SPLC ( southern poverty law center) Is A Left-Wing Hate Group


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The only people that recognize this group of hate are the alt left...

Democracy dies in darkness.
August 22, 2017



Attached is a recent article entitled, “D.C. Shooter A Fan of the Southern Poverty Law Center.” D.C. Shooter a Fan of the Southern Poverty Law Center - Liberty. Not only has the SPLC’s hate list been connected to at least two incidents of attempted mass murder, the article quotes Mark Potock, of the SPLC, who admitted in an interview: "Our criteria for a 'hate group,' first of all, have nothing to do with criminality, or violence, or any kind of guess we're making about 'this group could be dangerous.' It's strictly ideological."(Emphasis added.)

In the attached recent article, “A Demagogic Bully: The Southern Poverty Law Center Demonizes Respectable Political Opponents as ‘Hate Groups’—And Keeps its Coffers Bulging,” Mark Pulliam catalogues the SPLC’s biased listings and describes how the SPLC unfairly uses a loose definition to smear ideological opponents having no connection to actual hate groups:

“The SPLC claims that ‘917 Hate Groups are currently operating in the U.S.,’ but offers only vague guidelines for what qualifies: ‘groups hav[ing] beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.’ Despite its insinuations that hate groups are inherently violent, the SPLC casts a much broader net: ‘Hate group activities can include criminal acts, marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafletting or publishing’ (emphasis added). Indeed, some of the SPLC’s hate ‘groups’ are merely websites or publications—even record labels and religious sects.

“This fluid and subjective definition allows the SPLC to lump together—along with the KKK, neo-Nazis, and racist skinheads—such varied groups as religious-liberty advocates Alliance Defending Freedom and Liberty Counsel; pro-family groups such as the World Congress of Families; Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy; the David Horowitz Freedom Center and, separately, its Jihad Watch program; Ann Corcoran’s Refugee Resettlement Watch; and many immigration-reform groups, including CIS and FAIR.” (See A Demagogic Bully.)


Freedom Center Confronts CNN’s Blacklist
August 23, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s hate map is one of the longest running malicious jokes on the internet. And by running its smears against the Freedom Center, CNN has gone full fake news.

What other list of hate groups can boast that it actually caused a terrorist attack?

The SPLC’s hate map can.

Floyd Lee Corkins admitted that he chose his target for the Family Research Center shooting spree by using the SPLC’s map.

What other list of hate groups added a target of an ISIS terror attack after the attack.

Only the SPLC’s hate map.

The SPLC announced it was adding Bosch Fawstin, award-winning ex-Muslim cartoonist and longtime illustrator at Front Page Magazine, after the Garland cartoon contest that he won was targeted by ISIS in its first attack in America.

What other list of hate groups featured a sign outside a bar as one of its groups.

Until its closing, the SPLC hate map included Casa D’Ice signs, the sign hanging outside a Pennsylvania bar, in its list of hate groups.


But no matter how many times the media gets burned by SPLC hoaxes, it never learns it lesson.

CNN and the SPLC
This is the opinion I held when I was a white nationalist when I was younger screaming about how much I hated colored people.
You are such a liar. The terms "white nationalist" and "colored people" aren't contemporaneous.

Your posts are like shopping carts people leave scattered around parking lots. Unsightly, but nothing worse than that, they just make you spend a little more time to get what you came for.
But no matter how many times the media gets burned by SPLC hoaxes, it never learns it lesson.
The media knows Potok is a charlatan. But to them (most of) he provides an easy peg to hang the narrative on.

The lovely Jewess Heidi Bireich once called me and said she was looking for a quote from me to answer my critics who call me a racist. "You know", she sniveled, "to be fair". I have a quote for you, Heidi, I said. Go fuck yourself.

The only people that recognize this group of hate are the alt left...

Democracy dies in darkness.
August 22, 2017



Attached is a recent article entitled, “D.C. Shooter A Fan of the Southern Poverty Law Center.” D.C. Shooter a Fan of the Southern Poverty Law Center - Liberty. Not only has the SPLC’s hate list been connected to at least two incidents of attempted mass murder, the article quotes Mark Potock, of the SPLC, who admitted in an interview: "Our criteria for a 'hate group,' first of all, have nothing to do with criminality, or violence, or any kind of guess we're making about 'this group could be dangerous.' It's strictly ideological."(Emphasis added.)

In the attached recent article, “A Demagogic Bully: The Southern Poverty Law Center Demonizes Respectable Political Opponents as ‘Hate Groups’—And Keeps its Coffers Bulging,” Mark Pulliam catalogues the SPLC’s biased listings and describes how the SPLC unfairly uses a loose definition to smear ideological opponents having no connection to actual hate groups:

“The SPLC claims that ‘917 Hate Groups are currently operating in the U.S.,’ but offers only vague guidelines for what qualifies: ‘groups hav[ing] beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.’ Despite its insinuations that hate groups are inherently violent, the SPLC casts a much broader net: ‘Hate group activities can include criminal acts, marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafletting or publishing’ (emphasis added). Indeed, some of the SPLC’s hate ‘groups’ are merely websites or publications—even record labels and religious sects.

“This fluid and subjective definition allows the SPLC to lump together—along with the KKK, neo-Nazis, and racist skinheads—such varied groups as religious-liberty advocates Alliance Defending Freedom and Liberty Counsel; pro-family groups such as the World Congress of Families; Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy; the David Horowitz Freedom Center and, separately, its Jihad Watch program; Ann Corcoran’s Refugee Resettlement Watch; and many immigration-reform groups, including CIS and FAIR.” (See A Demagogic Bully.)


Freedom Center Confronts CNN’s Blacklist
SPLC is a liberal, hate stirring, piece of shit organization. Wonder how much Soros gives them?
August 24, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

And that's exactly what it is.

There's been a consistent pattern of groups fighting "Islamophobia" including ex-Muslims and even Muslim liberals on their hit list. There's a limited amount of fuss when it happens. And then it dies down again. But the real story is why it happens. It happens because the act of policing "Islamophobia" is really about enforcing Islamist agendas and their blasphemy codes.

And like their ISIS cousins, the top priority of Islamists is purging Muslims for heresy and blasphemy. When the Southern Povert Law Center got into the Islamophobia business, it began enforcing blasphemy.

Now Ayaan Hirsi Ali challenges the corporations, like Apple, and George Clooney, for enforcing SPLC's Islamophobia policing and the wilful blind eye that the group turns toward Islamism.


And the corporations will go on virtue signaling because until they get a different signal from the left, donating to the SPLC is the "right thing" to do. And no amount of facts or argument will change their mind.

But it's all a reminder that the Southern Poverty Law Center is in bed with Islamists. It's allied with Islamic Supremacists and their hatred for women, gays and all non-Muslims. And when corporations fund the SPLC, they're funding the suppression of Muslim and ex-Muslim critics of Islamism.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Calls Out the Southern Poverty Law Center's Blasphemy Enforcement
This is the opinion I held when I was a white nationalist when I was younger screaming about how much I hated colored people.
So you're saying that you've always been an idiot who has no opinions worth listening to? Thanks for clearing that up.
August 29, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Setting aside politics, the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate map is just as sloppy as could be. I spent a lot of time highlighting the case of Casa D'Ice Signs which appeared on the SPLC's list of hate groups.

Casa D'Ice was a bar in Pennsylvania. It had politically incorrect signs outside the bar.

Yes, the SPLC listed a bar sign as a hate group.

But the sloppiness pervades the SPLC's hate map. My blog was listed as a hate group. As were a number of other single author blogs.

And then there's this story.


In other words, there was no actual reason to believe that the Neo-Nazi site was based out of Amanas. The SPLC just liked the idea of a map. And it did as little research possible to just give it some location. Any location. And the SPLC got to put up another red dot on its scary map.

The facts didn't matter.

And that sums up the SPLC. Aside from all its other bad qualities, it's shamelessly sloppy.

The continued use of the SPLC by progressive organizations as an authoritative source is an admission that they too don't care about the facts.

This is Another Example of How Sloppy the Southern Poverty Law Center Is

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