Specialty of the House


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
What is the best thing you can personally make - really from scratch - that gets consistently solid reviews?

I am admittedly a hack cook. The Mrs. is the real master, I just like to play with fire, but I make a damn good gyoza if I do say so myself.
I make an incredible Minestrone soup. No, I mean really incredible. The stuff of legends.

Same with tomato sauces for pasta or our really delicious home made pizza.

Indian food is another favorite although I don't usually make that.

But I don't do most of the cooking ... Mostly I just enjoy eating.
i have a wife who is a fantastic cook.....so i dont need to cook....but hey i can make some killer eggs over easy.....with toast....
Cooking is a women's job unless it is a serious profession or grilling, then it becomes a man's job.


I make the best version of chicken adobo you will ever taste.
Experience with charcoal cooking, high quality meats and a secret concoction of herbs and spices have made me a locally famous outdoor chef. My specialty is filet mignon...over two inches thick.

Gourmet bacon, over easy duck eggs, poached eggs, fluffy omelets, stuffed mushrooms, signature egg salad, flavored pancakes, crab cake patties and corn on the cob are among of my lesser accomplishments, but still complimented by most who sample them.

These make me the designated chef on occasional camping trips.

Dog so succulent and sweet that I've been invited back to the former White House.

I've eaten dog. It's not that big a deal.
If it ever disagreed with you, would you puke god? :dunno:

I'm probably most recognized for my hummus. I make it occasionally at home but mostly take it to parties and other gatherings.

My favorite to prepare are brined bacon-wrapped thick cut chops grilled with a honey/mustard/soy glaze. Or whatever glaze I happen to whip up.
I make a killer vegetable biryani. Though it is rather labor intensive it is well worth the effort.
My wife who is Croatian taught me how to pull this pastry so thin you can read through it.
I use it to make strudel, burek spanokopita etc
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Most people like my soup, though I never make it the same way twice. My latest oyster chowder recipe I am tweeking has probably gotten my best review so far. Have to admit, I have sort of impressed myself with that thing.

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