Speak Only For Yourself, McCain

and TRUMP , he wants Free but FAIR Trade . You euros get rid of your tariffs and the USA gets rid of its tariffs and threat of tariffs Forkup .
[chuckle] --- go ahead and fight , ok with me Forkup .
I live in a world were compassion and empathy still mean something. If you find that fact funny, there's nothing I can say that will make you better. So I suggest you put on some jackboots, yell Heil Trump and goosestep around. That way people can recognize you for what you are. These are not American values anyone in his right mind would recognize. And I know for a fact that most of your grandparents not to mention the people who created your country would be appalled by someone like you.
and keep in mind that the TRUMP may just be slapping you 'eurotypes' around as a warning to see what you do . I mean , he may just be messing with you sensitive 'euro types' Forkup .
[chuckle] --- go ahead and fight , ok with me Forkup .
I live in a world were compassion and empathy still mean something. If you find that fact funny, there's nothing I can say that will make you better. So I suggest you put on some jackboots, yell Heil Trump and goosestep around. That way people can recognize you for what you are. These are not American values anyone in his right mind would recognize. And I know for a fact that most of your grandparents not to mention the people who created your country would be appalled by someone like you.

Yup, I live in a world where compassion and empathy mean something, so does common sense. So, you either live in the same world Obama lives in or your whole world is in your mothers basement.
and keep in mind that the TRUMP may just be slapping you 'eurotypes' around as a warning to see what you do . I mean , he may just be messing with you sensitive 'euro types' Forkup .
Hmms? So you think I'm sensitive when I don't appreciate that you make fun of my grandfather being kidnapped by one of the most horrible regimes ever to exist? As I said, you are in fact a pretty horrible person aren't you?
[chuckle] --- go ahead and fight , ok with me Forkup .
I live in a world were compassion and empathy still mean something. If you find that fact funny, there's nothing I can say that will make you better. So I suggest you put on some jackboots, yell Heil Trump and goosestep around. That way people can recognize you for what you are. These are not American values anyone in his right mind would recognize. And I know for a fact that most of your grandparents not to mention the people who created your country would be appalled by someone like you.

Yup, I live in a world where compassion and empathy mean something, so does common sense. So, you either live in the same world Obama lives in or your whole world is in your mothers basement.
Common sense say that Trump has not a shred of reason to raise tariffs on his allies because of unfair trade practices. Yet he did it, I suspect like so many other things because he thinks it will garner support from his base.
and TRUMP , he wants Free but FAIR Trade . You euros get rid of your tariffs and the USA gets rid of its tariffs and threat of tariffs Forkup .
The US had higher Tariffs then the EU even before Trump raised extra, so who exactly is being unfair?Countries ranked by Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, all products (%) The US was number 133 in 2016. Not a single European country had higher Tariffs.
----------------------------------- The TRUMP will make as many decisions as he likes based on his thinking . After all , thats why we Americans elected him Forkup .
and TRUMP , he wants Free but FAIR Trade . You euros get rid of your tariffs and the USA gets rid of its tariffs and threat of tariffs Forkup .
The US had higher Tariffs then the EU even before Trump raised extra, so who exactly is being unfair?Countries ranked by Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, all products (%) The US was number 133 in 2016. Not a single European country had higher Tariffs.
----------------------------------- The TRUMP will make as many decisions as he likes based on his thinking . After all , thats why we Americans elected him Forkup .
As I told you Heil Trump.
so with tariffs in place , are you euros starving yet Forkup , is pastry or 'curry' getting too expensive eh ??
It is good to know that you are anti-free trade.

I am for equitable trade. What we have and have had for some time is not free trade.

I am anti-globalist.

70 years of "shared values" guarantees nothing. Europe in particular has changed, and we no longer share some values.

If we are being fucked over so badly in our trade deals how is it that we are 106 months into the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in our country's history?

If we are being fucked over so badly in our trade deals how is it that there are 100 threads on this forum extolling the amazing economy we are now experiencing?
Because there is always room for improvement.

Its about principle


And yet when people like me suggest improvements anywhere else, we're told to fuck off to another country to find it. Funny that.

Maybe your definition of 'improvement' is off.


Surely you could write a better post than that.
For the most part I like McCain and have supported him here. This time I can't. McCain often has blamed the war protesters for extending for at least 2 years his stay as a POW. Seems now he reserves himself the right to undercut the president.
for years and years 'mcstain' has been scum , i remember him protecting 'mrobama' and praising mexican lettuce pickers .
can't you read . Trump proposes that everyone get rid of tariffs then the world will buy and sell tariff free . --------------------- As far as yer judgement on USA lack of QUALITY GOODS . Thats simply your opinion and let the fureigners buy what they like JoeB !!
can't you read . Trump proposes that everyone get rid of tariffs then the world will buy and sell tariff free . --------------------- As far as yer judgement on USA lack of QUALITY GOODS . Thats simply your opinion and let the fureigners buy what they like JoeB !!

Again, Trump isn't smart enough to understand Tariffs... He accused Canada of having Tariffs they don't have.

If everyone got rid of tarriffs, the US would get killed worse than we already are... poor quality and high price never works.
can't you read . Trump proposes that everyone get rid of tariffs then the world will buy and sell tariff free . --------------------- As far as yer judgement on USA lack of QUALITY GOODS . Thats simply your opinion and let the fureigners buy what they like JoeB !!

Again, Trump isn't smart enough to understand Tariffs... He accused Canada of having Tariffs they don't have.

If everyone got rid of tarriffs, the US would get killed worse than we already are... poor quality and high price never works.
---------------------------- thats YOUR OPINION , Trump is in charge , not YOU JoeB .
thats YOUR OPINION , Trump is in charge , not YOU JoeB .

Well, until they impeach him, anyway...

But alienating the rest of the industrialized world... probably a really dumb idea.
------------------------------------------ i really like telling those effete euros to get fecked . i've been telling them that for years but on a lower level . Now The TRUMP is telling the higher ups to get fecked and i like it JoeB. And by the way , the USA has more power and money and miltary then all those 7 put together JoeB .

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