Speaker Pelosi Slams Trump’s Proposed Merit-Based Immigration Plan as “Condescending”

Pelosi is not crazy. She is a Leftist Zealot and Fanatical Globalist Liberal.

They want illegals and lots of them in California so they can boost their numbers, have them included in The Census and Cheat The American People by getting an unfair advantage in The House of Reps with more Reps than they are entitled to, and they want more Federal Dollars than they are entitled to.

If they can pull off giving Illegals the vote too, they will do it. They do not care about American Citizens. They only care about their agenda, and gaining more power for themselves.
Nancy Pelosi does not have the fortitude to say that anything less than Open Borders is unacceptable to her. To do so, she would need to defend such a radical position that compromises the security and sovereignty of the US.

Liberals hate the notion that they are weak on security. Aside from “Blame Bush”, what has been Liberal strategy for protecting US? Capitulating to the UN and nation states who hate US is not a strategy either.

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