Special Master Not Working Out Well For Team Trumpy

Trump doesn’t have to prove anything in court. The Fedbois are the ones that have to prove their silly accusations.

The accusations are not silly. Stealing TS/SCI information and keeping it in an insecure location is a serious crime for which any other person in this country would already be behind bars.
Any of you idiotic Trumpians have an explanation for Trump having all that classified data to begin with? Go ahead, use your imagination. My thoughts lean towards how much the Russians and the Chinese would pay him for it.
Whataboutism, a political construct created by the left to defer their incompetence, lying and hypocrisy.
Yeah. Because airing your irrelevant greivences that have nothing to do with the thread is "leftists" fault.

Good grief.
Now that he has the “special master” he requested to deal with the documents he hoarded at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump is already finding reasons to object to the process. Specifically, Trump’s legal team is refusing to talk about whether, or how, Trump actually tried to declassify any of the documents by claiming it would harm their “defense to the merits of any subsequent indictment.”

In other words, they’re saying that if they reveal that Trump didn’t declassify any documents, that could subject him to legal action for stealing and holding highly classified information. Which he did. And if Trump claims he did declassify documents, then he’ll have to prove that in court, and also be subject to possible charges over failure to follow the law regarding declassification. Plus, there’s the whole perjury issue—and the issue of Trump obstructing an investigation—that comes with lying about the whole thing.

On top of this, the special master wants this whole thing wrapped up quickly. Trump objects, because that’s the last thing he wants. And finally, the special master wants to know something that’s been bothering everyone: Why is this thing in front of him instead of being dealt with by the court that issued the search warrant in the first place?

Careful what you wish for! Bigly!!!
Any of you idiotic Trumpians have an explanation for Trump having all that classified data to begin with? Go ahead, use your imagination. My thoughts lean towards how much the Russians and the Chinese would pay him for it.
They won't use their own imaginations, they will use the imagination of their media masters.
The Traitor is the Complainant in this action. He brought this action.

The U.S. Government is the Respondent. The body which is responding to the compaintant.

The burden of proof before the Special Master (Judge Raymond Dearie) is on the Complainant (The Traitor). It is up to the Traitor and his latest batch shysters to prove that the Traitor did declassify the documents that were illegally removed from The White House. The Traitor claims he had the power unto himself to declassify, he must prove he had such power.

Minus such proof, Judge Dearie will decide in favor of the Government.
The server itself wasn’t illegal. Having classified information was. However, the law requires the classified information to be knowingly mishandled.

Clinton can say she didn’t knowingly mishandled classified emails because she didn’t know tue emails were classified.
Server was in violation of security protocols.....

She did receive marked classified materials......even lied about it.

We now know from the FBI investigation that:

  • Clinton repeatedly claimed that she did not send or receive any information that was marked classified in her personal emails. That’s false. FBI Director James Comey said more than 2,000 emails contained classified information and some of them “bore markings indicating the presence of classified information.”

  • Clinton said her lawyers “went through every single email” to determine which ones were personal and which were work-related, and that they were “overly inclusive” in which ones were provided to the State Department. Comey said the lawyers did not go through every email. Rather, they used header information and search terms to identify work-related emails, and, he said, it is “highly likely” they missed some.
  • More than 2,000 of the 30,490 emails Clinton turned over to the State Department contained classified information, including 110 emails in 52 email chains that contained classified information at the time they were sent or received. (Most emails were retroactively deemed to contain classified information by the U.S. agencies from which the information originated.)
  • Some of the emails containing classified information “bore markings indicating the presence of classified information,” contrary to Clinton’s claims that none was marked classified. Comey did not provide a specific number.
  • “several thousand work-related emails” were not turned over to the State Department in 2014, but were recovered by the FBI. Comey said “three of those were classified at the time they were sent or received.”

Trump get out of jail free card:

At his July 5 press conference, Comey announced his office will not recommend that charges be brought against Clinton or her staff. But the FBI director said Clinton and her staff “were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.


Clinton's Handling of Classified Information - FactCheck.org
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Server was in violation of security protocols.....

She did receive marked classified materials......even lied about it.

We now know from the FBI investigation that:

  • More than 2,000 of the 30,490 emails Clinton turned over to the State Department contained classified information, including 110 emails in 52 email chains that contained classified information at the time they were sent or received. (Most emails were retroactively deemed to contain classified information by the U.S. agencies from which the information originated.)
  • Some of the emails containing classified information “bore markings indicating the presence of classified information,” contrary to Clinton’s claims that none was marked classified. Comey did not provide a specific number.
  • everal thousand work-related emails” were not turned over to the State Department in 2014, but were recovered by the FBI. Comey said “three of those were classified at the time they were sent or received.”

Trump get out of jail free card:


Clinton's Handling of Classified Information - FactCheck.org
Those markings were small (c) markings in the body of text. Since the rest of the email lacked markings, it was not properly indicated and could easily have been overlooked. It would have been a very weak case.

Furthermore, the State Dept later said that the information marked by those (c) notations was not classified at the time the email was sent. That makes it impossible to prosecute.

Tell them that, it is their claim. Maybe Trump should hire you as his lawyer
I assume they know. I also assume they have a preferred strategy or maybe a combination of strategies. And finally, we assume (and hope) they are willing to compromise strategy as required.
Those markings were small (c) markings in the body of text. Since the rest of the email lacked markings, it was not properly indicated and could easily have been overlooked. It would have been a very weak case.

Furthermore, the State Dept later said that the information marked by those (c) notations was not classified at the time the email was sent. That makes it impossible to prosecute.

As SOS, Clinton would be totally responsible for being aware of classifications as/or markings.

Among those several thousand work-related emails that were not provided to the State Department, Comey said, “three of those were classified at the time they were sent or received; one at the secret level and two at the confidential level. There were no additional top secret emails found.”
From what I was reading it's not proper to reveal if documents were classified or not, or even to acknowledge they exist at all.

I know it sounds weird, but that's what the law said.
I assume that it’s one thing (ie, ok) to say that “documents” were classified as opposed to identifying which document is classified.
As SOS, Clinton would be totally responsible for being aware of classifications as/or markings.
I heard a rumor that Obama had secretly declared that all info entering that server was declassified. That's how it works.
Trump's team made a good point on this:

However, Trusty complained that the former president shouldn’t have to mount a defense now to criminal charges that have yet to be filed.

“It’s not about gamesmanship. It’s about not having seen the documents. ... We are not in a position, nor should we be in a position at this juncture, to fully disclose a substantive defense,” Trusty said. “We shouldn’t have to be in a position to have to disclose declarations and witness statements.”

That prompted Dearie’s retort that the former president’s team was seeking to “have your cake and eat it.”

Jerked the judge a little bit, but it sounds like he knows Trusty is correct.

Special master to Trump’s lawyers: ‘You can't have your cake and eat it’
The retired judge is right in one sense. They couldn’t do this at trial. That would be an effort to have your cake and eat it too. But the retired may be wrong in trying to apply it before the government has even filed charges.
He didn't care for Hillary....I doubt it.
Doubt all you wish.

That is likely why the DoJ didn't prosecute because Obama had declassified all the info on her server. Then he waved his wand and classified his declassification which is why the public never learned about it.
Doubt all you wish.

That is likely why the DoJ didn't prosecute because Obama had declassified all the info on her server. Then he waved his wand and classified his declassification which is why the public never learned about it.
Nope......those type of 'infractions' come under prosecutorial discretion, are a waste of time and money, rarely prosecuted, and even more so if you're from the left in a left administration.

I don't see why sloppy handling should be anymore of an issue with Trump, unless He plans on running in 2024.

As SOS, Clinton would be totally responsible for being aware of classifications as/or markings.
The documents were not properly marked and therefore cannot be held responsible for being aware of the markings.

Furthermore, the emails in question did not contain confidential information as the State Dept said.

Your snipped refers to different emails that were "classified at the time they were sent" but not indicated that they were classified.

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