Special Master Not Working Out Well For Team Trumpy

Since the documents are labelled classified, then they're classified.

Easy peasy.
Only issue is, when declassified, they should have put a line through the word.
Declassification hasn't been determined, except in the court of public opinion.
Easy peasy
Only issue is, when declassified, they should have put a line through the word.
Declassification hasn't been determined, except in the court of public opinion.
Easy peasy
If Trump won’t say what is declassified (and he hasn’t), the special master has no controversy and they’re all classified.

Like I said. Easy peasy.
No, DOJ are the ones who the burden of proof lies with.

Yep, and the DOJ has records that are marked as classified. The default position is that they are classified. If they are not, then the one saying they are not will have to provide proof they are not.
Still hasn't been determined, legally.
It can’t be determined legally. The judge has no authority to determine what is and isn’t classified. That’s solely up to the executive branch.
I don't know how you get that. When they first raided his compound his staff said that anything that left the oval office was considered declassified.

I got it by reading news. A lot of news from different sources.

Again. He has to tell the originator of the document.
Yep, and the DOJ has records that are marked as classified. The default position is that they are classified. If they are not, then the one saying they are not will have to provide proof they are not.
And the one saying they are declassified is going to be getting himself in a boatload of trouble!
It can’t be determined legally. The judge has no authority to determine what is and isn’t classified. That’s solely up to the executive branch.

I'd say the DOJ can. DOJ sees no need in the SM wanting these doc's, that says loads.
I'd say the DOJ can. DOJ sees no need in the SM wanting these doc's, that says loads.
The DoJ is part of the executive branch.

I agree they can say what is classified.

There is no need for the SM to review these documents. It would only slow down the critical investigation. There’s zero point to having the SM review these documents.

Why would they need to see them?
The Traitor was and is a Draft Dodging Coward. He attacked Gold Star Families. He called the Men and Women of the U.S. Armed Forces who were Killed In Action, "Suckers and Losers". He told his former Chief of Staff and Marine General John Kelly that he did not and could not understand why Kelly's son died for his country. The Traitor sided with Putin against 17-U.S. Intelligence Agencies who agreed Russia interfered in the 2016 Election. We know that Manfart, the former Campaign Manager for the Traitor in 2016 was sending Voter Analytics to Russian Intelligence through G.R.U. Lieutentant Colonel Konstanin Kilimnik.

Fuck the Orange Faced 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Putin Butt Kissing Coward and Fuck his supporters and defenders,

I can and do agree with much of what you wrote. I agree Trump is an unequaled jackass. I agree he is unredeemable. It is part of the reason I didn’t vote for him in 2020.

But I do not agree he is a Draft Dodger. Those in my book are people who went to Canada, or otherwise avoided service without using the system to do so. Again the five deferments were all normal and routine. And I won’t call every college student of the era a draft dodger. I won’t do that.

I was shocked and surprised that Trump won in 2016. I was less surprised that he lost in 2020. I was surprised that Georgia turned against him, pleasantly surprised.

And the reason was that all you said about his character is true. Trump is as I said, an unequaled jackass. But I don’t think Draft Dodger is accurate.

Now, to play the rest of the coin. Even thought I think that Trump is an unequaled jackass. I will defend to the death his right to say those idiotic things. Even as President. The First Amendment is absolutely vital in my mind. The Constitution is bigger than any man. No matter how big of a jackass he may be. And I will always resist any effort to diminish the principles that it enshrines.
Invisible sources.... LOL from the Daily KOS... :auiqs.jpg: :spinner::auiqs.jpg: :spinner: :auiqs.jpg: :spinner:

Unsourced conjecture... And you all are pushing it as fact...
On the assumption that you live in the real world, you KNOW that this story has been reported by every news agency on the planet. It is NOT the fabrication of a biased left wing source. It's a god damned fucking fact. Get used to such things. Your orange jesus is headed for a life behind bars.

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