'Spartacus' Calls For Ditching Kavanaugh, 'Guilty Or Innocent'

I actually agree with that loony asswipe on this one. Brett is not fit for the SC.
My opinion has nothing to do with these accusations. Its his Judicial record.

Exactly. His views on the Fourth Amendment should give everyone pause, but that doesn't merit much discussion from the blind tribalists.
Kavanaugh has proven to be the best USSC Justice nominee out there - this according to SCHUMER prior to his being nominated.

The question regarding his meeting the standards of a USSC Justice does not include 'Will he side with Liberals'....

Why would you trust the word of man you believe to be committing treason!? Why the sudden change of heart?
So awesome!

He is innocent, but he was mad that we accused him of gang rape, so he can’t possibly be a judge!!!!

Dimms are pathetic, but now we know the new playbook.

Baseless accusations of rape.

Then when accused gets upset at being falsely accused, say they don’t have the temperament to serve.

Meanwhile, the cvnt from Hawaii and that Gillibrand bitch howl like hyenas every chance they get.

Do they have the temperament so serve in the Senate?

I guess Democraps believe that if they try to destroy your name, reputation, life's work, your future, your family, and your marriage by falsely accusing you, trying you, and finding you guilty on the public stage with the help of the Liberal media and then are called to testify before them you should be quiet, humble, meek, refuse to refute their claims, call for more investigations of yourself, and call for the end of your own Confirmation process because anything other than this will not help their (the Democrat's) case.

Had Kavanaugh been emotionless, had be been meek, the democrats would have slammed him for not defending himself more strenuously if he as innocent.

Heads I win, tails you loose... that's how the dems are playing it.
He's PROVEN to have lied to Congress. That's an eliminating offense.
Another false accusation from the left.

Marc, if we disqualified and kicked out of the federal government every politician who lied we would have absolutely ZERO people working for the Federal Govt today.

Your BS claim is equivalent to the ADMITTED SEXUAL ASSAULTER Corey 'Spartacus' Booker declaring Kavanaugh is not 'fit to serve' based on allegations of him doing what Booker has already admitted to doing!

If Booker seriously wants Kavanaugh gone for simply being accused of sexual assault then he and snowflakes like yourself should have no problem with Booker being kicked out of the Senate.
I actually agree with that loony asswipe on this one. Brett is not fit for the SC.
My opinion has nothing to do with these accusations. Its his Judicial record.

Exactly. His views on the Fourth Amendment should give everyone pause, but that doesn't merit much discussion from the blind tribalists.
Kavanaugh has proven to be the best USSC Justice nominee out there - this according to SCHUMER prior to his being nominated.

The question regarding his meeting the standards of a USSC Justice does not include 'Will he side with Liberals'....
Any Justice that supports the Patriot Act does not belong on the bench.
Any justice that supported the ACA and her unconstitutional acts does not belong on the bench.
The irony? He thinks govt assumptions are more important than our rights.
Fuck him. He is a big govt stooge.
He's PROVEN to have lied to Congress. That's an eliminating offense.

CIA Director John Brennan was nailed dead-to-rights committing perjury TWICE, and Democrats raised hell in his defense, despite his standing before Congress and admitting that he had committed perjury as well as having illegally spied on US citizens, US Senators, and USSC Justices.
- Snowflakes and Democrats argued / still argue this was no reason for him to be fired or indicted on charges for Perjury.

NIA Director Clapper was caught committing Perjury TWICE; yet, snowflakes and liberals argued non-stop about how they were not 'disqualifying' acts and how he did NOT deserve to be indicted / punished.

US AG Eric holder was caught committing perjury, and snowflakes defended him while Obama protected him from indictment despite a bi-partisan Congress Censuring him, making him the 1st Presidential Cabinet Member in US history to ever be Censured.

Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was identified in a US IG report as having committed pejury and was recommended for indictment, which Democrats / his fellow conspirators have refused to do while snowflakes continue to argue he did nothing wrong.

The same type of BS double-standards and justifications for despicable, criminal, hypocritical partisan acts is in large part what the American people rejected in 2016 and before, why Democrats lost the House, Senate, and WH.

You think Kavanaugh does not meet qualifications because you say he lied and that he deserves to be denied federal service for his actions?



GO FOR IT.....
Any Justice that supports the Patriot Act does not belong on the bench.
Any justice that supported the ACA and her unconstitutional acts does not belong on the bench.
The irony? He thinks govt assumptions are more important than our rights.
Fuck him. He is a big govt stooge.
You just described every Liberal Judge on the USSC. If your plan is to remove all of THEM for those same views, go for it.
Any Justice that supports the Patriot Act does not belong on the bench.
Any justice that supported the ACA and her unconstitutional acts does not belong on the bench.
The irony? He thinks govt assumptions are more important than our rights.
Fuck him. He is a big govt stooge.
You just described every Liberal Judge on the USSC. If your plan is to remove all of THEM for those same views, go for it.
Your logic is astounding!!
"Hey, there are other big govt stooges on the bench, why not one more?" :rolleyes:
Any Justice that supports the Patriot Act does not belong on the bench.
Any justice that supported the ACA and her unconstitutional acts does not belong on the bench.
The irony? He thinks govt assumptions are more important than our rights.
Fuck him. He is a big govt stooge.
You just described every Liberal Judge on the USSC. If your plan is to remove all of THEM for those same views, go for it.

The only solution is too add more to the bench. :lol:
Any Justice that supports the Patriot Act does not belong on the bench.
Any justice that supported the ACA and her unconstitutional acts does not belong on the bench.
The irony? He thinks govt assumptions are more important than our rights.
Fuck him. He is a big govt stooge.
You just described every Liberal Judge on the USSC. If your plan is to remove all of THEM for those same views, go for it.

The only solution is too add more to the bench. :lol:
Makes perfect sense, donit?
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Any Justice that supports the Patriot Act does not belong on the bench.
Any justice that supported the ACA and her unconstitutional acts does not belong on the bench.
The irony? He thinks govt assumptions are more important than our rights.
Fuck him. He is a big govt stooge.
You just described every Liberal Judge on the USSC. If your plan is to remove all of THEM for those same views, go for it.

The only solution is too add more to the bench. :lol:
Makes perfect sense, donit?

It does if you don’t possess any logic or integrity, but what else do you expect from blind partisans? This forum is a retard magnet.
I actually agree with that loony asswipe on this one. Brett is not fit for the SC.
My opinion has nothing to do with these accusations. Its his Judicial record.

Kavanaugh's judicial record is 95% in sync with Garland's. You need to be more specific what your objections are. He follows the Law, is that your problem? He was approved by the ABA too. The dems whine about his time in the Bush WH, but no one ever complained about his judicial record, the USSC supported all of his decisions. Think about it.
Any Justice that supports the Patriot Act does not belong on the bench.
Any justice that supported the ACA and her unconstitutional acts does not belong on the bench.
The irony? He thinks govt assumptions are more important than our rights.
Fuck him. He is a big govt stooge.
You just described every Liberal Judge on the USSC. If your plan is to remove all of THEM for those same views, go for it.

The only solution is too add more to the bench. :lol:

FDR did it....Dems love that kind of shit.
Your logic is astounding!!
"Hey, there are other big govt stooges on the bench, why not one more?" :rolleyes:
Not as astounding as Booker's and snowflakes':

"I sexually assaulted a woman back in high school - we don't need people like me in positions of great power, like the (Senate or) USSC. Just to be safe, guilty or not, let's deny Kavanaugh his Confirmation."

It does if you don’t possess any logic or integrity, but what else do you expect from blind partisans? This forum is a retard magnet.
Only a retard would agree with Booker, an admitted sexual harasser, who justifies himself remaining in the Senate after admitting to his own crime but claiming Kavanaugh should be denied his position, guilty or not.
Any Justice that supports the Patriot Act does not belong on the bench.
Any justice that supported the ACA and her unconstitutional acts does not belong on the bench.
The irony? He thinks govt assumptions are more important than our rights.
Fuck him. He is a big govt stooge.
You just described every Liberal Judge on the USSC. If your plan is to remove all of THEM for those same views, go for it.

The only solution is too add more to the bench. :lol:

FDR did it....Dems love that kind of shit.

And Republicans don’t? They love their big government just as much as the Democrats.
Your logic is astounding!!
"Hey, there are other big govt stooges on the bench, why not one more?" :rolleyes:
Not as astounding as Booker's and snowflakes':

"I sexually assaulted a woman back in high school - we don't need people like me in positions of great power, like the (Senate or) USSC. Just to be safe, guilty or not, let's deny Kavanaugh his Confirmation."


Shameless, and add to that De Nang Blumenthal....the VIETNAM WAR VET.....NOT...

These scumbags are saying Kavanaugh has no integrity. :21:

I love that the narrative changed to Kavanaugh's temprament...they made that move late Monday and pushed it hard yesterday, once they relaized the FBI investigation was going to wrap up too soon.

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