Springing out of Retirement


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Many people ponder these days the changes that the CV-19 pandemic has made to their lives. Some, of course, have died or gotten very sick; we pity all of them. Some have lost their jobs either permanently, temporarily, or ??? - no one knows. Having lost my job many times over a spotted career I feel badly for those people.

As a retired old white man, the Virus thing has taken away a lot of things that I enjoyed, mainly travel and eating out. And I realized after a short while that it's not just travel that I was enjoying, but also the planning for travel and the active looking forward to the next trip. Can't do that now. My next major trip was going to be another river cruise...Paris to Prague (Viking). Can't even imagine when that might happen now, or if I'll live long enough to do it, ever.

So when a strange thing came across by "doorstep" the other day, I discarded it but then quickly pulled it back from the electronic trash. It was the offer of a job, in my field, that has a fixed end date of December 15th (with maybe another month or 6 weeks of cleaning up). It doesn't pay much but looks like an interesting project.

Why not?

With everyone working from home these days, much of the tedium of "going to work" will be avoided. No getting dressed, driving to the office, or any of that. Just go into the computer room for 8 hours or so every day and work on administrative tasks. Just like I did for 50 years before I retired.

Since I am insanely over-qualified for the position, especially at the mentioned salary, I was quickly selected as The Guy they want and I'm going through the tedium of their "on-boarding" nonsense and providing details for my background check. The interviewers are having a difficult time understanding that I have been retired for the past four years, so there is NOTHING on my resume during that period, but I think they are finally starting to catch on. Also three of my last four employers (going into the last century) are out of business, so I don't have their current phone numbers or email addresses. But I assume we will work through all of that stuff and I'll be "working" within a couple weeks.

I hope it's better than being bored out of my mind, as I would be otherwise. And I plan to put by earnings into my Toys account. Wowzer!

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