The church in Laodicea, the churches of this age or the people of this age know more than the inspired John who recorded the book of Revelation after an angel sent by Jesus sent the prophecy to John. (Rev. 1) You know more than the actual record found in the book that explains just who and what the 7 heads represents? LMAO. The 7 heads are explained within the BOOK itself (Rev. 17:3) :udaman:

Instead of reading from your Cults own writings based upon a man made personal opinion to mold around a false doctrine.............actually read the scriptures as they are recorded. take a prophecy that is clearly stated to take PLACE in a SHORT TIME........and declare it means Powers from ALL TIME? :disbelief:

Shortly: in the NEAR FUTURE.

Its you who are mistaken. The scarlet colored beast is not the same seven headed beast of Rev 13.

The only view of a cult that is worth more than the 2 cents in your statement is Gods view-the only view that counts--it is as follows
A house divided( 33,999) trinity based religions) will not stand. They fail 100% the true mark of the one religion Jesus began-1 Cor 1:10--Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division. My religion accomplishes 1Cor 1:10=100%--- So your 2 cents has 0 value in reality.

You think you are so smart, and Revelation already occurred--Please show us in history when Armageddon occurred, and did away with Mourning, outcry, and pain,( Rev 21:4) and death will be no more--Show us these things> Oh you cant because thousands of people died today didnt they?

Your whole post is taught by the blind.
Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem.
Thats why we know its symbolic, it is just showing that his 2 witnesses will be attacked by satans will through men. And in a sense were killed( stopped) back when that occurred.
Thats why we know its symbolic, it is just showing that his 2 witnesses will be attacked by satans will through men. And in a sense were killed( stopped) back when that occurred.

That makes no sense. Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem. The Old Testament accuses them of killing their prophets.
who is the Woman that sits on seven Mountains, their seven heads

Revelation 17:1-13 (NKJV)
Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, "Come, I will show you the judgment of
the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication."
So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness.

And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

Revelation 17:1 4 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication.
I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.
The woman arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup on her hand

arrayed precious stones

Revelation 17:7 But the angel said to me, "Why did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns.
The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world when they see the beast that was and is not, and yet is.

Revelation 17:1 9 Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits.
Revelation 17:10 There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time.
The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits.

Revelation 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition.

Revelation 17:12 The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast.
These are of one mind, and they will give their power daniel, and authority to the beast.
a hint Daniel 2:

Jerusalem sits on seven hills.
Jerusalem sits on seven hills.
The scarlet colored beast = the UN. The one riding on the back=untaxed religions. All the false religions get involved with govts. Voting for the corrupt leaders, killing for the corrupt leaders, = fornicating.
The scarlet colored beast = the UN. The one riding on the back=untaxed religions. All the false religions get involved with govts. Voting for the corrupt leaders, killing for the corrupt leaders, = fornicating.
After at least 8 failed PROPHECIES documented by history actual.........Your guilt expects everyone to be that gullible as to accept anything your gulit propagatges as truth? Your cult is not the sharpest tool in the even use a mistranslation of the German languge (Jehovah) to pegion hole the God of Creation with a man made name when God Himself informed everyone that He is to be known simply as the Eternal "I AM". (Ex. 3:14) This could be why over 1,000,000 members walked away from your cult in the early 70'

All the names listed in the Holy Scriptures for the God of Creation are names that describe some of the nature of God not the entirety of God......Even the Jews feared they were mispronouncing the name of God and replaced their name for God as LORD in the fear that it is disrespectful for anyone to mention the name of God as it was known in the Original Hebrew.

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After at least 8 failed PROPHECIES documented by history actual.........Your guilt expects everyone to be that gullible as to accept anything your gulit propagatges as truth? Your cult is not the sharpest tool in the even use a mistranslation of the German languge (Jehovah) to pegion hole the God of Creation with a man made name when God Himself informed everyone that He is to be known simply as the Eternal "I AM". (Ex. 3:14) This could be why over 1,000,000 members walked away from your cult in the early 70'

All the names listed in the Holy Scriptures for the God of Creation are names that describe some of the nature of God not the entirety of God......Even the Jews feared they were mispronouncing the name of God and replaced their name for God as LORD in the fear that it is disrespectful for anyone to mention the name of God as it was known in the Original Hebrew.

They werent prophecies. They erred by trying to date a true prophecy God gave to all, nothing false about it. Yes the wicked fear using Gods name, because they use it in vain. The righteous love Gods name and have 0 fear of using it.
Again you are mislead--The Hebrew scholars say there is no i am that iam in the Hebrew written OT--I will be what i will be is the correct translating of that statement.
There were only 1 million JW,s in the 70,s , so your info is bogus.
Indeed..........and what do you think is "symbolized" by the 7 heads? The beast with 7 heads is explained in (Rev. 17:3). The 7 heads represents the 7 kings or kingdoms conquered and controled by the Roman empire. The 7 heads reference mountains or high positions of power. The passage clearly points out that the 7 kingdoms/heads are controlled by a Women (Roman Empire, the great Harlet) sitting atop the 7 mountains. 5 of the heads or kingdoms have already fallen the 2 others will fall shortly (again........this passage declares the prophecy will come in a SHORT TIME........not 2000 years in the future).

When studying Revlation you simply can't make up suggestions and pretend your imagination comes from inspiration of God, when you have 39 Books of inspired writing from God in the Old Testament and 27 books of inspired writings in the New Testament to reference and compare the text to help understand what the symbolism means when compared to the LITERAL inspired works throughout the Holy Scriptures.

Example: Don't look to your mind to translate symbolism..........look to the actual inspired writings of God.

Example of translating Symbolism using the Holy Scriptures as a direct reference. The Beast rises from the sea in Revelation. When you search the scriptures to translate this symbolism we find in the Old Testament that a reference to the Sea represents a mass of waves in the sea. (Ps. 65:7), Because the noise made by a great crowd or mob of peoples makes a noise like the ocean waves crashing on shore (Isa. 17:12), and wicked people are compared to angry sea waves (Isa. 57:20-21) Actually the sceen in Revelation is much like the passage in the Book of Daniel (7), thus........making such reference in comparison gives one a point to start in the attempt to comprehend the symbolism.

What I find amusing is the attempt by some to declare Revelation predicts this or that into some distant point in the future, they attempt to mold the actual scriptures around their man made doctrine and give literal meanings to a self professed book of SYMBOLS. Like attempting to declare in one breath that a thousand years symbolizes 1 day with the Lord...........(symblism) and then attempting to place a literal meaning to the next passage without skipping a breath. This is symbolic and this is literal........when the entire book is based upon symbolic text.

Example of the symbolism concerning the use of the langauge when using 1000 to indicate a period of time. Its not literalism its symbolism. A "1000 years" is used in the Bible to indicate a large complete set. Example ".........God will keep His mercy and covenant for a 1000 generations........" -- Deut. 7:9. Is Moses actually placing a time limit on Gods promises and oaths? Of course not, its symoblism to indicate that God is longsuffering and keeps His promise regardless of the length, God is always faithful to keep His word....God did not say that after a 1000 generations His covenant would simply represents a period of time.

(Ps. 50:10) is another example of using a 1000 years to make a promise. "For every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle of a THOUSAND HILLS." God is not saying there are just 1000 hills on earth is He? Of course not the 1000 simply represents a great number or complete set.........meaing ALL HILLS ON EARTH Belong to God.

Reality: Jesus has been sitting in reign of His Kingdom now for over 2000 years. When He comes back His reign will end after He judges the living and the dead. At this point the kingdom is given back to Father God (1 Cor. 15:24-26).......Jesus will not literally sit on a literal throne on earth for a literal 1000 years, He has been sitting on His throne now for 2x that length LITTERALY

The whore of Babylon is Israel not Rome. Martin Luther fell out with the Catholic Church so he started preaching that Rome was the whore of Babylon.
The whore of Babylon is Israel not Rome. Martin Luther fell out with the Catholic Church so he started preaching that Rome was the whore of Babylon.
The Whore is Rome and the FALSE CHURCH eventually created to decieve the world (this false church rose from the ashes of the once great Roman Empire), Rome attempts to use the supposed universal church to accomplish what Rome's military might failed to do, control the worlds wealth and power. Biblical Israel was destroyed before John was imprisoned on the Isle of Patmos and drafted the Book of Revelation. This book is dated 20 years after Israel was destroyed........which fell around 65-70 A.D.....with Revelation being dated around 96 A.D. When Revelation was written the Harlot/Whore was not yet destroyed.....its a book of symbolism of things which are to Shortly Come to Pass, The Time is near..........

Revelation describes a city and compares that city to Babylon.....among other ancienct evil cities, (In the O.T. there are several cities called Harlots or Whores.....Revaltion descibes the Harlot in question with those ancient cities such as Babylon who is called a Harlet, the same for NIVEVEH (Nahum 3:1,4), TYRE was called a harlet (Isa. 23:15-17) the city described as being a sea port city located on 7 hills. Rome is surrounded by 7 mountains or hills. Thus, the Harlet/Whore is a collective of evil cities and corruptions....that is compared with the Evil of Rome in the 1st and 2nd centuries. Rome burnt Christians at the stake, feed them to the lions, made slaves of them...etc. these are the Tribulations symoblized in Revelation.

The Book of Revelation was written to give HOPE to the 7 churches (which is symbolism for God's protection......the number 7 is used throughout the scriptures as being a perfect/perfection representing God) -- Rev. 1:3-4 Its moot whether these 7 churches actually existed.........its the symbolism that matters.

Israel was destroyed in the late 1st century.....its difficult to be a whore when you no longer exist. The nation calling itself Israel today is an imitation........any problems the Muslims have with Modern Israel has nothing to do with the Book of Revelation......its the innate hatred created by those who instruct hate generation after generation to their children and their childrens children.

When you attempt to apply the symbolism in Revelation to modern times you ignore the statement by John who was inspired to write the book..........when an angel sent by Jesus "signified" (hiden in symbolism) the message to John. You can't apply the symbolism to a nation that would not exist until the middle of the 20th century (modern Israel), when John clearly stated that these things "would shortly come to pass" (Rev. 1:1), or......."the time is at hand." (Rev. 1:3)

In the symoblism.........the WHORE or HARLET is defeated. Revelation 17:16-17. The Roman Empire began to fall around the same time as John was writing his book of Revelation, a great portion of Rome was destroyed by FIRE........just as described in Revelation 17 in symbolism ...........Rome would be surrounded by the Barbarian tribes and Rome itself was defeated by these Barbarians.........History Actual, Rev. 17 came true.
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The Whore is the FALSE CHURCH created in Rome to decieve the world. Israel was destroyed in the late 1st century.....its difficult to be a whore when you no longer exist. The nation calling itself Israel today is an imitation........any problems the Muslims have with Modern Israel has nothing to do with the Book of Revelation......its the innate hatred created by those who instruct hate generation after generation to their children and their childrens children.

Jews lived and prospered all over the Arab world for 2500 years.
Jews lived and prospered all over the Arab world for 2500 years.
And? How does this apply to nation of Israel which was destroyed? Biblical Isarel was destroyed before John's Revelations of things to shortly take place, with the time being near. Modern Israel (the nation) was created by the U.N. in the 1940s A.D. There was no nation of Israel for 2000 years and the one that exists nothing like the Historical Israel found in the Holy Scriptures. Modern Israel is SECULARLY GOVERNED by politicans.......with no Tribal IDs, No Royal Priesthood, No King, No Burnt offerings, No Temple or no realistic chance of the Temple ever being reconstructed in Jerusalem, etc. Its a POOR reflection of the kids of today would declare, "A KNOCK OFF".
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The Whore is Rome and the FALSE CHURCH eventually created to decieve the world (this false church rose from the ashes of the once great Roman Empire), Rome attempts to use the supposed universal church to accomplish what Rome's military might failed to do, control the worlds wealth and power. Biblical Israel was destroyed before John was imprisoned on the Isle of Patmos and drafted the Book of Revelation. This book is dated 20 years after Israel was destroyed........which fell around 65-70 A.D.....with Revelation being dated around 96 A.D. When Revelation was written the Harlot/Whore was not yet destroyed.....its a book of symbolism of things which are to Shortly Come to Pass, The Time is near..........

Revelation describes a city and compares that city to Babylon.....among other ancienct evil cities, (In the O.T. there are several cities called Harlots or Whores.....Revaltion descibes the Harlot in question with those ancient cities such as Babylon who is called a Harlet, the same for NIVEVEH (Nahum 3:1,4), TYRE was called a harlet (Isa. 23:15-17) the city described as being a sea port city located on 7 hills. Rome is surrounded by 7 mountains or hills. Thus, the Harlet/Whore is a collective of evil cities and corruptions....that is compared with the Evil of Rome in the 1st and 2nd centuries. Rome burnt Christians at the stake, feed them to the lions, made slaves of them...etc. these are the Tribulations symoblized in Revelation.

The Book of Revelation was written to give HOPE to the 7 churches (which is symbolism for God's protection......the number 7 is used throughout the scriptures as being a perfect/perfection representing God) -- Rev. 1:3-4 Its moot whether these 7 churches actually existed.........its the symbolism that matters.

Israel was destroyed in the late 1st century.....its difficult to be a whore when you no longer exist. The nation calling itself Israel today is an imitation........any problems the Muslims have with Modern Israel has nothing to do with the Book of Revelation......its the innate hatred created by those who instruct hate generation after generation to their children and their childrens children.

When you attempt to apply the symbolism in Revelation to modern times you ignore the statement by John who was inspired to write the book..........when an angel sent by Jesus "signified" (hiden in symbolism) the message to John. You can't apply the symbolism to a nation that would not exist until the middle of the 20th century (modern Israel), when John clearly stated that these things "would shortly come to pass" (Rev. 1:1), or......."the time is at hand." (Rev. 1:3)

In the symoblism.........the WHORE or HARLET is defeated. Revelation 17:16-17. The Roman Empire began to fall around the same time as John was writing his book of Revelation, a great portion of Rome was destroyed by FIRE........just as described in Revelation 17 in symbolism ...........Rome would be surrounded by the Barbarian tribes and Rome itself was defeated by these Barbarians.........History Actual, Rev. 17 came true.

Rome had nothing to do with Babylon.. and Jerusalem sits on seven hills. That was started by Martin Luther after he fell out with Rome.

The tribulation was local. That's why Jesus told the new Christians to flee to the mountains. They did. They went to Pella.
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And? How does this apply to nation of Israel which was destroyed? Biblical Isarel was destroyed before John's Revelations of things to shortly take place, with the time being near. Modern Israel (the nation) was created by the U.N. in the 1940s A.D. There was no nation of Israel for 2000 years and the one that exists nothing like the Historical Israel found in the Holy Scriptures. Modern Israel is SECULARLY GOVERNED by politicans.......with no Tribal IDs, No Royal Priesthood, No King, No Burnt offerings, No Temple or no realistic chance of the Temple ever being reconstructed in Jerusalem, etc. Its a POOR reflection of the kids of today would declare, "A KNOCK OFF".

That's true.. revelation isn't futuristic.
Rome had nothing to do with Babylon.. and Jerusalem sits on seven hills. That was started by Martin Luther after he fell out with Rome.

The tribulation was local. That's why Jesus told the new Christians to flee to the mountains. They did. They went to Pella.
Rome is being compared with ALL THE EVIL CITIES of antiquity.....which were called HARLOTS or WHORES in the Holy Scriptures. It was Rome the early Christians needed protection from, they needed Hope to overcome the Tribulations that Rome was bringing upon the early church just as described in Revelation 1: 1-4. Isarel was dead, gone burried when John drafted this could the JEWS persecute anyone when they were incapable of defending their own nation?

The symbolism is comparing God's choosen......the Christian Nation of the New Testament with how the early church (O.T. Law and Prophets) consisting of Jews was continaully persecuted by evil nations such as Babylon. Rome was the modern example of those evil city states/nations that persucted God's people. When John drafted the book..........the Jews no longer existed as God's chosen, there is neither Jew nor Gentile.........both have become one through Christ (Gal. 3:28-29) Both together make up Spiritual Israel, and Israel would never persecute itself. (Eph. 2:19-22) Your conclusion is neither logical or reasonable.
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Rome is being compared with ALL THE EVIL CITIES of antiquity.....which were called HARLOTS or WHORES in the Holy Scriptures. It was Rome the early Christians needed protection from, they needed Hope to overcome the Tribulations that Rome was bringing upon the early church just as described in Revelation 1: 1-4. Isarel was dead, gone burried when John drafted this could the JEWS persecute anyone when they were incapable of defending their own nation?

The symbolism is comparing God's choosen......the Christian Nation of the New Testament with how the early church (O.T. Law and Prophets) consisting of Jews was continaully persecuted by evil nations such as Babylon. Rome was the modern example of those evil city states/nations that persucted God's people. When John drafted the book..........the Jews no longer existed as God's chosen, there is neither Jew nor Gentile.........both have become one through Christ (Gal. 3:28-29) Both together make up Spiritual Israel, and Israel would never persecute itself. (Eph. 2:19-22) Your conclusion is neither logical or reasonable.

All through the Bible Israel is referred to as a harlot for whoring after false gods. 1500 years went by before Martin Luther claimed Rome was the whore of Babylon. Are all Mormons so ignorant?
All through the Bible Israel is referred to as a harlot for whoring after false gods. 1500 years went by before Martin Luther claimed Rome was the whore of Babylon. Are all Mormons so ignorant?
Reality: Sola Scriptura, look it up. Mormons and Muslims are in the same boat.....both present false doctrine by claiming that God revealed more information to support these doctrines......Hundreds of years after "All truth" was presented by the Apostles of Christ in the 1st century. (John 16:13). What's left to reveal after ALL TRUTH has been revealed in the 1st century and recorded for future generations? When a doctrine does not line up with the truth found in the Holy Scriptures........its a false doctrine.

John was responsible for writting the book of Revelation in the late 1st century while imprisoned on the Isle of Patmos. Martin Luther may have claimed something 1500 years after John lived.....but the information I presented did not come from any source other than the canon of the N.T. which existed from the 1st century forward.

What? Can't comprehend the Book, Chapter and Verse presented in post 33 of this thread.... that backed up the conclusion that Rome was being compared to the Whores of Biblical history?

Again.......logic points out the fact that the Whore could not have been Israel because History demonstrates that Biblical Israel was destroyed (no later than 65-75 A.D.) long before John drafted his book of symbolic text (A.D. 95) Revelation is addressing future events not historical events that would shortly take place (Rev.1) There was no nation of Israel from around 70 A.D. to the mid 20th century. was Israel responsible for Christian Tribulation and Suffering when it did not exist as a nation?
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