The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Well, isn’t this getting interesting?

Apparently one of Christopher Steele’s Connections to Russia was Skirpal and Strozk traveled to The UK to meet with both Ex British Spy Steele and Ex Russian Spy Skirpal.

Both Steele and Skirpal worked on The Russian Sourced Fusion GPS Dossier

Skirpal? That sounds familiar.

Yah, that Skirpal!

Maybe Russia had nothing at all to do with Skirpal’s poisoning, and if that's true, who did poison him and his daughter?

Make your own conclusions.

Russian Ex-Spy Sergei Skripal Was Poisoned via Front Door, U.K. Says
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No one here thinks it’s odd or interesting that Strozk traveled to The UK on August 3rd, 2016 to talk to an Ex Russian Spy and Ex British Spy who we now know were involved in the creation of The Fusion GPS Dossier and one of the two Spies was just recently nearly poisoned to death?

No one thinks this is highly suspicious and worthy of discussion?

I’m also hearing Brennan, Comey and Harry Reid were working together to try to whip this Dossier up in to a Shitstorm of accusations to attack President a Trump with just 3 months before The Election.

But apparently this is not very interesting to anyone.
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I am rather surprised there is not more response to this myself.
I know that any time I have posted something new that The Left doesn’t have a response to, that they won’t even bother challenging it.

They’d rather it sink to the bottom of the page.

I am rather surprised there is not more response to this myself.
Here is some Corroboration

The Skirpal Saga

Unless: it was something Skripal was up to over here more recently We now know that he did help MI6 ex-spy Christopher Steele write the “Russia Russia” dossier through Orbis/Fusion GPS, paid for by the FBI, the Democratic Party, and the Clinton Campaign. This document’s credibility has now totally collapsed with the revelations of the FISA and SENATE memo’s. It seems that Skripal was looking over stuff that Steele was cooking for the dossier and using his knowledge to add a little verisimilitude: but this also explains mistakes in the dossier: because at that point Skripal hadn’t been in Russia for 8 years and out of the loop even longer.
And a little more. I recommend reading the entire article

Now that Dossier has damaged Russia’s reputation badly: traduced would be a good word. And Putin has been rather tolerant in the face of continued provocation with US accusations Russia interfered in some way in the US election: as well as claims Trump colluded with them.

So its also interesting that the very day Prime Minister Theresa May accused Russia of being responsible, the Congressional Intelligence Committee cleared Donald Trump of collusion.

Therefore on that basis, Skripal’s involvement in the dodgy dossier (a scheme that has now failed, with the Mueller investigation pushing into a close-up phase and Trump looking strong in office), gives a motive for several parties to potentially want him killed.
Unbelievable nobody wants to talk about this. Skirpal was directly involved with Steele in putting together The Fusion GPS Dossier and no one wants to talk about that connection?

This Ex Russian Spy intimately associated with British Spy Christopher Steele and who had contact with Strozk was nearly poisoned to death in The UK along with his daughter and no one thinks that’s interesting enough to talk about?

One more Snip:

With Portland Down, the notorious chemical facility of the UK state, that has a history of testing chemical weapons on the unsuspecting public and morals that would disgrace a rat, a mere 8 miles away from Salisbury, the ease with which the UK government could have done this itself and pointed the finger at Moscow is well within the “child’s play” level of difficulty. Also, the Skripal poisoning occurred on the 2nd weekend of a 3 week Chemical Weapon exercise, “Toxic Danger”, being conducted by the Army. Hundreds of soldiers have poured into Salisbury: very “Johnny-on-the-spot”. Is this another example of “exercise” going “real-time”? The Hallmark is there.

Moscow, actually, has been DIRECTLY saying this in Tweets from the Russian Embassy. Directly accusing the British State of putting this on to smear them. Some might say that was desperation to shift blame. Others might say desperation to be heard, through a relentless barrage of belligerent propaganda from the UK press and broadcast media.
Putin is not so stupid to do this on UK soil....anyone that believes Russia did this is crazy...they will get the blame and face the punishment but I just don't see them doing something so blatant and obvious....
This article imo is dead balls on. Putin had no reason to go after The Skirpals. One thing I learned from this article is that there are rules governing the investigations of an attack with a Nerve Agent. An International Group of Investigators are supposed to be able to look at The Evidence together. The UK is refusing to let anyone look at the evidence in violation of this agreement and International Law!

“I do know that the British people have got genuine cause to seek reformation inside the UK. As President Trump is draining the US swamp, and the world is about to learn how far that means going, people across Europe including in the UK are going to be thinking “we could do with some of that”. That may also explain the desperation of the EU elite, including its loyalists in the UK. Trump is about to provide all 550 million people in the EU with the threat of a jolly good example, and they know what that means for their way of life: and their necks!

Peaceful diplomacy, democracy, and the application of the rule of law. This is what I stand for. I never stand for War, I always stand for Peace. And it really isn’t worth any compromise. If people start a War anyway, dammit, I did what I could: and I know sooner or later Peacemakers will be needed again to end the bloody thing. That’s how that always goes.”

The Skripal Saga

Putin is not so stupid to do this on UK soil....anyone that believes Russia did this is crazy...they will get the blame and face the punishment but I just don't see them doing something so blatant and obvious....
Here is another gem of a quote:

Did the Kremlin want to take out this guy? And gave the order to do so with NERVE AGENT!? Why not just a bullet? The victim was Russian: so in the current political climate, there’s a high chance Russia would be blamed whatever: was it worth the risk of killing him at all?

Now Skripal, he was traitor. That cant be argued against. He was in Russian Intelligence, he was a double agent, and he shopped vital information to MI6 for cash: for years!

BUT: he was caught. He was tried. He was sentenced. He was jailed. Then, in 2010, the Russian state chose to release him and swapped him with the UK to get femme fatal spy “Anna Chapman” back. As far as Russia was concerned Skripal was old news. He wasn’t on Putin’s desk or pinned on the wall having knives thrown at him. He was nothing.

The Skripal Saga
British and American intelligence obviously has worked together to keep Trump from winning the election and they worked together to undermine his presidency and to set him up for impeachment or worse...
The problem is the GOP was part of it too so for justice to occur Trump will have to burn the place down....he needs the support of the people more than ever....The swamp is vast and desperately want to hang onto their gravy deals and to keep the people in the dark....
UK freaked out when Trump won and their people voted to leave the EU... They can not be trusted...
Churchill had to fight his own country, his own party, to get them to fight The Nazis!

They refused, so he dragged them kicking and screaming to look at the horrors of The Nazi regime and he warned them over and over again.

Then The Nazis showed their true intentions like Churchill said they would.

Then the rest of the Never Churchills joined with Churchill and fought the Nazis and held them at bay until help was able to arrive. But their hesitation and procrastination came at a huge cost.

“The people perish for a lack of vision.”

And perish they did until Churchill made them see.

British and American intelligence obviously has worked together to keep Trump from winning the election and they worked together to undermine his presidency and to set him up for impeachment or worse...
The problem is the GOP was part of it too so for justice to occur Trump will have to burn the place down....he needs the support of the people more than ever....The swamp is vast and desperately want to hang onto their gravy deals and to keep the people in the dark....
UK freaked out when Trump won and their people voted to leave the EU... They can not be trusted...
Here is another story

Poisoned Russian spy was close to Steele consultant: report

The Russian spy poisoned along with his daughter was close to a consultant for British ex-official Christopher Steele’s company, according to a report.

A report in The Daily Telegraph said that he appeared to have maintained at least one tie to the intelligence world, and had become close to a consultant who had worked for Orbis Business Intelligence.

Orbis Business Intelligence, headed by former MI6 official Christopher Steele, has become a focus of the U.S. investigation into alleged Russian election meddling in the 2016 election, and produced a “dossier” on President Trump that alleged he was compromised by the Kremlin.

The New Yorker on Monday cited a source in the Russian Foreign Ministry, where Skripal reportedly used to work, as saying that Russia had interfered in the possibility of Mitt Romney becoming Trump’s Secretary of State.

The Telegraph did not identify the consultant, but said that the person was based in Salisbury and had listed work for Orbis on a LinkedIn page.

Of course this is a conspiracy theory because there are actual facts you can look at to evaluate this situation.

But a BIMBO, making an unsubstantiated accusation against The President, why, that is perfectly legit discussion in a political forum.

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