Spartacus introduces bill to legalize marijuana federally & expunge records of folks in jail for it!

What are the reasons people don't want it legalized? Against freedom? Against liberty? Proponents of big govt?

For me it’s a Morality issue. I do not believe that placing oneself in an altered mental state is a Moral act. That’s why I avoid drugs, alcohol, tobacco, most prescription pain meds and other similar substances.
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What are the reasons people don't want it legalized? Against freedom? Against liberty? Proponents of big govt?
Recreational Marijuana Use is a Sin
I'm sure the religious right has some Bible verse condemning it.
What are the reasons people don't want it legalized? Against freedom? Against liberty? Proponents of big govt?

For me it’s a Morality issue. I do not believe that placing oneself in an altered mental state is a Moral act. That’s why I avoid drugs, alcohol, tobacco, most prescription pain meds and other similar substances.
Many things result in an "altered mental state". Chocolate, too much coffee, not enough coffee, running a marathon, riding motocross, good sex, skydiving...just about any "thrill sport".
Many things result in an "altered mental state". Chocolate, too much coffee, not enough coffee, running a marathon, riding motocross, good sex, skydiving...just about any "thrill sport".

That’s why I avoid everything on your list
i'm not an anarchist, i believe in laws, but i also believe in common sense and the government hasn't been doing a good job in that department when it comes to cannabis

instead of gettin Prozac, my friends, you can get marijuana
give a guy a joint, a Jimi Hendrix album, and some pizza, and he will be entertained for hours, give him alcohol and he will drink and drive!
don't really care about natural rights, just like to whine about it in abortion threads?

I don’t believe in Rights, natural or otherwise. My stance on abortion has nothing to do with Rights, but rather Responsibilities and Consequences for poor choices.
if God created everything for us to use, how dare we try to eliminate a plant that cures cancer and prevent death?

marijuana is to rock n roll what beer is to baseball. if you took away beer from baseball you'd have riots in the audience

just as you can't prohibit folks from drinking beer, you cant prohibit folks from smoking pot. how's that for freedom of expression?!
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there were more alcohol-related deaths than heroin-related deaths in 2018, yet we hear there's a heroin epidemic in America
if God created everything for us to use, how dare we try to eliminate a plant that cures cancer and prevent death

I’m not a Christian, but if we’re gonna make this a religious, and especially a Christian thing... wasn’t God’s first command to Adam and Eve about avoiding the fruit of a particular plant? I don’t think it was marijuana (or apples), but I do believe this suggests than just because God created it doesn’t necessarily make it something we should use.
Have designated get high areas. The addict checks in, has all the drugs and marijuana they want until they die. It's a win win all around.
Legalize pot and eliminate all penalties for using lethal self defense against users. That's a law to celebrate. When a pot addict is killed that he or she has pot in the system is an absolute bar to prosecution of the killer.
Legalize pot and eliminate all penalties for using lethal self defense against users. That's a law to celebrate. When a pot addict is killed that he or she has pot in the system is an absolute bar to prosecution of the killer.
You are so full of shit it is bubbling out your ears.

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