Speak English please

We have this great thing called the internet now, it lets you have the ability to put documents online in different languages. You might have heard of it.

Yeah, and those programs cost money and are doomed to crashes. You didn't help out the business that prints their menus in English? I am sure we can use computer controlled digital signs for on the road as well right? More cost that we can't afford guy. You lose.

Also, who said anything about fifty different languages? Those are your imaginary numbers, not mine.

Oh wake the fuck up. As soon as some Hatian can't read something he is gonna call the ACLU and claim discrimination. Take a walk. ~BH
Have you checked the sign at your local hospital? They have a sign with at least 50 different lines in 50 different languages saying how they will provide interpreters. It's stupid.

Okay, and you have a problem with what a private business does why exactly? You know, for "conservatives", not acting really conservative in that aspect.
Yeah, and those programs cost money and are doomed to crashes



What are you talking about? You do know that there are plenty of free programs that work excellent, right? Openoffice is just one of many. And I've never had it crashed on me, ever.


And before you ask, no, the internet is not a series of tubes.
Have you checked the sign at your local hospital? They have a sign with at least 50 different lines in 50 different languages saying how they will provide interpreters. It's stupid.

Okay, and you have a problem with what a private business does why exactly? You know, for "conservatives", not acting really conservative in that aspect.

You just want to change the subject because you got owned bro. You still have not explained how we The Government and independent businesses are gonna pay for this bullshit? I mean, Are you fuckers really this blind? ~BH
Complete opposite, but thanks for playing.

Multiple cultures make a nation greater, not worse. Why? Do you want to go back to the culture where's just one religion with a great amount of people and they all believe the same thing? :cuckoo:

multiple cultures, not multiple languages, make a great nation. Multiple languages divide a nation and cultures. There are stores here in my own city that I have problems visiting because they don't speak English. That's wrong. Do we have a program to teach me Korean so I can shop at those stores, paid for by our government? No? Then why the hell are we paying to teach them English unless of course English is our official language.
Yeah, and those programs cost money and are doomed to crashes

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What are you talking about? You do know that there are plenty of free programs that work excellent, right? Openoffice is just one of many. And I've never had it crashed on me, ever.


And before you ask, no, the internet is not a series of tubes.

Yeah, You found a branch to cling to and all of a sudden you are right? Listen dipshit, you still have not explained the other issues and how you can pay for them. I am trying to be nice to you because you and I agree on alot, but now you're getting wise with me. Great, you gotta a fucking program, but what about everything else? ~BH
You just want to change the subject because you got owned bro. You still have not explained how we The Government and independent businesses are gonna pay for this bullshit? I mean, Are you fuckers really this blind? ~BH

Owned? For the love of god, don't use internet lingo if you don't even know how it works. Independent businesses and the government already put important documents in different languages, has the world come to an end?
Yeah, You found a branch to cling to and all of a sudden you are right? Listen dipshit, you still have not explained the other issues and how you can pay for them. I am trying to be nice to you because you and I agree on alot, but now you're getting wise with me. Great, you gotta a fucking program, but what about everything else? ~BH

Well like I just said in my last post, you seem to not realize that what you're complaining about, we already do.

Besides, do you know google now translates pages? So if a page is in say Russian, I can have it translated (for free!) and read it. :eek:
Have you checked the sign at your local hospital? They have a sign with at least 50 different lines in 50 different languages saying how they will provide interpreters. It's stupid.

Okay, and you have a problem with what a private business does why exactly? You know, for "conservatives", not acting really conservative in that aspect.

1) I'm not a conservative. 2) It's a public, non-profit hospital that has to put up those signs because of a law signed by Clinton. It's also why people who don't speak English were admitted to the hospital while they refused to admit my mother even though the machine she was hooked up to had the alarm going off every 5 minutes. By the time they did admit her after several trips to the emergency room, it was too late. The cancer had spread. She lived only 10 days.

AND FYI, I'm tired of being called a conservative by the liberals and a liberal by the conservatives. I'm a moderate. I actually think for myself. Surprise! It is possible.
You just want to change the subject because you got owned bro. You still have not explained how we The Government and independent businesses are gonna pay for this bullshit? I mean, Are you fuckers really this blind? ~BH

Owned? For the love of god, don't use internet lingo if you don't even know how it works. Independent businesses and the government already put important documents in different languages, has the world come to an end?

What business does bro, Fucking McDonalds in China? And no the World has not, but what is wrong with having one language and if you want to Learn or speak another than so be it? Much easier don't yuh think? Come on Dog, You're smart enough to admit that? ~BH
Yeah, You found a branch to cling to and all of a sudden you are right? Listen dipshit, you still have not explained the other issues and how you can pay for them. I am trying to be nice to you because you and I agree on alot, but now you're getting wise with me. Great, you gotta a fucking program, but what about everything else? ~BH

Well like I just said in my last post, you seem to not realize that what you're complaining about, we already do.

Besides, do you know google now translates pages? So if a page is in say Russian, I can have it translated (for free!) and read it. :eek:

What business does bro, Fucking McDonalds in China? And no the World has not, but what is wrong with having one language and if you want to Learn or speak another than so be it? Much easier don't yuh think? Come on Dog, You're smart enough to admit that? ~BH

Actually, as even Chanel admitted, a country's official language is English. Plenty of countries either have a majority speaking english population or have people who can help you if you speak language.

If you want to be really technical, we should all be speaking Chinese since they have the most speakers of anyone in the entire world for any language.
You really are off.....nothing on your cite about teaching me Korean for free. Nice try though.

I don't have the link on me at the moment. But just the other day, a friend was going on about how he's learning some second language thanks to a free online government program.

I don't get the whole point though of comparing us to other countries and then saying we're the best country in the world. We are unique, it what makes us America.
Actually, as even Chanel admitted, a country's official language is English. Plenty of countries either have a majority speaking english population or have people who can help you if you speak language.

I have no problem with that, but people should learn the language of their desire on their dime, or if someone offers the service for free, then great.

If you want to be really technical, we should all be speaking Chinese since they have the most speakers of anyone in the entire world for any language.

Uh no. That would inconvenience Americans who were born speaking English. Let me just say this, If I was to move to another Nation I would Learn the language myself and not for one minute expect businesses or Their Government to make things easier for me. When I go down to Mexico, I speak their language because I Learned 70% of it thank's to Rosetta Stone. ~BH
Actually, as even Chanel admitted, a country's official language is English. Plenty of countries either have a majority speaking english population or have people who can help you if you speak language.

I have no problem with that, but people should learn the language of their desire on their dime, or if someone offers the service for free, then great.

If you want to be really technical, we should all be speaking Chinese since they have the most speakers of anyone in the entire world for any language.

Uh no. That would inconvenience Americans who were born speaking English. Let me just say this, If I was to move to another Nation I would Learn the language myself and not for one minute expect businesses or Their Government to make things easier for me. When I go down to Mexico, I speak their language because I Learned 70% of it thank's to Rosetta Stone. ~BH

Okay, I'm all for letting them learn to speak English, but in all honesty, I don't know anyone that was born speaking any language, those skills come later in life. :D

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