Spartacus: Gods of the arena

I think it will continue on with the story of "Before Spartacus". Much to be said and done there to build that up. I liked andy...but he was no spartacus. Kinda scrawny in my opinion. Hell, doctore had a better bod. But the attitude of Spartacus was spot on. Gannicus has that same attitude....but more lighthearted. Until now.
I think it will continue on with the story of "Before Spartacus". Much to be said and done there to build that up. I liked andy...but he was no spartacus. Kinda scrawny in my opinion. Hell, doctore had a better bod. But the attitude of Spartacus was spot on. Gannicus has that same attitude....but more lighthearted. Until now.

You Know these People in another Life?... ;)


There is only one episode left in season 2, too. They have to get where the gaul (can't spell his name..xerxus?) gets from semi cocky to cocky, long hair to short, non strut to strut and head honcho gladiator. Season 3 will carry it forth because in season 1, spartacus gets away. Whole new storyline with him gathering other slaves to form his army.
I think it will continue on with the story of "Before Spartacus". Much to be said and done there to build that up. I liked andy...but he was no spartacus. Kinda scrawny in my opinion. Hell, doctore had a better bod. But the attitude of Spartacus was spot on. Gannicus has that same attitude....but more lighthearted. Until now.

You Know these People in another Life?... ;)



lol. No. I can just add two and two. Moon. That spells five.:tongue:
I wish they would do a show on Suleiman The Magnificent. Now THAT's a story.
I hope the guy beefs up! Because casting a skin and bones character to play a great warrior and gladitor like Spartacus, could be jumping the shark!

Yeah I agree, but then, the Andy Whitfield didn't seem all that big:


THey should have hired AJ Hawk to be Spartacus

I loved that series so much, I just bought the complete first season on ebay for 22.99...and it's free shipping too. I wanna watch it again cuz I have to watch movies twice. I always miss something the first go round.
I kinda like Gannicus. He should have been Spartacus.
He's cool, but w/seem out of place much like Brad Pitt in Troy.

I loved that series so much, I just bought the complete first season on ebay for 22.99...and it's free shipping too. I wanna watch it again cuz I have to watch movies twice. I always miss something the first go round.

LOL, I bought 2 copies just so I could loan them out. I got a gut ache watching season 1 it's that powerful. I'd be up till 3am catching up on episodes LOL.
I loved that series so much, I just bought the complete first season on ebay for 22.99...and it's free shipping too. I wanna watch it again cuz I have to watch movies twice. I always miss something the first go round.

Much Gratitude.

I'll also, yet watch the series again, for my pleasure.

The Modernized-Elizabethan English is fantastic, but I'm afraid there are parts I miss.
An especially brutal finale.

I thought the finale was rather weak! Titus makes every right move and then so easily get lured into an ambush and that fight scene was rather a little too hollywood for me!

I also thought the end battle scene was poorly done and wasn't exciting.

I was glad they didn't kill off Gannicus though! Might see him in season three? Hopefully, he was a great character.
Yeah good points. The whole thing did seem a bit rushed. Maybe they tried to cram too much into a single episode.

The final scene (flashback) referenced the ending scene of season 1. Nice touch.
Coming January 2012. :thup:

Spartacus: Vengeance

On the heels of the bloody escape from the House of Batiatus that concluded "Spartacus: Blood and Sand", the gladiator rebellion continues and begins to strike fear into the heart of the Roman Republic in "Spartacus: Vengeance". Gaius Claudius Glaber and his Roman troops are sent to Capua to crush the growing band of freed slaves that Spartacus leads before it can inflict further damage. Spartacus is presented the choice of satisfying his personal need for vengeance against the man that condemned his wife to slavery and eventual death or making the larger sacrifices necessary to keep his budding army from breaking apart. Containing all of the blood-soaked action, exotic sexuality, and villainy and heroism that has come to distinguish the series, the tale of Spartacus resumes in epic fashion.

Spartacus - A STARZ Original Series
Yeah good points. The whole thing did seem a bit rushed. Maybe they tried to cram too much into a single episode.

The final scene (flashback) referenced the ending scene of season 1. Nice touch.

Saw it a while back..was pretty cool.

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