Spoiled Stupid Trump Takes Credit For One Month Deficit Reduction, After Offending Radical Saudis(?)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The media reported the usual Treasury accounts, of spending authorizations created prior to any new office-holders swearing in this year. There was a $12.0 bil. drop. Trump took credit. And so as weeks go along. . . .(?)! Week after week, what should anyone expect to see. . . Especially Conservatives(?).
Trump tweets: Media not reporting national debt decrease

No doubt there will be considerable Front Page News going forward in the twenty months left until the Midterms. The Radical Fundamentalist, Sunni Islamic Saudis, meanwhile, are apparently also lumped in with CNN, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, and others as enemies of the United States.

Pre-Alzheimer's, President Reagan, will likely be said fairly soon at the White House: To have been too stupid to even have had a Twitter account(?). Stupid Nancy didn't have one either. Stupid Ron did have an open mike where he did announce a nuclear launch within five minutes--and with great pleasure, too boot(?)!

Nixon used to raise the threat levels, just for fun, himself: According to reports, later on.

The Democrats are getting around to creating a new National Leadership, instead. Many might say, "Just in the Nick of Time(?)! At least that can no longer be regarded a surprise event(?)!

Likely the midterms have started already, and apparently at Town Hall Meetings(?)!

Even the Republican President is setting himself up, and the federal, state, and locally elected GOP, to take a dramatic loss in the midterms.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("Oy!" is not a Great Spirit, like "Seven Come Eleven," Really!)

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