injury to a child, it's clear there are grown men and women out there who still think it's OK to strip leaves off a tree branch and whip a 4-year-old until he bleeds. To stuff leaves in his mouth. To cut him on the legs, thighs, buttocks, and scrotum. To whip him between 10-15 times, leaving defensive wounds on the poor kid's hands that were still readily apparent even a week later when photographs were taken.

What Adrian Peterson did was wrong. That's fact, not opinion. And yet, for so many, they don't accept that. Why?

I've been told it's a southern thing. A cultural thing. A black thing. A religious thing. I've been told it's the only way to make sure children are raised to be respectful. I've been told if more kids were disciplined like this, there would be fewer school shootings and spoiled children. But mostly, I've been told this kind of corporal punishment is acceptable because the parents who do it were raised this way themselves. And after all, they were whipped and they turned out just fine.

Want to know how I know they're wrong? Because they still think it's OK to take up weapons against children and beat them bloody.
A spanking should never be given when you are angry. Anybody that does not have control of their temper should not only not have children but should not be around any. A temper is a weakness that is best worked on when you are a child and a spanking sometimes will help with that.

I disagree. I learned from my dad that if he started to cloud up, I better shut up. Without anger, a spanking seems sadistic to me.

Most parents who his their children ARE sadistic...the few who are not are perverts who get a sexual thrill out of it.
There's no reason for hitting a kid as punishment. No slapping, spanking, nothing. You don't teach small people to become peaceful, caring adults by hitting them.

Exactly true.

Never, no way, no how.

And, its horrifying that some are talking about the vicious beating of a 4yo baby, with a tree limb, as though its "discipline".

The perpetrator of such a beating should never again be allowed near that child or any other.

The perpetrator of that torture should be killed in as horrifyingly-painful a manner as possible.
the switch was a standard feature at our house as was my mom's FAVORITE the brush or extension cord.
my dads best back up was a embossed western style belt.
it left cowboy hats and cactus imprints for days afterwards.

My mother's weapon of choice was an old broom handle that she had wrapped tape aroud one end to make it easier for her hold onto. Once, when the family was gone from the house, I found it and put it it the wood burning stove. I can imagine why I thought she wouldn't figure out what had happened to it but she accidentally broke by arm when I accidentally fell down the basement steps.

If they let Peterson keep that poor baby, maybe he'll want to "switch" to a broom handle. That way, he'll always be able to "discipline" his kids bloody.

My father preferred a 2x4 and a cast-iron griddle. Well, until he broke the griddle on my head...I'm not sure what happened after that, except it resulted in a missing tooth, double vision for two days, and broken ribs. My wife's father used a belt, until he ignored her ultimatum...and she damn near killed him.
There's no reason for hitting a kid as punishment. No slapping, spanking, nothing. You don't teach small people to become peaceful, caring adults by hitting them.
I agree. A whipping of any form doesn't last as long as a grounding can anyways and kids can be grounded from so many different things too. If they want their privileges back, then they know what it is that they must do to get them back. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

There's no reason for hitting a kid as punishment. No slapping, spanking, nothing. You don't teach small people to become peaceful, caring adults by hitting them.

Exactly true.

Never, no way, no how.

And, its horrifying that some are talking about the vicious beating of a 4yo baby, with a tree limb, as though its "discipline".

The perpetrator of such a beating should never again be allowed near that child or any other.

The perpetrator of that torture should be killed in as horrifyingly-painful a manner as possible.

Who's the sadist....a parent who spanks their child or this clown? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :cuckoo:
the switch was a standard feature at our house as was my mom's FAVORITE the brush or extension cord.
my dads best back up was a embossed western style belt.
it left cowboy hats and cactus imprints for days afterwards.

My mother's weapon of choice was an old broom handle that she had wrapped tape aroud one end to make it easier for her hold onto. Once, when the family was gone from the house, I found it and put it it the wood burning stove. I can imagine why I thought she wouldn't figure out what had happened to it but she accidentally broke by arm when I accidentally fell down the basement steps.

If they let Peterson keep that poor baby, maybe he'll want to "switch" to a broom handle. That way, he'll always be able to "discipline" his kids bloody.

My dad had this big wide, black leather belt. One time they were gone for the weekend, we found the belt and buried it out in the pasture.

He never said a word about it.

The next week,he blistered my ass with what I to this day swear was the same belt.
the switch was a standard feature at our house as was my mom's FAVORITE the brush or extension cord.
my dads best back up was a embossed western style belt.
it left cowboy hats and cactus imprints for days afterwards.

My mother's weapon of choice was an old broom handle that she had wrapped tape aroud one end to make it easier for her hold onto. Once, when the family was gone from the house, I found it and put it it the wood burning stove. I can imagine why I thought she wouldn't figure out what had happened to it but she accidentally broke by arm when I accidentally fell down the basement steps.

If they let Peterson keep that poor baby, maybe he'll want to "switch" to a broom handle. That way, he'll always be able to "discipline" his kids bloody.

My dad had this big wide, black leather belt. One time they were gone for the weekend, we found the belt and buried it out in the pasture.

He never said a word about it.

The next week,he blistered my ass with what I to this day swear was the same belt.

:lol: So you figure he found the belt, had two of them, or maybe imagined the whole thing?

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