Speculate about why DeSantis shipped migrants from Texas to Martha's Vineyard when he has so many in florida.

He’s a racist and a bigot but the Rich Liberal Left on Martha’s Vineyard aren’t? Like most Racist Bigots on the Left, it’s “ NOT IN MY BACKYARD “ thinking the “ rules” apply to everyone except them
Those rich liberals treated the refugees with dignity

DeSantis treated them like scum to be humiliated
How'd that work out for them?

Do they now have a robust middle class thanks to Biden like policies?

Venezuela had decades of US approved military type dictators and all the wealth was concentrated in the elite. You're not too bright. Read some bloody history.
Venezuela had decades of US approved military type dictators and all the wealth was concentrated in the elite. You're not too bright. Read some bloody history.
I know that shameful history of the Twoparties.

Not sure your point. It sounds like you're arguing that the people of Martha's Vineyard should take the Venezuelan migrants in, yes?
I know that shameful history of the Twoparties.

Not sure your point. It sounds like you're arguing that the people of Martha's Vineyard should take the Venezuelan migrants in, yes?

Desantis sent them with brochures promising them jobs and cash.
I have no way of knowing why DeSantis did that. Of course the Democrats on here will jump on that issue. Give us your best guess or Theory of why he did that.

Humorous answers encouraged.
Unless you have been living under a rock you should know. DeStantis like Gerg Abbott both have presidential aspirations and nothing will earn them a bigger gold start with republican voters than doing something about immigration. Never mine the fact the states receiving the immigrants have lots of illegal immigrants already and a few dozen more will not change anything, it's the gesture that counts.
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I have no way of knowing why DeSantis did that. Of course the Democrats on here will jump on that issue. Give us your best guess or Theory of why he did that.

Humorous answers encouraged.
Just soliciting donations. The math isn't hard. Nothing inspires Trumpsters more than asinine political stunts.
OMG !!!!! How Horrendous! Illegals who don’t even belong here being shipped to one of the Richest and Prime areas of the Country!!
It’s even worse then the Holocaust! Wait…. Didn’t some Left Wing ASSHOLE compare it to the Holocaust??
OMG !!!!! How Horrendous! Illegals who don’t even belong here being shipped to one of the Richest and Prime areas of the Country!!
It’s even worse then the Holocaust! Wait…. Didn’t some Left Wing ASSHOLE compare it to the Holocaust??

Did they? I have no idea.
Look. I guess you lack the ability to grasp the concept.

The border states have been sayings for over a decade, that they are being destroyed by the policies of open borders. They cannot afford it, and they have screamed until they are blue in the face that something needs to be done about it.

People like you put fingers in your ears, said 'la la la la, racists' and simply ignored the problem.

All the while, living free of the burden of having to house and care for these people. Not only does that make you people segregationists, it makes you racists as well.

This is NOT being spiteful. This [sending illegals to liberal enclaves] is forcing you to live up to your high-sounding rhetoric. It is making you look like the hate-filled fools that you are.

Spiteful? Only because it puts you and your policy in the light of truth.
We do not have open borders. If we did we would have far more immigrants entering the country. Also most democrats about 53% do not support the idea of open boarders. Although there is much talk about open borders, there is no country that has true open borders. The EU comes the closest. Many countries have relatively free movement across borders but with some restrictions.

The ultimate solution in US may well be to increase the permeant residents that is the number of green holders. To get a green card, you would have to have a clean criminal record and can demonstrate you have a skill so you can be self supporting. The number of green cards issued would have to be high enough to reduce the amount illegal border crossing such that the border control could handle it.
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We do not have open borders. If we did we would have far more immigrants entering the country. Also most democrats about 53% do not support the idea of open boarders. Although there is much talk about open borders, there is no country that has true open borders. The EU comes the closest. Many countries have relatively free movement across borders but with some restrictions.

The ultimate solution in US may well be to increase the permeant residents that is the number of green holders. To get a green card, you would have to have a clean criminal record and can demonstrate you have a skill so you can be self supporting. The number of green cards issued would have to be high enough to reduce the amount illegal border crossing such that the border control could handle it.
WE DO have open borders. A closed border is in which less than 100 people per year cross illegally.

We already have 20 to 40 million illegals in this country.

This country has absolutely no real handle on keeping our borders secure.

What needs to be done is that we build a wall, man that wall with agents every 2 miles and we deport every border crosser to China.

We need to change the law of asylum from one that can be applied for at our border to one in which it is an absolute law that applications for asylum can ONLY occur at our embassy.

No exceptions.
WE DO have open borders. A closed border is in which less than 100 people per year cross illegally.

We already have 20 to 40 million illegals in this country.

This country has absolutely no real handle on keeping our borders secure.

What needs to be done is that we build a wall, man that wall with agents every 2 miles and we deport every border crosser to China.

We need to change the law of asylum from one that can be applied for at our border to one in which it is an absolute law that applications for asylum can ONLY occur at our embassy.

No exceptions.
Border are not just open or closed. Most border are open with restrictions. In a nation with thousands of miles of border, the tighter the restrictions, the more illegal immigration. The surest way to decrease illegal entry is reduce entry restrictions enough to allow the border control to do their job.

If we are going to have hundreds of thousands of new illegals coming into the country each year it's far better they be documented than undocumented. As it is now we have millions of them living in the shadows. The government doesn't know who they are or where they are.
Border are not just open or closed. Most border are open with restrictions. In a nation with thousands of miles of border, the tighter the restrictions, the more illegal immigration. The surest way to decrease illegal entry is reduce entry restrictions enough to allow the border control to do their job.

If we are going to have hundreds of thousands of new illegals coming into the country each year it's far better they be documented than undocumented. As it is now we have millions of them living in the shadows. The government doesn't know who they are or where they are.
That is just silly. It is like saying, "We have more prison escapes the more guards we put on the wall.".
Those rich liberals treated the refugees with dignity

DeSantis treated them like scum to be humiliated

They shipped them off to a military base within 24 hours and you consider them heros? What if DeSantis did that instead?

Indeed, that's what Abbott and DeSantis should be doing in future and you will hail them heros as well right?

Don't claim to be a sanctuary city if you won't offer sanctuary. That's a very simple concept that even the lowest of IQs should be able to grasp.
They shipped them off to a military base within 24 hours and you consider them heros? What if DeSantis did that instead?

Indeed, that's what Abbott and DeSantis should be doing in future and you will hail them heros as well right?

Don't claim to be a sanctuary city if you won't offer sanctuary. That's a very simple concept that even the lowest of IQs should be able to grasp.
Yes I do
That was the closest military base and had facilities to take in that many refugees

Yes, DeSantis should use available facilities instead of tricking them onto planes with promises of money, jobs and housing

America is better than that
Yes I do
That was the closest military base and had facilities to take in that many refugees

Yes, DeSantis should use available facilities instead of tricking them onto planes with promises of money, jobs and housing

America is better than that

(Some) Americans should be better than getting hysterical at the sight of 50 migrants and immediately shipping them out whilst 4.2 million have crossed the border since Biden has been in the WH and who have been shipped out at night under the cloak of darkness.

Is consistency a dirty word now?
(Some) Americans should be better than getting hysterical at the sight of 50 migrants and immediately shipping them out whilst 4.2 million have crossed the border since Biden has been in the WH and who have been shipped out at night under the cloak of darkness.

Is consistency a dirty word now?
The people of Martha’s Vineyard were not appalled at the migrants

They were appalled at how DeSantis treated them

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