Special counsel John Durham's report into the Trump-Russia investigators

We set up a special counsel after the election was stolen to make sure Xiden's team couldn't sweep everything under the rug.

As long as every thing they did to preserve data was legal, no problem. Doesn't make sense because all the elections were run by the various states, but it's your story.
Durham was just a part of the delay-coverup for the entire DOJ. If anyone ever thinks the DOJ will ever hold itself responsible for anything, they're out of their mind.
Durham and Barr flew to Italy to investigate the still missing Joseph Mifsud, among other things. There could be very good reasons why it's taking so long......
As long as every thing they did to preserve data was legal, no problem. Doesn't make sense because all the elections were run by the various states, but it's your story.
You're the second one to misunderstand me about this. The point is that the special counsel had to be appointed while Trump was still in the White House so that Biden couldn't kill it. Otherwise it has nothing to do with the 2020 election .....that's a whole other issue.
You're the second one to misunderstand me about this. The point is that the special counsel had to be appointed while Trump was still in the White House so that Biden couldn't kill it. Otherwise it has nothing to do with the 2020 election .....that's a whole other issue.

As usual, you are confused.
Village idiot.
Durham and Barr flew to Italy to investigate the still missing Joseph Mifsud, among other things. There could be very good reasons why it's taking so long......
Yea he’s hiding in Moscow under a different name
You're the second one to misunderstand me about this. The point is that the special counsel had to be appointed while Trump was still in the White House so that Biden couldn't kill it. Otherwise it has nothing to do with the 2020 election .....that's a whole other issue.

Here I was thinking it was an allegory to the Obama administrations orders to preserve data while he was still president, my bad.

But to your point, no.....

"In May 2019, Attorney General William Barr tapped Connecticut’s U.S. Attorney John Durham to look into issues related to the origins of the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation. Durham is a longtime federal prosecutor in Connecticut known for leading organized crime and public corruption cases. In 2008, Attorney General Michael Mukasey tasked Durham with investigating the CIA’s destruction of interrogation videotapes. A year later, Attorney General Eric Holder expanded Durham’s mandate to examine CIA torture allegations.

Now, Durham is conducting a comprehensive global probe of the U.S. government’s investigation of the Trump Campaign’s connections with Russia. The investigation covers pre- and post-election matters, and reportedly has come to include the unmasking of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, and the basis for the intelligence community’s assessment that Russia tried to help Donald Trump win the election in 2016."


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