SPLC secretly admits white genocide its real and has been planned for a while


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
While the image above is not from the SPLC themselves, apparently the video below is, although they did not want this talk getting out.

The presenter calls it “demographic dispossession of White people” but that’s really just a euphemism for White genocide, which these guys think is just great.


SPLC Secretly Admits White Genocide Is Real and Has Been “Planned for a While”

This is one of the lowest, leftist scum bag groups out there. They are right along the same lines as Trump haters, ATIFA because well they indoctrinate those who have weak minds. Take Social Justice warfare where WHITE IDIOTS hate being white well here' s one of the reasons behind whites hating being white........ Weak minds fall right into this trap... LMFAO
Wiki lists the SPLC's agenda and "civil rights" comes in third. American taxpayers contribute more than 300 million dollars every year to a left wing race based propaganda arm of the democrat party. No surprises here.
The video for those too lazy or stupid to click a link

So their goal is white minority by 2040...and they are discussing how to stop "pushback". But be aware it isnt just white genocide that democrats are counting on for power. Look at Florida. They are crowing about an influx of Puerto Ricans to displace native born Floridians but what are they really counting on to tip Florida democrat?

"The same studies indicate that felons were highly likely to register as Democrats (African-Americans, a strong voting bloc for Democrats, are a disproportionate share of the disenfranchised.) That would probably be enough to cover Mr. Trump’s 113,000-vote margin of victory from 2016, and perhaps quite a bit more."

New York Times Feb 1, 2018

Article written by Nate Cohen

The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated anyone hashtagging Merry Christmas, Christmas Eve, Christmas or Jesus a far right-wing extremist.

Breitbart writes, “According to the SPLC, its ‘hate tracker’ tracks accounts that represent a ‘range of extremists,’ from ‘conspiratorial fringes of mainstream conservatism to outright white supremacists.'”

The hate tracker notes that #Christmas is the second highest trending hashtag it tracked on Christmas Eve, with @whitehouse and @potus being among the four top Twitter handles mentioned with the hashtag.

SPLC Labels Christmas Extremism
It was recently revealed that the Southern Poverty Law Center has 69 million dollars in offshore tax-havens.


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