Sperm donor to lesbian couple ordered to pay child support

I was speaking from a national standpoint, since were discussing national numbers. I actually have little interest in dong a state by state breakdown especially since it's not even a topic worth arguing about. since the bottom line is we both obviously disapprove of dead beat parents.
I find national numbers irrelevant, as child support is a state's jurisdiction.

What is called a dead beat parent, is not always a real dead beat. There are too many times when a bitter ex uses the courts to dick around with their ex with the child as the number one pawn in their game.

yes and no on the state jurisdiction, there is a federal agency which oversees the state agencies, primarily to ensure that dead beats don't change states and avoid paying up.

And a dead is a dead beat if they aren't paying up regardless of what the custodial parent is doing. That doesn't mean the custodial parent can't be in the wrong to, b/c obviously you are correct and many custodial parents are pieces of shit who play games using the child as a weapon; but that doesn't negate the non custodials responsibility to pay child support.

This is why, for example, a non custodial can't use the excuse of no visitation to not pay child support. Even if mom (using stereotypes) refuses the follow the visitation plan and won't let dad (again using stereotypes) see the kid , dad better keep his child support payments up because the court doesn't take that excuse. They are two separate issues.
And the dicking around with visitation is exactly why some states are now criminalizing that sort of shit.

Which is a great idea....the parent should get put in the can for that shit.
I find national numbers irrelevant, as child support is a state's jurisdiction.

What is called a dead beat parent, is not always a real dead beat. There are too many times when a bitter ex uses the courts to dick around with their ex with the child as the number one pawn in their game.

yes and no on the state jurisdiction, there is a federal agency which oversees the state agencies, primarily to ensure that dead beats don't change states and avoid paying up.

And a dead is a dead beat if they aren't paying up regardless of what the custodial parent is doing. That doesn't mean the custodial parent can't be in the wrong to, b/c obviously you are correct and many custodial parents are pieces of shit who play games using the child as a weapon; but that doesn't negate the non custodials responsibility to pay child support.

This is why, for example, a non custodial can't use the excuse of no visitation to not pay child support. Even if mom (using stereotypes) refuses the follow the visitation plan and won't let dad (again using stereotypes) see the kid , dad better keep his child support payments up because the court doesn't take that excuse. They are two separate issues.
And the dicking around with visitation is exactly why some states are now criminalizing that sort of shit.

Which is a great idea....the parent should get put in the can for that shit.

I 100% agree with you. In my mind keeping one parent out of a child's life can be just as damaging as failing to pay child support. We criminalize one behavior, why not the other?
What's the matter with Kansas, homophobia for one thing. What a dumb state, is it really possible that the red states are losing IQ points by the minute. Survey says, yes. Kansas is ahead on this count.

"Bauer and Schreiner had signed an agreement with Marotta releasing him from all responsibility for the child. The state argues in court documents that because a doctor did not handle the artificial insemination as required by state law, the contract among the three is not valid."

The law has nothing to do with "homophobia". That's just in your head.
Allowing stupid queers to adopt 8 children like this couple did needs to be investigated. That's the dumbest part of this crazy crap. Surely there are other parents that are adequate and equipped to adopt these children.
Allowing stupid queers to adopt 8 children like this couple did needs to be investigated. That's the dumbest part of this crazy crap. Surely there are other parents that are adequate and equipped to adopt these children.

If being stupid disqualified people from being parents we would die off as a species for lack of numbers.

Certainly you would have no children.
Allowing stupid queers to adopt 8 children like this couple did needs to be investigated. That's the dumbest part of this crazy crap. Surely there are other parents that are adequate and equipped to adopt these children.

If being stupid disqualified people from being parents we would die off as a species for lack of numbers.

Certainly you would have no children.

Surely there must be some heterosexual couples in the area who aren't going to turn queer and then straight during the life of the child. Stability might be a concern here. After all, the children are the top priority, not the homo agenda.
Allowing stupid queers to adopt 8 children like this couple did needs to be investigated. That's the dumbest part of this crazy crap. Surely there are other parents that are adequate and equipped to adopt these children.

If being stupid disqualified people from being parents we would die off as a species for lack of numbers.

Certainly you would have no children.

Surely there must be some heterosexual couples in the area who aren't going to turn queer and then straight during the life of the child. Stability might be a concern here. After all, the children are the top priority, not the homo agenda.

Are you suggesting the children be taken away?
I was speaking from a national standpoint, since were discussing national numbers. I actually have little interest in dong a state by state breakdown especially since it's not even a topic worth arguing about. since the bottom line is we both obviously disapprove of dead beat parents.
I find national numbers irrelevant, as child support is a state's jurisdiction.

What is called a dead beat parent, is not always a real dead beat. There are too many times when a bitter ex uses the courts to dick around with their ex with the child as the number one pawn in their game.

yes and no on the state jurisdiction, there is a federal agency which oversees the state agencies, primarily to ensure that dead beats don't change states and avoid paying up.

And a dead is a dead beat if they aren't paying up regardless of what the custodial parent is doing. That doesn't mean the custodial parent can't be in the wrong to, b/c obviously you are correct and many custodial parents are pieces of shit who play games using the child as a weapon; but that doesn't negate the non custodials responsibility to pay child support.

This is why, for example, a non custodial can't use the excuse of no visitation to not pay child support. Even if mom (using stereotypes) refuses the follow the visitation plan and won't let dad (again using stereotypes) see the kid , dad better keep his child support payments up because the court doesn't take that excuse. They are two separate issues.

That is not the primary purpose of the federal agency, in fact, that is not even mentioned as something they do on their website.

About the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) | Office of Child Support Enforcement | Administration for Children and Families

You really should stop making facts up, it makes you look like a con from Arkansas.
A higher percentage of women who are ordered to pay child support don't pay then men .

The difference is there are 100 men paying for every 1 woman so there are more men who don't pay.

The term dead beat dad is a joke.
As far as I know, only the custodial parent receives the child support, so the bias in the courts to give custody to mothers is still pretty obvious with your numbers.

unless the woman is a total loser sank.... but that should also say something about the father too.... he fucked her.

It tells me his last name is Walowitz.
If being stupid disqualified people from being parents we would die off as a species for lack of numbers.

Certainly you would have no children.

Surely there must be some heterosexual couples in the area who aren't going to turn queer and then straight during the life of the child. Stability might be a concern here. After all, the children are the top priority, not the homo agenda.

Are you suggesting the children be taken away?

They should never have been allowed to adopt in the first place.
Allowing stupid queers to adopt 8 children like this couple did needs to be investigated. That's the dumbest part of this crazy crap. Surely there are other parents that are adequate and equipped to adopt these children.

If being stupid disqualified people from being parents we would die off as a species for lack of numbers.

Certainly you would have no children.

Surely there must be some heterosexual couples in the area who aren't going to turn queer and then straight during the life of the child. Stability might be a concern here. After all, the children are the top priority, not the homo agenda.

Again, there are plenty of unstable straight people out there having kids..........
If being stupid disqualified people from being parents we would die off as a species for lack of numbers.

Certainly you would have no children.

Surely there must be some heterosexual couples in the area who aren't going to turn queer and then straight during the life of the child. Stability might be a concern here. After all, the children are the top priority, not the homo agenda.

Again, there are plenty of unstable straight people out there having kids..........

That's true, but that's not a concern here. The concern here are these two miscreants who are not fit to adopt children.
Surely there must be some heterosexual couples in the area who aren't going to turn queer and then straight during the life of the child. Stability might be a concern here. After all, the children are the top priority, not the homo agenda.

Again, there are plenty of unstable straight people out there having kids..........

That's true, but that's not a concern here. The concern here are these two miscreants who are not fit to adopt children.

The mother didn't adopt.

Surely there must be some heterosexual couples in the area who aren't going to turn queer and then straight during the life of the child. Stability might be a concern here. After all, the children are the top priority, not the homo agenda.

Again, there are plenty of unstable straight people out there having kids..........

That's true, but that's not a concern here. The concern here are these two miscreants who are not fit to adopt children.

One of them did not adopt the child... she went the baster baby rout..

If gays and lesbians want the same treatment as everyone else... then the other lesbian should be responsible for the child.... not the sperm donor.

However.. since this was not a legal sperm donation through a medical site....its being treated the same way as if some man got her pregnant.
Again, there are plenty of unstable straight people out there having kids..........

That's true, but that's not a concern here. The concern here are these two miscreants who are not fit to adopt children.

One of them did not adopt the child... she went the baster baby rout..

If gays and lesbians want the same treatment as everyone else... then the other lesbian should be responsible for the child.... not the sperm donor.

However.. since this was not a legal sperm donation through a medical site....its being treated the same way as if some man got her pregnant.

Does anyone know who the other 8 children belong to and how they got here?
That's true, but that's not a concern here. The concern here are these two miscreants who are not fit to adopt children.

The mother didn't adopt.


So the 8 children belong only to the mother? Where are the fathers?

Didn't say that. The child in question, as in the subject of this tread was not adopted by both mothers. One is the birth mother and the other is the adopted mother.

As to the status of the other biological parents - for some children it may be mothers and fathers and adoption, if all were born through sperm donation then the one woman would be the biological mother of them all. The stories are not quite clear about the other children as they don't seem to be the subject of state action.

Again, there are plenty of unstable straight people out there having kids..........

That's true, but that's not a concern here. The concern here are these two miscreants who are not fit to adopt children.

One of them did not adopt the child... she went the baster baby rout..

If gays and lesbians want the same treatment as everyone else... then the other lesbian should be responsible for the child.... not the sperm donor.

However.. since this was not a legal sperm donation through a medical site....its being treated the same way as if some man got her pregnant.

Just to comment on the highlighted post, in every state in the union (IIRC) there is something called the presumption of parentage. When a child is born to a married couple, then the spouses are automatically and legally assumed to be the parents of that child. In states where there exists Same-sex Civil Marriage, this same presumption of parenthood exists even if both parents are female.

The problem here is that because Kansas does not recognize same-sex Civil Marriage, they would not allow two female names to be placed on the birth certificate.

The mother didn't adopt.


So the 8 children belong only to the mother? Where are the fathers?

Didn't say that. The child in question, as in the subject of this tread was not adopted by both mothers. One is the birth mother and the other is the adopted mother.

As to the status of the other biological parents - for some children it may be mothers and fathers and adoption, if all were born through sperm donation then the one woman would be the biological mother of them all. The stories are not quite clear about the other children as they don't seem to be the subject of state action.


The mother is obviously not fit to be a mother, especially to 9 children. She has 8 children by men. She hooks up with a lesbian. She then introduces a stranger's sperm to impregnate herself. I think she's loco. I would think the safety and well being of the children should be the priority here.
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How have they been allowed to adopt so many when providing for them is so much of a financial challenge?
They were more financially stable than many Americans. One partner worked and made enough money that the other got to be a stay at home mom. However the breadwinner has recently developed a serious illness that leaves her unable to work.
If any disability check that they may draw isn't enough to keep the family going, maybe its time that the other adult in the family step up to the plate and go to work next.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


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