Spreading the word about Mafia!

The amount of instruction is overwhelming. Why not play the game already and people could learn as they go along? :)

True. What's what happened to us when we first started playing. :D

It'd be excellent if Mafia could be defined in just one succinct sentence. Maybe [MENTION=23424]syrenn[/MENTION] could help with that?

"Mafia is a game where the good guys try to lynch the bad guys, who look like good guys."

That sounds like the basic element of it.
And so, why not start the game, Wake?

Cereal_Killer is creating a forum specifically for Mafia. He said it would be up around Thursday. Plus, I want to leave enough time for people to join if they want to. This thread doubles as a regular Signup thread as well. :D:smiliehug:
At the moment I'm pretty excited at the thought of these personality clashes as they all try and discover who the Scum are among them. It's very much a game about people, and personality. It's not the basic rules that are complex—the game rules are extremely simple once you've had practice.

It's the human element itself that makes Mafia infinitely complex, challenging, and interesting.
Good evening, everyone.

Tomorrow the USMB Mafia forum will be created, and the game will begin.

Assuming we have 13 players, this will be the structure:

Town Cop
Town Doctor
Vanilla Townie (Bulletproof)
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie
Mafia A Roleblocker
Mafia A Goon
Mafia B Roleblocker
Mafia B Goon

I made a few changes, because this will be the best start beginning players can have, to immerse themselves in the dynamics of the game.

You may be wondering about the changes, too. Instead of one Mafia team, there are two. Each Mafia team will try to kill the Town, but also try and kill their rival team, too.

Also, to balance it out, you may have noticed that one of the Vanilla Townies are Bulletproof. That means that player can't be killed at Night. That may sound overwhelmingly powerful, but Scum can lie, and say they're bulletproof, too. :D

If anyone here really doesn't think they'll be able to post at least once a day, please let me know now. This game is geared in a way to stymie lurking. Anyways, I wish all of you good luck, tomorrow.

This game is gonna test your wit. You have to be clever. :lol:


Soon I will randomize and give each player via PM their role to play in this game.
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Good evening, everyone.

Tomorrow the USMB Mafia forum will be created, and the game will begin.

Assuming we have 13 players, this will be the structure:

Town Cop
Town Doctor
Vanilla Townie (Bulletproof)
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie
Vanilla Townie
Mafia A Roleblocker
Mafia A Goon
Mafia B Roleblocker
Mafia B Goon

I made a few changes, because this will be the best start beginning players can have, to immerse themselves in the dynamics of the game.

You may be wondering about the changes, too. Instead of one Mafia team, there are two. Each Mafia team will try to kill the Town, but also try and kill their rival team, too.

Also, to balance it out, you may have noticed that one of the Vanilla Townies are Bulletproof. That means that player can't be killed at Night. That may sound overwhelmingly powerful, but Scum can lie, and say they're bulletproof, too. :D

If anyone here really doesn't think they'll be able to post at least once a day, please let me know now. This game is geared in a way to stymie lurking. Anyways, I wish all of you good luck, tomorrow.

This game is gonna test your wit. You have to be clever. :lol:


Soon I will randomize and give each player via PM their role to play in this game.

Okay....sounds good.
When do we start killing one another?

Heh, it'll start tomorrow.

Each Day phase you'll be arguing/persuading who you all should string up.

If you're a member of Town, and you think Mertex is the most suspicious—Scummy—player, throw some arguments or accusations against her to see if you get a reaction. If you put pressure on a player, and I do mean you can heap mountains of pressure on people, if they're Scum they might get nervous and slip up in their own web of lies. :lol:

But if you're Scum, and you think Mertex is an innocent member of Town, you can try to find ways to manipulate the rest of the township in order to get them to lynch her.

That's the beauty of it. You, both Avatar and Mertex et al, will be using your wits to try and persuade the other players to think and act your way. Instead of arguing over repetitious political issues, you instead argue to have the player you find most suspicious lynched.

If you're masterful, you can control the game with your influence and persuasion.
I'm looking forward to this. Here's hoping I'm not the first one killed off. :lol:
When do we start killing one another?

Heh, it'll start tomorrow.

Each Day phase you'll be arguing/persuading who you all should string up.

If you're a member of Town, and you think Mertex is the most suspicious—Scummy—player, throw some arguments or accusations against her to see if you get a reaction. If you put pressure on a player, and I do mean you can heap mountains of pressure on people, if they're Scum they might get nervous and slip up in their own web of lies. :lol:

But if you're Scum, and you think Mertex is an innocent member of Town, you can try to find ways to manipulate the rest of the township in order to get them to lynch her.

That's the beauty of it. You, both Avatar and Mertex et al, will be using your wits to try and persuade the other players to think and act your way. Instead of arguing over repetitious political issues, you instead argue to have the player you find most suspicious lynched.

If you're masterful, you can control the game with your influence and persuasion.

Nice....now you've made me the target....I think Avatar is a suspicious Scummy player and we should kill him before the game even starts.....:lol::lol:
When do we start killing one another?

Heh, it'll start tomorrow.

Each Day phase you'll be arguing/persuading who you all should string up.

If you're a member of Town, and you think Mertex is the most suspicious—Scummy—player, throw some arguments or accusations against her to see if you get a reaction. If you put pressure on a player, and I do mean you can heap mountains of pressure on people, if they're Scum they might get nervous and slip up in their own web of lies. :lol:

But if you're Scum, and you think Mertex is an innocent member of Town, you can try to find ways to manipulate the rest of the township in order to get them to lynch her.

That's the beauty of it. You, both Avatar and Mertex et al, will be using your wits to try and persuade the other players to think and act your way. Instead of arguing over repetitious political issues, you instead argue to have the player you find most suspicious lynched.

If you're masterful, you can control the game with your influence and persuasion.

Nice....now you've made me the target....I think Avatar is a suspicious Scummy player and we should kill him before the game even starts.....:lol::lol:

That's the spirit! :D
It'll be something, Moonglow. ;-)

If you're Town you'll likely be interrogating the other players and arguing for that one player you find most suspicious to be lynched. As a member of Town you're part of a team, but you don't know who the members of your team are. You'll have to try and work together to keep from getting manipulated by the clever Scum.

Oh, and NEVER reveal that you're Scum openly in the game thread. You don't want to ruin your chance at winning the game.

Also, those here who will be the Town Cop and Town Doctor shouldn't reveal their identities in this game, either. You want your identity to stay secret, hidden. If the Scum even catch a whiff of you being a powerful Townie, they will either try to kill you at Night, or try and heap suspicion on you to persuade the other Townies to lynch you.

This game will sharpen your mind, and with practice you'll be able to get away with things you previously didn't think you could do, like making extremely convincing cases against others.
Thank you, CK.

I'm getting the finishing touches on the game thread OP done, and then I'll randomize roles and send them out. ;-)

Thank you very much!!!

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