Spinsters In The World

aris, I've been with the same woman for 32 years and we've had three children who are grown-ups now and they are very good people.

I'm satisfied that I've done the best I can do with my life and now I'm just waiting for God to be done with me so he can take me home.

I hope that you will some day reach that same level of satisfaction that I have reached.

If being alone is what makes you happy, then you are welcome to it.

35 yrs, got you beat
3 children, 2 grandchildren

I'm not alone, that is your assumption.

Like I say, you know nothing
You come on here and sing the praises of abortion and condemn all men as woman-beaters and condemn all Christians as gay-bashers, so you really are responsible for your own image on this forum.

you jump to unfounded conclusions.

I don't praise abortions, but I do agree with a woman's right to choose.
I don't condemn all men, but I do know men who are brutes to women. I've seen too many women beaten, disfigured, mutilated, raped and killed.
Not all christians are gay bashers, but it angers me when anyone is so small minded to hate gays for the way they are born. They are just people.

You assume because I support the rights of women and LGBT that I am a fallen women or some such thing in your mind. I've seen what happens to both and cannot fathom how that is right in anyone's mind.

I care for people, I don't hate or discard them for being different or non-conformists.

I might not believe in organized religion, but I have more humanity that too many that call themselves "christian". I've seen some the worst of this world and what mankind can do, but I still believe in hope for a future. I believe there is place for all people of all faiths, ideas and orientations.

I believe in freedom, the right for everyone to be unique in thought and action.

You obviously like to judge others, even when you are wrong.

You really don't know so you make things up and try to label others.
aris, I've been with the same woman for 32 years and we've had three children who are grown-ups now and they are very good people.

I'm satisfied that I've done the best I can do with my life and now I'm just waiting for God to be done with me so he can take me home.

I hope that you will some day reach that same level of satisfaction that I have reached.

If being alone is what makes you happy, then you are welcome to it.

35 yrs, got you beat
3 children, 2 grandchildren

I'm not alone, that is your assumption.

Like I say, you know nothing
You come on here and sing the praises of abortion and condemn all men as woman-beaters and condemn all Christians as gay-bashers, so you really are responsible for your own image on this forum.

you jump to unfounded conclusions.

I don't praise abortions, but I do agree with a woman's right to choose.
I don't condemn all men, but I do know men who are brutes to women. I've seen too many women beaten, disfigured, mutilated, raped and killed.
Not all christians are gay bashers, but it angers me when anyone is so small minded to hate gays for the way they are born. They are just people.

You assume because I support the rights of women and LGBT that I am a fallen women or some such thing in your mind. I've seen what happens to both and cannot fathom how that is right in anyone's mind.

I care for people, I don't hate or discard them for being different or non-conformists.

I might not believe in organized religion, but I have more humanity that too many that call themselves "christian". I've seen some the worst of this world and what mankind can do, but I still believe in hope for a future. I believe there is place for all people of all faiths, ideas and orientations.

I believe in freedom, the right for everyone to be unique in thought and action.

You obviously like to judge others, even when you are wrong.

You really don't know so you make things up and try to label others.
You are the most judgmental person on this forum aris.

You judge men as abusers and you celebrate the fact that women can have abortions and the father of the child has no power to stop them.

You judge Christians as intolerant gay-bashers, small-minded, whatever.

You are a typical liberal who claims she is "open-minded" to others and "tolerant" while being the EXACT OPPOSITE.
And you don't have a husband, so I wasn't wrong about that.

What did I do pack him in a box and store him in the attic?

You really don't know and are wrong

So what next are you going to "assume"
Who are all these women who are "mutilated, abused and killed" by men? What kind of nightmare world do you live in?

And then you talk about all the gay children you have saved from "Christian" parents who were abusing them.

Your stories defy belief, frankly, and if they are true then you are living in the worst kind of slum.
And you don't have a husband, so I wasn't wrong about that.

What did I do pack him in a box and store him in the attic?

You really don't know and are wrong

So what next are you going to "assume"
Who are all these women who are "mutilated, abused and killed" by men? What kind of nightmare world do you live in?

And then you talk about all the gay children you have saved from "Christian" parents who were abusing them.

Your stories defy belief, frankly, and if they are true then you are living in the worst kind of slum.

This is your case? Because I had remarkable and wide ranging life I am unbelievable?
Not everyone lives a mundane life.
You really wouldn't believe the rest of my life than either.

Small mind
And you don't have a husband, so I wasn't wrong about that.

What did I do pack him in a box and store him in the attic?

You really don't know and are wrong

So what next are you going to "assume"
Who are all these women who are "mutilated, abused and killed" by men? What kind of nightmare world do you live in?

And then you talk about all the gay children you have saved from "Christian" parents who were abusing them.

Your stories defy belief, frankly, and if they are true then you are living in the worst kind of slum.

This is your case? Because I had remarkable and wide ranging life I am unbelievable?
Not everyone lives a mundane life.
You really wouldn't believe the rest of my life than either.

Small mind
You describe the world you live in as unending violence against women and gay people, and while you condemn that violence, you celebrate violence against the unborn.

Perhaps you should realize that all this violence has warped you, and that is why you have lost your conscience. In the world you live in, the strong are violent against the weak, and you are part of that tragic cycle of violence yourself, since you are violent against those who are weaker than you.
And you don't have a husband, so I wasn't wrong about that.

What did I do pack him in a box and store him in the attic?

You really don't know and are wrong

So what next are you going to "assume"
Who are all these women who are "mutilated, abused and killed" by men? What kind of nightmare world do you live in?

And then you talk about all the gay children you have saved from "Christian" parents who were abusing them.

Your stories defy belief, frankly, and if they are true then you are living in the worst kind of slum.

This is your case? Because I had remarkable and wide ranging life I am unbelievable?
Not everyone lives a mundane life.
You really wouldn't believe the rest of my life than either.

Small mind
You describe the world you live in as unending violence against women and gay people, and while you condemn that violence, you celebrate violence against the unborn.

Perhaps you should realize that all this violence has warped you, and that is why you have lost your conscience. In the world you live in, the strong are violent against the weak, and you are part of that tragic cycle of violence yourself, since you are violent against those who are weaker than you.

The only ones I have even been "violent" to are those who tried to take my life, and even then I put them down, I did not do vital harm to them. I let others judge them.

I've spent most of my adult life protecting others, not being part of the violence.

You don't understand at all.
some will get sperm donor to father their children instead of dealing with the petty problems and bad habits of men.
some women like their freedom and don't want the baggage of a man.
If you have a problem getting along with men, the problem isn't them it's you.

How little you know

Are you spinster?

Not at all.
I do know that too many women face, financial, emotional, verbal and physical abuse by men. I understand why women are content to find their own happiness without the burden of a husband. More women are keeping their freedom in life and living on their own terms.

Those are minority of women, most women want to marry and to have a husband.
aris, I've been with the same woman for 32 years and we've had three children who are grown-ups now and they are very good people.

I'm satisfied that I've done the best I can do with my life and now I'm just waiting for God to be done with me so he can take me home.

I hope that you will some day reach that same level of satisfaction that I have reached.

If being alone is what makes you happy, then you are welcome to it.

35 yrs, got you beat
3 children, 2 grandchildren

I'm not alone, that is your assumption.

Like I say, you know nothing
You come on here and sing the praises of abortion and condemn all men as woman-beaters and condemn all Christians as gay-bashers, so you really are responsible for your own image on this forum.

you jump to unfounded conclusions.

I don't praise abortions, but I do agree with a woman's right to choose.
I don't condemn all men, but I do know men who are brutes to women. I've seen too many women beaten, disfigured, mutilated, raped and killed.
Not all christians are gay bashers, but it angers me when anyone is so small minded to hate gays for the way they are born. They are just people.

You assume because I support the rights of women and LGBT that I am a fallen women or some such thing in your mind. I've seen what happens to both and cannot fathom how that is right in anyone's mind.

I care for people, I don't hate or discard them for being different or non-conformists.

I might not believe in organized religion, but I have more humanity that too many that call themselves "christian". I've seen some the worst of this world and what mankind can do, but I still believe in hope for a future. I believe there is place for all people of all faiths, ideas and orientations.

I believe in freedom, the right for everyone to be unique in thought and action.

You obviously like to judge others, even when you are wrong.

You really don't know so you make things up and try to label others.
You are the most judgmental person on this forum aris.

You judge men as abusers and you celebrate the fact that women can have abortions and the father of the child has no power to stop them.

You judge Christians as intolerant gay-bashers, small-minded, whatever.

You are a typical liberal who claims she is "open-minded" to others and "tolerant" while being the EXACT OPPOSITE.

It seems that she is jew not christian and now she is bashing men.
aris, I've been with the same woman for 32 years and we've had three children who are grown-ups now and they are very good people.

I'm satisfied that I've done the best I can do with my life and now I'm just waiting for God to be done with me so he can take me home.

I hope that you will some day reach that same level of satisfaction that I have reached.

If being alone is what makes you happy, then you are welcome to it.

35 yrs, got you beat
3 children, 2 grandchildren

I'm not alone, that is your assumption.

Like I say, you know nothing
You come on here and sing the praises of abortion and condemn all men as woman-beaters and condemn all Christians as gay-bashers, so you really are responsible for your own image on this forum.

you jump to unfounded conclusions.

I don't praise abortions, but I do agree with a woman's right to choose.
I don't condemn all men, but I do know men who are brutes to women. I've seen too many women beaten, disfigured, mutilated, raped and killed.
Not all christians are gay bashers, but it angers me when anyone is so small minded to hate gays for the way they are born. They are just people.

You assume because I support the rights of women and LGBT that I am a fallen women or some such thing in your mind. I've seen what happens to both and cannot fathom how that is right in anyone's mind.

I care for people, I don't hate or discard them for being different or non-conformists.

I might not believe in organized religion, but I have more humanity that too many that call themselves "christian". I've seen some the worst of this world and what mankind can do, but I still believe in hope for a future. I believe there is place for all people of all faiths, ideas and orientations.

I believe in freedom, the right for everyone to be unique in thought and action.

You obviously like to judge others, even when you are wrong.

You really don't know so you make things up and try to label others.
You are the most judgmental person on this forum aris.

You judge men as abusers and you celebrate the fact that women can have abortions and the father of the child has no power to stop them.

You judge Christians as intolerant gay-bashers, small-minded, whatever.

You are a typical liberal who claims she is "open-minded" to others and "tolerant" while being the EXACT OPPOSITE.

It seems that she is jew not christian and now she is bashing men.


You have a passion for being wrong most of the time.
some will get sperm donor to father their children instead of dealing with the petty problems and bad habits of men.
some women like their freedom and don't want the baggage of a man.
If you have a problem getting along with men, the problem isn't them it's you.

How little you know
I know about you. You're "little Miss I'm going to have an abortion and no man can stop me so la, de, da!"

No man in his right mind would touch you.

And here we have it, the essence of misogyny. There are as many unmarried men as unmarried women. The fact that women are unmarried doesn't make them 'wrong.' Not any more than not being married makes a man wrong. One reason a woman might remain unmarried is because there are far fewer educated men than educated women. An educated woman isn't very interested in marrying an uneducated man.
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aris, I've been with the same woman for 32 years and we've had three children who are grown-ups now and they are very good people.

I'm satisfied that I've done the best I can do with my life and now I'm just waiting for God to be done with me so he can take me home.

I hope that you will some day reach that same level of satisfaction that I have reached.

If being alone is what makes you happy, then you are welcome to it.

35 yrs, got you beat
3 children, 2 grandchildren

I'm not alone, that is your assumption.

Like I say, you know nothing
You come on here and sing the praises of abortion and condemn all men as woman-beaters and condemn all Christians as gay-bashers, so you really are responsible for your own image on this forum.

you jump to unfounded conclusions.

I don't praise abortions, but I do agree with a woman's right to choose.
I don't condemn all men, but I do know men who are brutes to women. I've seen too many women beaten, disfigured, mutilated, raped and killed.
Not all christians are gay bashers, but it angers me when anyone is so small minded to hate gays for the way they are born. They are just people.

You assume because I support the rights of women and LGBT that I am a fallen women or some such thing in your mind. I've seen what happens to both and cannot fathom how that is right in anyone's mind.

I care for people, I don't hate or discard them for being different or non-conformists.

I might not believe in organized religion, but I have more humanity that too many that call themselves "christian". I've seen some the worst of this world and what mankind can do, but I still believe in hope for a future. I believe there is place for all people of all faiths, ideas and orientations.

I believe in freedom, the right for everyone to be unique in thought and action.

You obviously like to judge others, even when you are wrong.

You really don't know so you make things up and try to label others.
You are the most judgmental person on this forum aris.

You judge men as abusers and you celebrate the fact that women can have abortions and the father of the child has no power to stop them.

You judge Christians as intolerant gay-bashers, small-minded, whatever.

You are a typical liberal who claims she is "open-minded" to others and "tolerant" while being the EXACT OPPOSITE.

It seems that she is jew not christian and now she is bashing men.
Your thread is about bashing women:rolleyes:.
And you don't have a husband, so I wasn't wrong about that.

What did I do pack him in a box and store him in the attic?

You really don't know and are wrong

So what next are you going to "assume"
Who are all these women who are "mutilated, abused and killed" by men? What kind of nightmare world do you live in?

And then you talk about all the gay children you have saved from "Christian" parents who were abusing them.

Your stories defy belief, frankly, and if they are true then you are living in the worst kind of slum.

This is your case? Because I had remarkable and wide ranging life I am unbelievable?
Not everyone lives a mundane life.
You really wouldn't believe the rest of my life than either.

Small mind
You describe the world you live in as unending violence against women and gay people, and while you condemn that violence, you celebrate violence against the unborn.

Perhaps you should realize that all this violence has warped you, and that is why you have lost your conscience. In the world you live in, the strong are violent against the weak, and you are part of that tragic cycle of violence yourself, since you are violent against those who are weaker than you.

The only ones I have even been "violent" to are those who tried to take my life, and even then I put them down, I did not do vital harm to them. I let others judge them.

I've spent most of my adult life protecting others, not being part of the violence.

You don't understand at all.

......oh, brother...

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