Special Master Not Working Out Well For Team Trumpy

They should exert 5th amendment protections until charged with a crime.
Lol. First. They filed In civil court. 5th amendment works differently there. In essence it can be construed as an admission off guilt in civil court. Second. The have the right to not say anything. The special master at that point will rule on the only available evidence at that point. Namely the claim of the government that the documents are classified.

The fifth amendment protects you against self-incrimination. It does not protect you from judges making inferences if you don't actually dispute the cliams being made.
Wait a minute: how would this administration determine that? This guy can't even exit a shower or ride a bike without hurting himself yet alone know what documents Trump had. He knows less about their classification status than you or I.
They ask the relevant agencies what is the known status of these documents. Regardless of what Trump claims, is the agencies were never told the docs were declassified, they remain classified.
I doubt anything will come of this. It's highly prejudicial to the defense.

They have raised excellent points. That is not obstruction.
Trump is clearly just trying to delay. He requested two weeks to examine 64 documents that the DoJ has already indicated they would return back to Trump due to privilege.

64 documents. Two weeks. To review documents that the DoJ doesn’t even want.

Trump asked for the special master and now refuses to help them. If Trump refuses to say that anything is declassified, the special master must accept the determination of the DoJ who says they are all classified.
Here is what the Traitor and his latest batch unpaid shyster's do not know or seem to understand. The Burden of Proof on the Traitor, NOT on the Government.

The burden of proof in on the Traitor to prove the documents stolen from the White House were NOT classified. The Government does not any burden of proof, they have already proven their case. The Traitor wanted the Special Master, and now that he has one he wanted, he still refuses to cooperate.
Yall gaw tit ass backwards, pal.
Lol. First. They filed In civil court. 5th amendment works differently there. In essence it can be construed as an admission off guilt in civil court. Second. The have the right to not say anything. The special master at that point will rule on the only available evidence at that point. Namely the claim of the government that the documents are classified.

The fifth amendment protects you against self-incrimination. It does not protect you from judges making inferences if you don't actually dispute the cliams being made.
Missed the sarcasm, did ya?
Trump asked for the special master and now refuses to help them. If Trump refuses to say that anything is declassified, the special master must accept the determination of the DoJ who says they are all classified.
Then it will be up to the DOJ to prove it.
Like I said before, this SM is to determine what information is privileged.
They ask the relevant agencies what is the known status of these documents. Regardless of what Trump claims, is the agencies were never told the docs were declassified, they remain classified.

He doesn't have to tell anybody anything. His policy was anything leaving the White House is automatically declassified, and when he took those documents home, he was still the President.
Then it will be up to the DOJ to prove it.
Like I said before, this SM is to determine what information is privileged.
Well looky here:

DOJ sees no need for the 'classified' documents to be included.


Earlier Tuesday, the Trump legal team urged the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit to leave in place Cannon’s order temporarily barring the Justice Department’s use of the classified records for its criminal investigation while Dearie completes his review. The department is also contesting Cannon’s requirement that it provide Dearie with classified materials for his review, saying such records are not subject to any possible claims of attorney-client privilege or executive privilege.
Well looky here:

DOJ sees no need for the 'classified' documents to be included.


Earlier Tuesday, the Trump legal team urged the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit to leave in place Cannon’s order temporarily barring the Justice Department’s use of the classified records for its criminal investigation while Dearie completes his review. The department is also contesting Cannon’s requirement that it provide Dearie with classified materials for his review, saying such records are not subject to any possible claims of attorney-client privilege or executive privilege.
President Trump doesn't owe the neo-groomers a fuckin' thing.

To the brownshirts: Prove the documents were classified. And then prove you didn't masturbate in Barron's closet while wearing Melania's lipstick and heels.

This is just a few crumbs for the 2% marginalized fringefucks that can't live in a world with Trump. The other 98% are seeing it for what it is - nazi shit.
I have no idea what your first line means.

The markings on the documents have to be assumed, at least initially, to be accurate. The president doesn't declassify material with a snap of his fingers. There is a process and part of that process would be the production of copies of such material WITHOUT classification markings on them. The authorities do NOT have to prove such materials are classified before acting (removing them to secure storage for evaluation). If they are found to be classified as their markings strenuously suggest, Trump will very likely be indicted for a blatant violation of the Espionage Act. If he has been found to willingly or knowingly have allowed unauthorized persons access to that material, the man will be spending some well-deserved time behind bars.

I can live in the same world as Trump as long as he never again sits in an elected office and is fully subject to the same laws as every other American. The man has committed multiple felony offenses in his day. That he is still walking around a free man is the height of injustice and, if you were worried about what makes this nation look bad to the rest of the world, you need look no further.
You have no idea WTF you're talking about. Even if by some slim chance this judge rules the documents were classified, it goes up the appeals court process all the way to the Supreme Court where it was previously ruled the President can flip a coin to decide what is classified and what isn't.
Trump is the one who has to decide whether he declassified them Ray. Catch up and get back to me sometime.

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