Special Master Not Working Out Well For Team Trumpy

Judge Cannon says that the special master should have input on classification status.
And knowing if some thing is classified or not is part of that process
So far, this is a civil courts issue.

And classification doesn't really seem to matter.

Whether any of the records seized from Trump’s home are classified may ultimately be a side issue. The Justice Department has emphasized that the three potential crimes it is investigating don’t hinge on whether the material held at Mar-a-Lago was classified.

So there's that, from my previously linked article.
Their one and only goal here is to try and stop him from running in 2024 and tarnish his name for the midterms if they can. They don't care about putting him in prison or anything like that, because they know what goes around comes around.
That's why a statement popped up several weeks ago claiming they 'wouldn't indict before the midterms'.
Funny, Obama used to defer everything until 'after the election'.
The government doesn't vs. the president, either. Biden really can't just give away the power of the executive privilege to the FBI's discretion like he allegedly did. He may be subpoena'd and questioned on that if anything goes to court. That could get interesting.
The DoJ is part of the executive branch. Their authority stems directly from Biden.

It's not "giving away power", this is exactly how the executive branch exercises their power within the executive branch.
So far, this is a civil courts issue.

And classification doesn't really seem to matter.

So there's that, from my previously linked article.
Cannon has disagreed with the DoJ's assertion that classification status doesn't matter. She has stated in her rulings that this is up for debate and the special master should make recommendations to her.

The special master is trying to do that, but can't because Trump is refusing to cooperate.
Correct, the President does, and he was President at the time he declassified the documents.
It's irrelevant that he was the president at the time. He isn't now. If there is a dispute about the classification of the documents, the judiciary cannot overrule the current executive. It would not be within their authority to do so. They must accept whatever determination the executive comes to.

If the executive claims these documents were never declassified, then the judge MUST accept that.
That's why a statement popped up several weeks ago claiming they 'wouldn't indict before the midterms'.
Funny, Obama used to defer everything until 'after the election'.

They wouldn't have the time anyhow. If they try and push this then it becomes a separation of powers issue and would have to be heard by the Supreme Court. It would take forever.
It's irrelevant that he was the president at the time. He isn't now. If there is a dispute about the classification of the documents, the judiciary cannot overrule the current executive. It would not be within their authority to do so. They must accept whatever determination the executive comes to.

If the executive claims these documents were never declassified, then the judge MUST accept that.

Wait a minute: how would this administration determine that? This guy can't even exit a shower or ride a bike without hurting himself yet alone know what documents Trump had. He knows less about their classification status than you or I.
Cannon has disagreed with the DoJ's assertion that classification status doesn't matter. She has stated in her rulings that this is up for debate and the special master should make recommendations to her.

The special master is trying to do that, but can't because Trump is refusing to cooperate.
Why isn't DOJ interesrted in pursuing classification related charges then?

Trump's team shouldn't be forced into testifying against themselves, either.
They wouldn't have the time anyhow. If they try and push this then it becomes a separation of powers issue and would have to be heard by the Supreme Court. It would take forever.
And I bet in the end it will.
Garland has opened a huge political can of worms, obviously prodded by his political cronies in both houses.
I don't see any political outcome here for the dems other than egg on their faces.
Wait a minute: how would this administration determine that? This guy can't even exit a shower or ride a bike without hurting himself yet alone know what documents Trump had. He knows less about their classification status than you or I.
It's irrelevant how the administration determined it.

If that's their claim, then the judge HAS to accept it.
It's irrelevant how the administration determined it.

If that's their claim, then the judge HAS to accept it.

They should exert 5th amendment protections until charged with a crime.
Why isn't DOJ interesrted in pursuing classification related charges then?

Trump's team shouldn't be forced into testifying against themselves, either.
I wouldn't say what the DOJ is and isn't interested in doing right now. I can't read their minds.

Trump is being asked specifically what official actions he took as president. The fifth amendment isn't limitless. I have a hard time accepting he can plead the fifth with regard to telling us what he did as president.
They should exert 5th amendment protections until charged with a crime.
They asked for the special master. Now they're refusing to cooperate with it.

This is perfectly clear that Trump is doing nothing but obstructing the judiciary and the judge should treat him as such.
Actually. I don’t have a problem with the deferments.

I’ve written this before. But they were all normal. Every college student got a deferment. That was normal. So there is nothing onerous or improper with that. Every student got them.

The last one was a temporary one. It called on Trump to be reevaluated in six months. At that time Vietnam was winding down. And in all honesty even if Trump had been drafted he wouldn’t have seen combat.

They never recalled Trump. They weren’t calling many anyway. Again. Nothing special. After the war they didn’t need as many soldiers. So few draftees were called. Most of the less than voluntary soldiers were join the army or go to jail categories.

I am writing this as a veteran myself. And I am no fan of Trump. But my opposition to Trump is based upon what he did. Not misrepresented or misapplied complaints and labels.

The Traitor was and is a Draft Dodging Coward. He attacked Gold Star Families. He called the Men and Women of the U.S. Armed Forces who were Killed In Action, "Suckers and Losers". He told his former Chief of Staff and Marine General John Kelly that he did not and could not understand why Kelly's son died for his country. The Traitor sided with Putin against 17-U.S. Intelligence Agencies who agreed Russia interfered in the 2016 Election. We know that Manfart, the former Campaign Manager for the Traitor in 2016 was sending Voter Analytics to Russian Intelligence through G.R.U. Lieutentant Colonel Konstanin Kilimnik.

Fuck the Orange Faced 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Putin Butt Kissing Coward and Fuck his supporters and defenders,
I wouldn't say what the DOJ is and isn't interested in doing right now. I can't read their minds.

Trump is being asked specifically what official actions he took as president. The fifth amendment isn't limitless. I have a hard time accepting he can plead the fifth with regard to telling us what he did as president.
I doubt anything will come of this. It's highly prejudicial to the defense.
They asked for the special master. Now they're refusing to cooperate with it.

This is perfectly clear that Trump is doing nothing but obstructing the judiciary and the judge should treat him as such.
They have raised excellent points. That is not obstruction.
The Traitor was and is a Draft Dodging Coward. He attacked Gold Star Families. He called the Men and Women of the U.S. Armed Forces who were Killed In Action, "Suckers and Losers". He told his former Chief of Staff and Marine General John Kelly that he did not and could not understand why Kelly's son died for his country. The Traitor sided with Putin against 17-U.S. Intelligence Agencies who agreed Russia interfered in the 2016 Election. We know that Manfart, the former Campaign Manager for the Traitor in 2016 was sending Voter Analytics to Russian Intelligence through G.R.U. Lieutentant Colonel Konstanin Kilimnik.

Fuck the Orange Faced 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Putin Butt Kissing Coward and Fuck his supporters and defenders,
On top of that, He still was a pretty good president and the democrats still fear Him.
They asked for the special master. Now they're refusing to cooperate with it.

This is perfectly clear that Trump is doing nothing but obstructing the judiciary and the judge should treat him as such.

Here is what the Traitor and his latest batch unpaid shyster's do not know or seem to understand. The Burden of Proof on the Traitor, NOT on the Government.

The burden of proof in on the Traitor to prove the documents stolen from the White House were NOT classified. The Government does not any burden of proof, they have already proven their case. The Traitor wanted the Special Master, and now that he has one he wanted, he still refuses to cooperate.
Here is what the Traitor and his latest batch unpaid shyster's do not know or seem to understand. The Burden of Proof on the Traitor, NOT on the Government.

The burden of proof in on the Traitor to prove the documents stolen from the White House were NOT classified. The Government does not any burden of proof, they have already proven their case. The Traitor wanted the Special Master, and now that he has one he wanted, he still refuses to cooperate.
From which university did you receive your Law Degree?

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