Spare The "switch" Spoil The Child?

A black buddy of mine from the Navy was the biggest racist towards blacks I was ever around.

May be so.

But Daws called me a bigot.

Now he can't prove it when called upon to do so!

He's a lying, son of a bitch, Liberal, egg sucking dog, blue bellied bitch of an asshole.

... he said, his voice dripping with bigotry.

Seriously, that's incredibly bigoted.

How is that bigoted?

It's profane, but not bigoted.
Quit being a typical RW victim.

Don't blame Obama, Clinton and/or Pelosi for your problems.

Take responsibility for what you say and do.

I don't have any "problems" Dudley....I've managed to arrange my affairs so those worthless ***** don't affect me....what they've done to YOU should be your concern....they use you like a condom then toss you in the trash every two years.
bullshit.. if that were so then you wouldn't be bitching as much as you do.

That's not even stupid logic.

Its not logic at all.

That's nonsense!
what the fuck would you know about logic.?
if your boyfriend bull really had his affairs in order ,logic would dictate that he not concern himself with anything else.
so the answer lies somewhere else emotion.
There's no reason for hitting a kid as punishment. No slapping, spanking, nothing. You don't teach small people to become peaceful, caring adults by hitting them.

Exactly true.

Never, no way, no how.

And, its horrifying that some are talking about the vicious beating of a 4yo baby, with a tree limb, as though its "discipline".

The perpetrator of such a beating should never again be allowed near that child or any other.

Tree limb???!!!

Most ridiculously funny image you can ever conjur!

It's a switch. A supple, young tree branch.
and it cut's like a knife .you probably enjoy that.
the switch was a standard feature at our house as was my mom's FAVORITE the brush or extension cord.
my dads best back up was a embossed western style belt.
it left cowboy hats and cactus imprints for days afterwards.


So now you can STFU.

A black buddy of mine from the Navy was the biggest racist towards blacks I was ever around.

May be so.

But Daws called me a bigot.

Now he can't prove it when called upon to do so!

He's a lying, son of a bitch, Liberal, egg sucking dog, blue bellied bitch of an asshole.

... he said, his voice dripping with bigotry.

Seriously, that's incredibly bigoted.

How is that bigoted?

It's profane, but not bigoted.
[ prəˈfān, prō- ] secular · lay · nonreligious · temporal · laic
  1. treat (something sacred) with irreverence or disrespect:
    "it was a serious matter to profane a tomb"
    synonyms: desecrate · violate · defile · treat sacrilegiously
There's no reason for hitting a kid as punishment. No slapping, spanking, nothing. You don't teach small people to become peaceful, caring adults by hitting them.

Exactly true.

Never, no way, no how.

And, its horrifying that some are talking about the vicious beating of a 4yo baby, with a tree limb, as though its "discipline".

The perpetrator of such a beating should never again be allowed near that child or any other.

Tree limb???!!!

Most ridiculously funny image you can ever conjur!

It's a switch. A supple, young tree branch.
and it cut's like a knife .you probably enjoy that.

The switch was to capture the attentions of young mush for brains so they will remember to be good next time. Otherwise, with their short little spans of attention how would they ever learn?

Hell, as often as you are found ignorant I think you'd have benefitted from some switchin.
A black buddy of mine from the Navy was the biggest racist towards blacks I was ever around.

May be so.

But Daws called me a bigot.

Now he can't prove it when called upon to do so!

He's a lying, son of a bitch, Liberal, egg sucking dog, blue bellied bitch of an asshole.

... he said, his voice dripping with bigotry.

Seriously, that's incredibly bigoted.

How is that bigoted?

It's profane, but not bigoted.
[ prəˈfān, prō- ] secular · lay · nonreligious · temporal · laic
  1. treat (something sacred) with irreverence or disrespect:
    "it was a serious matter to profane a tomb"
    synonyms: desecrate · violate · defile · treat sacrilegiously

Ohhh Nooooees!

Not THAT!!!
There's no reason for hitting a kid as punishment. No slapping, spanking, nothing. You don't teach small people to become peaceful, caring adults by hitting them.

Exactly true.

Never, no way, no how.

And, its horrifying that some are talking about the vicious beating of a 4yo baby, with a tree limb, as though its "discipline".

The perpetrator of such a beating should never again be allowed near that child or any other.

Tree limb???!!!

Most ridiculously funny image you can ever conjur!

It's a switch. A supple, young tree branch.
and it cut's like a knife .you probably enjoy that.

The switch was to capture the attentions of young mush for brains so they will remember to be good next time. Otherwise, with their short little spans of attention how would they ever learn?

Hell, as often as you are found ignorant I think you'd have benefitted from some switchin.
anything you say ....btw if anyone's been found ignorant it's you.
as to the switch you never answered my question..
A black buddy of mine from the Navy was the biggest racist towards blacks I was ever around.

May be so.

But Daws called me a bigot.

Now he can't prove it when called upon to do so!

He's a lying, son of a bitch, Liberal, egg sucking dog, blue bellied bitch of an asshole.

... he said, his voice dripping with bigotry.

Seriously, that's incredibly bigoted.

How is that bigoted?

It's profane, but not bigoted.
[ prəˈfān, prō- ] secular · lay · nonreligious · temporal · laic
  1. treat (something sacred) with irreverence or disrespect:
    "it was a serious matter to profane a tomb"
    synonyms: desecrate · violate · defile · treat sacrilegiously

Ohhh Nooooees!

Not THAT!!!
just proving you shouldn't use words you don't know the meaning of..
Still waiting for you to show evidence of my being a bigot.

C'mon asshole. Bitch. Fuckface.
May be so.

But Daws called me a bigot.

Now he can't prove it when called upon to do so!

He's a lying, son of a bitch, Liberal, egg sucking dog, blue bellied bitch of an asshole.

... he said, his voice dripping with bigotry.

Seriously, that's incredibly bigoted.

How is that bigoted?

It's profane, but not bigoted.
[ prəˈfān, prō- ] secular · lay · nonreligious · temporal · laic
  1. treat (something sacred) with irreverence or disrespect:
    "it was a serious matter to profane a tomb"
    synonyms: desecrate · violate · defile · treat sacrilegiously

Ohhh Nooooees!

Not THAT!!!
just proving you shouldn't use words you don't know the meaning of..

Oh, my definitions are correct. You chose the definitions of alternate facets of the word.
... he said, his voice dripping with bigotry.

Seriously, that's incredibly bigoted.

How is that bigoted?

It's profane, but not bigoted.
[ prəˈfān, prō- ] secular · lay · nonreligious · temporal · laic
  1. treat (something sacred) with irreverence or disrespect:
    "it was a serious matter to profane a tomb"
    synonyms: desecrate · violate · defile · treat sacrilegiously

Ohhh Nooooees!

Not THAT!!!
just proving you shouldn't use words you don't know the meaning of..

Oh, my definitions are correct. You chose the definitions of alternate facets of the word.
false .. the number one indicates the first and most often used definition....
so by definition you're wrong...

, pr
1. Marked by contempt or irreverence for what is sacred.
2. Nonreligious in subject matter, form, or use; secular: sacred and profane music.
3. Not admitted into a body of secret knowledge or ritual; uninitiated.
4. Vulgar; coarse.
tr.v. pro·faned, pro·fan·ing, pro·fanes
To treat with irreverence: profane the name of God.
2. To put to an improper, unworthy, or degrading use; abuse.
I think the phrase used to be "spare the ROD".... So what the hell was the "rod" they were referring to? A curtain rod? lightning rod? rat rod? :dunno:

Well... It was the BEATING rod, of course! Back in the day, parents used the beating rod to teach the children to mind them and it worked. Usually, it only took one good beating. Children tended to remember that and the mere sight or mention of the beating rod was enough to strike fear in the hearts of the misbehaving child. Now this all sounds really brutal but they never had any problem with ADHD. The beating rod cured that.

Now, I am 55, so I came along after the beating rod became out of vogue. My father used the good old leather belt, which wasn't quite as barbaric but had the same effect. What bugged me the most was, my sisters never got the belt. Seems like, even when THEY did something wrong, the blame was somehow cast on me, the older sibling, and I got the belt. As we became older, the belt was no longer used, we were simply "grounded" for an indeterminate period of time. Grounding was somewhat ambiguous, it could include any number of restrictions on our liberty. As a teen, it seemed to be almost as undesirable as the belt. When you were grounded there was no TV, no radio, no telephone, no games to play. You didn't get to go out and play, and it usually involved some obscure chore that no one ever wanted to do, like clean the basement. When the grounding sentence was handed down, it was never for a specified time, it may last a week or a month, you never knew. It largely depended on your behavior.

In any event, none of this happens nowadays. Children rule the roost in most families. Beating rods, belts and even groundings are viewed as "child abuse" and subject to litigation and/or criminal charges. We now have a few generations of children who have been raised in such environments, you be the judge as to whether or not that is for the better.
Waiting for you to prove my bigotry or admit you were wrong or lying.
I think the phrase used to be "spare the ROD".... So what the hell was the "rod" they were referring to? A curtain rod? lightning rod? rat rod? :dunno:

Well... It was the BEATING rod, of course! Back in the day, parents used the beating rod to teach the children to mind them and it worked. Usually, it only took one good beating. Children tended to remember that and the mere sight or mention of the beating rod was enough to strike fear in the hearts of the misbehaving child. Now this all sounds really brutal but they never had any problem with ADHD. The beating rod cured that.

Now, I am 55, so I came along after the beating rod became out of vogue. My father used the good old leather belt, which wasn't quite as barbaric but had the same effect. What bugged me the most was, my sisters never got the belt. Seems like, even when THEY did something wrong, the blame was somehow cast on me, the older sibling, and I got the belt. As we became older, the belt was no longer used, we were simply "grounded" for an indeterminate period of time. Grounding was somewhat ambiguous, it could include any number of restrictions on our liberty. As a teen, it seemed to be almost as undesirable as the belt. When you were grounded there was no TV, no radio, no telephone, no games to play. You didn't get to go out and play, and it usually involved some obscure chore that no one ever wanted to do, like clean the basement. When the grounding sentence was handed down, it was never for a specified time, it may last a week or a month, you never knew. It largely depended on your behavior.

In any event, none of this happens nowadays. Children rule the roost in most families. Beating rods, belts and even groundings are viewed as "child abuse" and subject to litigation and/or criminal charges. We now have a few generations of children who have been raised in such environments, you be the judge as to whether or not that is for the better.
the fun just ran away screaming from this thread.
Waiting for you to prove my bigotry or admit you were wrong or lying.
as stated before asked and answered
not my problem if you're too dense to see it.
Full Definition of BIGOTRY
: the state of mind of a bigot
: acts or beliefs characteristic of a bigot
See bigotry defined for English-language learners »
See bigotry defined for kids »
Examples of BIGOTRY
  1. <a deeply ingrained bigotry prevented her from even considering the counterarguments>

Related to BIGOTRY
dogmatism, illiberalism, illiberality, illiberalness,intolerance, intolerantness, narrow-mindedness,opinionatedness, partisanship, sectarianism, small-mindedness
There's no reason for hitting a kid as punishment. No slapping, spanking, nothing. You don't teach small people to become peaceful, caring adults by hitting them.

Exactly true.

Never, no way, no how.

And, its horrifying that some are talking about the vicious beating of a 4yo baby, with a tree limb, as though its "discipline".

The perpetrator of such a beating should never again be allowed near that child or any other.

Tree limb???!!!

Most ridiculously funny image you can ever conjur!

It's a switch. A supple, young tree branch.
and it cut's like a knife .you probably enjoy that.

The switch was to capture the attentions of young mush for brains so they will remember to be good next time. Otherwise, with their short little spans of attention how would they ever learn?

Hell, as often as you are found ignorant I think you'd have benefitted from some switchin.
anything you say ....btw if anyone's been found ignorant it's you.
as to the switch you never answered my question..

As my question came first you need to answer MY question.
I think the phrase used to be "spare the ROD".... So what the hell was the "rod" they were referring to? A curtain rod? lightning rod? rat rod? :dunno:

Well... It was the BEATING rod, of course! Back in the day, parents used the beating rod to teach the children to mind them and it worked. Usually, it only took one good beating. Children tended to remember that and the mere sight or mention of the beating rod was enough to strike fear in the hearts of the misbehaving child. Now this all sounds really brutal but they never had any problem with ADHD. The beating rod cured that.

Now, I am 55, so I came along after the beating rod became out of vogue. My father used the good old leather belt, which wasn't quite as barbaric but had the same effect. What bugged me the most was, my sisters never got the belt. Seems like, even when THEY did something wrong, the blame was somehow cast on me, the older sibling, and I got the belt. As we became older, the belt was no longer used, we were simply "grounded" for an indeterminate period of time. Grounding was somewhat ambiguous, it could include any number of restrictions on our liberty. As a teen, it seemed to be almost as undesirable as the belt. When you were grounded there was no TV, no radio, no telephone, no games to play. You didn't get to go out and play, and it usually involved some obscure chore that no one ever wanted to do, like clean the basement. When the grounding sentence was handed down, it was never for a specified time, it may last a week or a month, you never knew. It largely depended on your behavior.

In any event, none of this happens nowadays. Children rule the roost in most families. Beating rods, belts and even groundings are viewed as "child abuse" and subject to litigation and/or criminal charges. We now have a few generations of children who have been raised in such environments, you be the judge as to whether or not that is for the better.
the fun just ran away screaming from this thread.

When you are shown to be a mush-for-brains?

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