Spectacular Drop In Global Average Satellite Temperatures

A year-to-date look at 2016 global temperatures compared to recent years. Click image to enlarge.

It is going to take quite a drop in temperatures to bring 2016 down to below 2015.

Love the altered and manipulated data... the graph shows just how bad the deception is. just a 0.2 degrees between five years of plots and then magically... Bam a .5 degree rise
:ack-1::ack-1:GIGANTIC DROP:ack-1::ack-1: in June temperatures.........alarming to scientists actually..............

Check out the graph >> ‘Rapid cooling’ underway: Big Drop In Earth’s June Temperatures According To Satellites

Holy fuck....like Day After Tomorrow stuff............:uhh::uhh::uhh:

The alarmists are very alarmed as evidenced in this thread..........heads are exploding s0ns!!:bye1:

Check out the mental meltdowns and hysteria!! Rolling Thunder is about to do some cliff diving for Christsakes!!

But they tell us the science is "settled"!!

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This thread was thoroughly debunked in post #10.

Why do fools keep posting on a dead thread?
the push of fraudulent data is business as usual in post #10. Same old fudged information. Thanks for the laugh.
You deny the scientific facts cited in post #10, that came directly from the head of the UAH -
"June 2016 was the second warmest June in the satellite temperature record, according to Dr. John Christy, director of the Earth System Science Center at UAH." -
because you are a deluded denier cult troll, JustCrazy. Your crackpot conspiracy theories about all of the world's climate scientists "fudging" the temperature data are still quite insane.

Here's what was actually happening in June, no matter what the fraudulent lying OP said.

Heat Wave Lifts June to Record Hot Temp for U.S.
By Andrea Thompson
July 7th, 2016
Thanks in part to the epic heat wave that sent temperatures skyrocketing in the Southwest, last month was the hottest June on record for the contiguous U.S., the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Thursday. June was 3.3°F above the 20th century average of 68.5°F, beating the previous record set in 1933 by 0.2°F, according to NOAA data. That bump of heat comes amid what is the hottest year to date by a good margin for the world as a whole. Outside of the contiguous U.S., Alaska continued to bake, with its ninth warmest June and by far warmest year-to-date.

How temperatures across the contiguous U.S. compared to normal during June 2016. Click image to enlarge. Credit: NOAA

During that heat wave, temperatures in parts of California, Arizona and Nevada surged to record highs. Palm Springs, Calif., hit a record high 120°F on June 20. On the same day, Phoenix didn’t drop below 90°F, the earliest that has ever happened. The hot temperatures helped fuel devastating wildfires in California, including the Erskine Fire, which burned nearly 48,000 acres, destroyed more than 280 homes and killed two people. Globally, 2016 is far ahead of the top three hottest years — 2015, 2014, and 2010 — through the end of May and is poised to break the record. While an exceptionally strong El Niño helped boost temperatures, it is primarily the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gases that is making record hot months and years more and more likely, both globally and for the U.S.

A year-to-date look at 2016 global temperatures compared to recent years. Click image to enlarge.

Global warming is having outsize impact on Arctic temperatures, which are warming much faster than those for the planet as a whole. That includes Alaska, which is having its hottest year on record by far through the first half of the year. Alaska’s average temperature is a stunning 9°F above the 1925-2000 average for the January-June period. That bests the previous record warm January-June (in 1981) by 2.5°F. Temperatures across the state are expected to continue to be above-average for the rest of the summer.


Summers Getting Muggier As Dewpoint Temp Rises
The Shum Show: Hottest Summer on Record?
Alaska Continues to Bake, on Track For Hottest Year
isn't it obvious? I deny the data you present. I know it is adjusted. you know it is adjusted. Fraud. plain and simple bubba. You can post up all the arctic articles you want, the fact remains, you haven't shown CO2 did anything. See, you keep missing that relevant point in this debate.
The laughable claims of "warmest year" the past two or three years will be put into context when and if Trump wins, because Obama through out the fraud case in 2013 and hence gave Algore his famous "no controlling legal authority," essentially a license for the tippys to fudge and lie like never before. Indeed, the warmers and Hillary are both above all legal prosecutions... for now.

Equatorial pacific anomaly has dropped almost 4 deg C in five months. The Cold is ramping up.. looking like a significant La Niña is forming up.. The temp drop is not over..
The laughable claims of "warmest year" the past two or three years will be put into context when and if Trump wins, because Obama through out the fraud case in 2013 and hence gave Algore his famous "no controlling legal authority," essentially a license for the tippys to fudge and lie like never before. Indeed, the warmers and Hillary are both above all legal prosecutions... for now.

Yes, we get it, you're an antisemitic Stalinist fraud. And a Trump fan. There's no point in further insults, as there's no insult worse than "Trump fan."

And skook is yer best pal.

Meanwhile, here's more recent real science, showing yet another hockey stick.

Post-1950s warming in region unmatched in 1,000 years
Lead researcher, Dr Joelle Gergis from the University of Melbourne’s School of Earth Sciences, said the results showed there were no other warm periods in the past 1,000 years that matched the warming experienced in Australasia since 1950.

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A year-to-date look at 2016 global temperatures compared to recent years. Click image to enlarge.

It is going to take quite a drop in temperatures to bring 2016 down to below 2015.

something is very odd about this graph!

why doesnt the December anomaly match up with the January anomaly of the next year?
I see your point. The solution is that these are cumulative data. NONE of the year's ends line up with the next year's beginnings. I would guess that each year's increase is added to the next years baseline. A graph of 2015 versus the past did the exact same thing. This appears to be the same graph as just above. A better explanation would be more than worthwhile.


Figure 1. Cumulative departures from normal in global temperature (year to date) for each month in 2016. For the year thus far (January-May), 2016 is head and shoulders above all other years in the NOAA database going back to 1895. The six closest competitors are shown above. Image credit: NOAA/NCEI.

This came from
NOAA and NASA: Earth’s Warmest May on Record | Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog
The text says that 2016's May was 0.02C above 2015's. That is obviously not what this graph appears to display.

Here is the caption:

The key would have to be the term "Cumulative", though that still doesn't seem to explain the discontinuity.

Another graphic from the same site:


Figure 3. Departure from average for the global January-through-May temperature for the years 1880 - 2016. As is evident here and in Figure 1, this year has seen by far the warmest temperatures on record for the year-to-date period. Image credit: NOAA/National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).

The large step value here, between 2015 and 2016, makes sense. Each bar is the average January to May temperature for the labeled years.
I see your point. The solution is that these are cumulative data. NONE of the year's ends line up with the next year's beginnings. I would guess that each year's increase is added to the next years baseline. A graph of 2015 versus the past did the exact same thing. This appears to be the same graph as just above. A better explanation would be more than worthwhile.


Figure 1. Cumulative departures from normal in global temperature (year to date) for each month in 2016. For the year thus far (January-May), 2016 is head and shoulders above all other years in the NOAA database going back to 1895. The six closest competitors are shown above. Image credit: NOAA/NCEI.

This came from
NOAA and NASA: Earth’s Warmest May on Record | Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog
The text says that 2016's May was 0.02C above 2015's. That is obviously not what this graph appears to display.

Here is the caption:

The key would have to be the term "Cumulative", though that still doesn't seem to explain the discontinuity.

Another graphic from the same site:


Figure 3. Departure from average for the global January-through-May temperature for the years 1880 - 2016. As is evident here and in Figure 1, this year has seen by far the warmest temperatures on record for the year-to-date period. Image credit: NOAA/National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).

The large step value here, between 2015 and 2016, makes sense. Each bar is the average January to May temperature for the labeled years.
maybe it's made up. When data lines don't match up, implies tampering or fudged data may be present. One must throw the charts out.

A year-to-date look at 2016 global temperatures compared to recent years. Click image to enlarge.

It is going to take quite a drop in temperatures to bring 2016 down to below 2015.

Seriously? Baseline is 1881-1910? How accurate is THAT ? And why do you think they chose it?


A year-to-date look at 2016 global temperatures compared to recent years. Click image to enlarge.

It is going to take quite a drop in temperatures to bring 2016 down to below 2015.

Love the altered and manipulated data... the graph shows just how bad the deception is. just a 0.2 degrees between five years of plots and then magically... Bam a .5 degree rise

Hey Dude --- That BAM is the Super El Nino you lost your pants on. Or didn't. Or whatever.. Would it make you happy if they put up 1998 for comparison? It's NOT climate. It WILL happen again in 10 years or less.
Another recent study, Norris et al (2016). It points out that, based on satellite measurements going back to 1983, cloud feedback has been positive. Cloud bands have shifted further away from the equator, so the clouds reflect less sunlight than before, meaning more warming.

As usual, the observed science matches the model predictions. So, what we have there is another coffin nail for the lukewarmer position.

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The clouds... on the Equator where no American observes them.... LOL!!!

Meanwhile, there is precisely

NO breakout in canes

A year-to-date look at 2016 global temperatures compared to recent years. Click image to enlarge.

It is going to take quite a drop in temperatures to bring 2016 down to below 2015.

Love the altered and manipulated data... the graph shows just how bad the deception is. just a 0.2 degrees between five years of plots and then magically... Bam a .5 degree rise

Hey Dude --- That BAM is the Super El Nino you lost your pants on. Or didn't. Or whatever.. Would it make you happy if they put up 1998 for comparison? It's NOT climate. It WILL happen again in 10 years or less.
Was it really super? The climate changes and ENSO has cycles, some bigger than others... This El Niño was large but had no depth so there is not going to be a step up change in GAT.. The Climate engine, water, said nope... Its brother the sun said Nope....

A year-to-date look at 2016 global temperatures compared to recent years. Click image to enlarge.

It is going to take quite a drop in temperatures to bring 2016 down to below 2015.

Love the altered and manipulated data... the graph shows just how bad the deception is. just a 0.2 degrees between five years of plots and then magically... Bam a .5 degree rise

Hey Dude --- That BAM is the Super El Nino you lost your pants on. Or didn't. Or whatever.. Would it make you happy if they put up 1998 for comparison? It's NOT climate. It WILL happen again in 10 years or less.
Was it really super? The climate changes and ENSO has cycles, some bigger than others... This El Niño was large but had no depth so there is not going to be a step up change in GAT.. The Climate engine, water, said nope... Its brother the sun said Nope....

Well according to the that expert Trenberth, those ocean cycles are the planet's heat safety valve. Heat for those events comes right out of storage. So -- you'd EXPECT a step-up of some duration for all that "unsequestered" heat. Seemed to happen after 1998. But if we go NO-WHERE from here -- something's bad wrong with Climate Science. Because if all that heat can be released from storage and NOT rattle around in the Atmos for long -- Or disappear back into paths we haven't identified -- then --- the science is FAR from settled. OR the "step up" is being masked by cooling.
Where does Trenberth claim that heat coming out of the ocean would cause a step up in temperatures? Please show us the step up from the 1998 el Nino that you say "seemed to happen". Cause I see this:


The 98 el Nino is near the middle of the graph and is followed by several years of cooling temperatures.
Where does Trenberth claim that heat coming out of the ocean would cause a step up in temperatures? Please show us the step up from the 1998 el Nino that you say "seemed to happen". Cause I see this:


The 98 el Nino is near the middle of the graph and is followed by several years of cooling temperatures.

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