R&E Spiritual Warfare

lol!!! So the situation is that I clearly want us to work together only if that's what u definitely want too. You have not expressed a clear preference for working together so I will wish u a good day....

--and cheers!
You're defining 'spiritual warfare' as dealing with the struggle between right and wrong....

...No! You can't just proclaim it to be so. If two people argue about religion then by definition, there's a right and a wrong.

Can you provide an example that can prove otherwise?...

There's a couple issues that are related to the topic that you can work on. If you have something to say abour 'spiritual warfare', I'll respond if I consider it worthwhile.

I don't recognize or acknowledge this spiritual warfare. Convince me.
I couldn't be trapped in a classroom with 28+ kiddos. I could but we would have quizzes on Jingle Bells, Batman smells and Robin laid an egg. I can tell you from experience that there are significant disagreements to be had with some regarding Batman smelling. Additionally, I have received phone calls in the past concerning my having taught that song. As it turns out, even though there are major disagreements about Batman smelling, the Batmobile losing a wheel causing the Joker to get away, some do like to see what kind of reaction adults give when they share that newfound knowledge. I admire the work that you all do and I know that I could not do it.
Now, "Batman smells" has some possibilities. As an essay warm-up I would ask the students to argue whether or not Batman has phantosmia. Hmmm. That could work in science class, too. Or, maybe the person who wrote the song has phantosmia? Great educational possibilities. :)
Cast out the scorner (scoffer), and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease. Proverbs 22:10
Do i believe spiritual warfare is going on.. Yes. I do. What evidence do i have? The suddenness with which these things happened....BLM/Antifa, injustice, Election 2016 and the rage, violence, screaming to heaven, Abortion, even moving into the category of state determination only seems to have increased the determination to kill the unborn, preborn, just born and soon the post birth infants, as per the policies of democrat governor Northam of Virginia....a pediatrician by trade. NOT profession. And the delight that pro baby killers shout gleefully, 'we love dead babies' or some such vile nonsense. The level of corruption in this nation from top to bottom. Things happening that we never would have thought possible in America.

Do i know spiritual warfare goes on between beings of spirit and spirit beings and man? Yes. A number of instances in God's word. In Daniel, Judges, Kings. Chronicles and more.
Do you think that this is occurring? If so, how and in what way?

I have come across this multiple times in the last few months. I have heard it from those that are Christian and those that would probably fall under spiritual/pagan/eclectic witches.

I am respectfully requesting that people don't post a lengthy list of biblical verses or tell anyone else what they should or should not believe. If you feel compelled to use all of those verses, then hide them under "spoiler" so it becomes an option.
Yes. Most aren't even in the fight. The vast majority have embraced deception because ....

the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be"
We have no way of determining whether your story is exactly true. Science can explain how there's a tendency to exaggerate or even create stories of the supernatural. There's also a good possibility of a person's mind creating the story after the violence has happened. Tell us more details about the story. It can serve as a basis from which to start.

If there's any truth in your story then I would suggest you detected a very troubled persona that indicated he would act out violently. After all, you didn't predict he would shoot his wife. And you didn't even predict a shooting, while it would have been probable that acting out with violence would most likely involve a gun.

There has never been a verified and proven incident that has involved the supernatural. You shouldn't attempt to do that before you consider any number of logical explanations.

However, the anecdotal attempts to prove spiritual events are usually interesting to hear.

There has never been a verified and proven incident that has involved the supernatural

Can you prove and verify that there has NEVER been an incident that didn't involve the supernatural?
There has never been a verified and proven incident that has involved the supernatural

Can you prove and verify that there has NEVER been an incident that didn't involve the supernatural?
You can win your point by suggesting one and then having it accepted by the majority!

And wouldn't that turn this thread into a worthwhile discussion! I would accept practically anything claimed in the bibles to be supernatural, providing it contradicts modern science in some way.
You can win your point by suggesting one and then having it accepted by the majority!

And wouldn't that turn this thread into a worthwhile discussion! I would accept practically anything claimed in the bibles to be supernatural, providing it contradicts modern science in some way.

That's the thing, I wouldn't a majority, or even just you to believe something I say. You are free not to believe anything supernatural but that would in no way make it false.
That's the thing, I wouldn't a majority, or even just you to believe something I say. You are free not to believe anything supernatural but that would in no way make it false.
Did you just crash and burn?
How about we go with big flood and the big boat? You've already got Meriweather and Ding!
Did you just crash and burn?
How about we go with big flood and the big boat? You've already got Meriweather and Ding!

I never crash and burn. I just make my points and make them solidly. By definition anything "supernatural" is unexplainable. You take everything as an insult and I've not insulted you at all. My experiences are just that, my experiences. I can't explain them to you and even if I tried you'd call me crazy. Lighten up and accept that there are things we as humanity may never understand.
I never crash and burn. I just make my points and make them solidly. By definition anything "supernatural" is unexplainable. You take everything as an insult and I've not insulted you at all. My experiences are just that, my experiences. I can't explain them to you and even if I tried you'd call me crazy. Lighten up and accept that there are things we as humanity may never understand.
I'll allow you to get out of this.
We both know that no supernatural could ever be proven.
I'll allow you to get out of this.
We both know that no supernatural could ever be proven.

You don't get to "allow" me anything. I just said the supernatural can't be proven. You need to step your maturity level.
The Dead Sea Scrolls: It's in the War Scroll, it best describes the war between light & darkness as an information war. Rules of War of the Children of "Light" (meant: knowledge & truth)
against the Children of "Darkness" (Lies, Ignorance, & Folly)
The messenger of Light as the
Arch Strategist in this battle, can be found in
Dan 10:21 & War Scroll4Q471

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