Spineless Republicans

Saudi crown prince 'ordered, monitored' killing of Khashoggi, Corker says - CNNPolitics

Spineless Republican Senators will piss and moan for a few days about how the Trump Administration is protecting the evil Saudi Arabian prince who headed up the murder of an American.

They will sputter and fume and threaten to not be nice to Trump. But, in the end, as usual, they will crawl back under their desks and mew meekly while Trump records another "win for America."

They should be ashamed of calling themselves Senators; Spineless wimps would be a better choice. Funny how they lost their spines when Trump was "elected."

Fuck all foreigners...let them all die at the hands of their government...fuck it. Not our problem, not our fight.
Grab your balls.
Good point. We all know Trump doesn't have the balls to deal with Saudi Arabia or with Putin. He is a milquetoast wimp!!! Bigly!!!

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