Spike Lee's tantrum over revitalization and investment in blighted neigborhoods

So, Lee wants a Harlem where there are burned out cars up on blocks in the street?

Is that about right? :lol:
Spike Lee stopped mattering a long time ago. He had his moment. Now he's just a race hustler like Al, Jesse, et. al.....
People look at gentrification as the neighborhood evolving. Of course racist Spike Lee doesn't see it that way.
So, Lee wants a Harlem where there are burned out cars up on blocks in the street?

Is that about right? :lol:

He wants the new people moving in to respect the 'culture'. You know the gang bagging, drug dealing, prostitution and stuff.
So, Lee wants a Harlem where there are burned out cars up on blocks in the street?

Is that about right? :lol:

He wants the new people moving in to respect the 'culture'. You know the gang bagging, drug dealing, prostitution and stuff.
So he can sell more racist shit and buy more bling for himself. He's a self-aggrandizing idiot...

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