Spartacus introduces bill to legalize marijuana federally & expunge records of folks in jail for it!

10 years ago everyone was demonizing marijuana, now corporations are gonna make a zillion dollars off it

Man, I remember when pro-pot meant liberal.

Guess political views and what parties stand far are as fluid as genders.

What matters though is you have come around to this 60's liberal idea that pot isn't soo bad.

Personally I'm a small government fella so I think folks should be able to drink and smoke dope until they give up those rights by getting in trouble. I also support the death penalty for stoned/drunk drivers who hurt ppl.

We agree on the pot legalization. Do we agree on the death penalty thing?

Man, I remember when pro-pot meant liberal.

Guess political views and what parties stand far are as fluid as genders.

What matters though is you have come around to this 60's liberal idea that pot isn't soo bad.

Personally I'm a small government fella so I think folks should be able to drink and smoke dope until they give up those rights by getting in trouble. I also support the death penalty for stoned/drunk drivers who hurt ppl.

We agree on the pot legalization. Do we agree on the death penalty thing?
Quote: Man, I remember when pro-pot meant liberal.​
It actually means unable to understand chemical biology since natives in the marijuana jungles were giving it to their little boys and girls. The little boys' testicles never descended. They took it away from the little girls when they realized they'd never work hard when pot was around. The tribe is waning.. Wonder why tiny cajonies would cause that. /snicker

Quote: Personally I'm a small government fella so I think folks should be able to drink and smoke dope until they give up those rights by getting in trouble. I also support the death penalty for stoned/drunk drivers who hurt ppl.​
If you're a small government fella, why do you want to pay for people to be kept on life support for the latter half of their life when their brains become marijuana jelly? Tell me.


Man, I remember when pro-pot meant liberal.

Guess political views and what parties stand far are as fluid as genders.

What matters though is you have come around to this 60's liberal idea that pot isn't soo bad.

Personally I'm a small government fella so I think folks should be able to drink and smoke dope until they give up those rights by getting in trouble. I also support the death penalty for stoned/drunk drivers who hurt ppl.

We agree on the pot legalization. Do we agree on the death penalty thing?
Quote: Man, I remember when pro-pot meant liberal.​
It actually means unable to understand chemical biology since natives in the marijuana jungles were giving it to their little boys and girls. The little boys' testicles never descended. They took it away from the little girls when they realized they'd never work hard when pot was around. The tribe is waning.. Wonder why tiny cajonies would cause that. /snicker

Quote: Personally I'm a small government fella so I think folks should be able to drink and smoke dope until they give up those rights by getting in trouble. I also support the death penalty for stoned/drunk drivers who hurt ppl.​
If you're a small government fella, why do you want to pay for people to be kept on life support for the latter half of their life when their brains become marijuana jelly? Tell me.

a lot of pot talk. A couple separate ideas.

-I'm small government. We aren't outlawing soda for adults, alcohol for adults or pot for adults. Now if you go around drunk driving, I might flip the switch at your execution. i don't even like dope and mostly feel sorry for stoners, but hey, its not my call as long as they're not hurting me.

-The folks who claim pot and alcohol are the worst things ever or that pot never causes a death are wrong. I think your jungle story is a little extreme.

-marijuana jelly? Once again, I know some old hippies. You can tell the drunks from the stoners from the vicodin babies. But hey, being small government, I'm not outlawing ice cream and french fries which make ppl fat either. Anyways, since we've had socialist healthcare since at least the 50's and I don't see that changing I'm all for making stoners and ice cream eaters all pay for health insurance.
People hate the truth, and they hate the messenger. I've come to grips with that.

And which of my charity quilts they gonna execute me for making? The pink pinwheel one for a baby born with AIDs, or the red sails at night ship one made in honor of my brother the airplane mechanic on the Midway for a fatherless boy baby?

I have a list if you can't make up your mind which one to flip the switch on me for.
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Marijuana needs to be de-criminalized.

That one issue costs the Republican Party at least a million votes per election.

Plus, it's a stupid law. What's the point in having Laws that simply can NOT be enforced. It's stupid.

It's like when the Catholic Church was telling people the positions in which they could have sex. Or Prohibition.

Morality Laws are stupid beyond comprehension.

Plus, (And this is a BIG one) when it's illegal, the only people selling it are breaking the law and they know. And don't care.

They often sell hard drugs in the same room. And some of them are seriously dangerous.

Marijuana laws are stupidity in politics. And we, unfortunately, have the morality police in our midst. Wish we didn't. I'm about Objectivism. Not liberturdianism
about 650,000 people get arrested for possession of marijuana each year. That's a lot of tax payer money wasted

Not really, and I'll tell you why.

If guys are selling drugs on the corner, it actually decreases the property values in the area. Sure it costs money on the front side to enforce the laws and send the people to the can- but its more than saved on the back end to the property owners as well as the taxing authorities.
They can pass whatever bill they want... It will NEVER be legal in any place that I am in charge of. Not in my house, my car, on my property, etc...
It's either partial legal, fully legal, or decriminalized in 33 states and the number increases every year. The federal government should not prohibit the use or sale and go after hard drugs. More people use marijuana than cigarettes today. Carrying prohibition laws on the books that citizens and the police ignore makes a mockery of justice and the only ones to benefit is organized crime.
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What are the reasons people don't want it legalized? Against freedom? Against liberty? Proponents of big govt?

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