Spineless Republicans


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Saudi crown prince 'ordered, monitored' killing of Khashoggi, Corker says - CNNPolitics

Spineless Republican Senators will piss and moan for a few days about how the Trump Administration is protecting the evil Saudi Arabian prince who headed up the murder of an American.

They will sputter and fume and threaten to not be nice to Trump. But, in the end, as usual, they will crawl back under their desks and mew meekly while Trump records another "win for America."

They should be ashamed of calling themselves Senators; Spineless wimps would be a better choice. Funny how they lost their spines when Trump was "elected."
Spineless Barry Hussein could have asked for the release of American journalist Robert Levinson allegedly held by Iran since 2007 but he was afraid to do it even when he showered Iran with two billion in extortion money. Barry could have ordered Cuba to turn over an escaped convicted Cop killer who fled there after hijacking a plane but he was afraid to do it when he opened diplomatic relations. To top it off spineless Barry invited the parents of a deserter and traitor, who was responsible for the deaths of four Soldiers, to the White House
Saudi crown prince 'ordered, monitored' killing of Khashoggi, Corker says - CNNPolitics

Spineless Republican Senators will piss and moan for a few days about how the Trump Administration is protecting the evil Saudi Arabian prince who headed up the murder of an American.

They will sputter and fume and threaten to not be nice to Trump. But, in the end, as usual, they will crawl back under their desks and mew meekly while Trump records another "win for America."

They should be ashamed of calling themselves Senators; Spineless wimps would be a better choice. Funny how they lost their spines when Trump was "elected."
Stop the pipeline and fracking so we can buy more oil from the Saudi’s!
Saudi crown prince 'ordered, monitored' killing of Khashoggi, Corker says - CNNPolitics

Spineless Republican Senators will piss and moan for a few days about how the Trump Administration is protecting the evil Saudi Arabian prince who headed up the murder of an American.

They will sputter and fume and threaten to not be nice to Trump. But, in the end, as usual, they will crawl back under their desks and mew meekly while Trump records another "win for America."

They should be ashamed of calling themselves Senators; Spineless wimps would be a better choice. Funny how they lost their spines when Trump was "elected."
Hillary Clinton campaign "I'm with Her" has DNC intern shot in the back, makes it look like a botched robbery, wallet and watch still on body. DC metro Police(not the brightest bunch in the US) befuddled because Seth exposed the corruption of the Hillary campaign and Debbie Wasamansnitch colluding to take votes away from Socialist Bernie Sanders. No Democrat Senators or liberal media are looking into this typical situation of anyone who crosses the Clintons...More to come..

Democratic National Committee staffer killed in Washington, D.C. shooting - NY Daily News
A voter database employee with the Democratic National Committee was shot and killed a block from his Washington, D.C. home, police said.
Seth Conrad Rich, 27, died early Sunday from multiple gunshot wounds sustained in an attack in Washington's Bloomingdale neighborhood. D.C. police have found little information to explain his death. At this time, there are no suspects, no motive and no witnesses in Rich's murder.
Must be nice to be a Democrat that can have someone murdered(Like Supreme Court Justice Scalia) and no one gives a shit, but a Muslim Brotherhood sycophant gets killed and the whole radical liberals go off on a tizzy.

Saudi crown prince 'ordered, monitored' killing of Khashoggi, Corker says - CNNPolitics

Spineless Republican Senators will piss and moan for a few days about how the Trump Administration is protecting the evil Saudi Arabian prince who headed up the murder of an American.

They will sputter and fume and threaten to not be nice to Trump. But, in the end, as usual, they will crawl back under their desks and mew meekly while Trump records another "win for America."

They should be ashamed of calling themselves Senators; Spineless wimps would be a better choice. Funny how they lost their spines when Trump was "elected."
Hillary Clinton campaign "I'm with Her" has DNC intern shot in the back, makes it look like a botched robbery, wallet and watch still on body. DC metro Police(not the brightest bunch in the US) befuddled because Seth exposed the corruption of the Hillary campaign and Debbie Wasamansnitch colluding to take votes away from Socialist Bernie Sanders. No Democrat Senators or liberal media are looking into this typical situation of anyone who crosses the Clintons...More to come..

Democratic National Committee staffer killed in Washington, D.C. shooting - NY Daily News
A voter database employee with the Democratic National Committee was shot and killed a block from his Washington, D.C. home, police said.
Seth Conrad Rich, 27, died early Sunday from multiple gunshot wounds sustained in an attack in Washington's Bloomingdale neighborhood. D.C. police have found little information to explain his death. At this time, there are no suspects, no motive and no witnesses in Rich's murder.
Must be nice to be a Democrat that can have someone murdered(Like Supreme Court Justice Scalia) and no one gives a shit, but a Muslim Brotherhood sycophant gets killed and the whole radical liberals go off on a tizzy.


Spineless Barry Hussein could have asked for the release of American journalist Robert Levinson allegedly held by Iran since 2007 but he was afraid to do it even when he showered Iran with two billion in extortion money. Barry could have ordered Cuba to turn over an escaped convicted Cop killer who fled there after hijacking a plane but he was afraid to do it when he opened diplomatic relations. To top it off spineless Barry invited the parents of a deserter and traitor, who was responsible for the deaths of four Soldiers, to the White House


Actually both spin the news at about the same rate, I would not waste a second watching either one. I get pissed when I am in a doctors office or other such place and they have one of them playing.
But but but Republicans...............

But...but...but...The Republicans hold both houses of congress and the White House...they have all the power to do anything they want till Jan.

Do try and keep up.

Hillary and Obama are gone, they are no a danger to the country...move on with your life.
I know! Let’s fly the Saudis a pallet of cash. How does two billion dollars sound! Good punishment hey?
Saudi crown prince 'ordered, monitored' killing of Khashoggi, Corker says - CNNPolitics

Spineless Republican Senators will piss and moan for a few days about how the Trump Administration is protecting the evil Saudi Arabian prince who headed up the murder of an American.

They will sputter and fume and threaten to not be nice to Trump. But, in the end, as usual, they will crawl back under their desks and mew meekly while Trump records another "win for America."

They should be ashamed of calling themselves Senators; Spineless wimps would be a better choice. Funny how they lost their spines when Trump was "elected."
What spines do you speak of?
Saudi crown prince 'ordered, monitored' killing of Khashoggi, Corker says - CNNPolitics

Spineless Republican Senators will piss and moan for a few days about how the Trump Administration is protecting the evil Saudi Arabian prince who headed up the murder of an American.

They will sputter and fume and threaten to not be nice to Trump. But, in the end, as usual, they will crawl back under their desks and mew meekly while Trump records another "win for America."

They should be ashamed of calling themselves Senators; Spineless wimps would be a better choice. Funny how they lost their spines when Trump was "elected."
Hillary Clinton campaign "I'm with Her" has DNC intern shot in the back, makes it look like a botched robbery, wallet and watch still on body. DC metro Police(not the brightest bunch in the US) befuddled because Seth exposed the corruption of the Hillary campaign and Debbie Wasamansnitch colluding to take votes away from Socialist Bernie Sanders. No Democrat Senators or liberal media are looking into this typical situation of anyone who crosses the Clintons...More to come..

Democratic National Committee staffer killed in Washington, D.C. shooting - NY Daily News
A voter database employee with the Democratic National Committee was shot and killed a block from his Washington, D.C. home, police said.
Seth Conrad Rich, 27, died early Sunday from multiple gunshot wounds sustained in an attack in Washington's Bloomingdale neighborhood. D.C. police have found little information to explain his death. At this time, there are no suspects, no motive and no witnesses in Rich's murder.
Must be nice to be a Democrat that can have someone murdered(Like Supreme Court Justice Scalia) and no one gives a shit, but a Muslim Brotherhood sycophant gets killed and the whole radical liberals go off on a tizzy.


You know that is still crazy don't you? It won't get more believable by repeating it. It will just remind everybody of the dumb shit you will fall for.
Saudi crown prince 'ordered, monitored' killing of Khashoggi, Corker says - CNNPolitics

Spineless Republican Senators will piss and moan for a few days about how the Trump Administration is protecting the evil Saudi Arabian prince who headed up the murder of an American.

They will sputter and fume and threaten to not be nice to Trump. But, in the end, as usual, they will crawl back under their desks and mew meekly while Trump records another "win for America."

They should be ashamed of calling themselves Senators; Spineless wimps would be a better choice. Funny how they lost their spines when Trump was "elected."

Fuck all foreigners...let them all die at the hands of their government...fuck it. Not our problem, not our fight.
Grab your balls.

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