Squirrels eating my car! HELP

No way! :mad::mad::mad:

She has protection! ;)

Here is a much cuter picture! - Good Dog!

Spoke to a mechanic today. I'm getting the part back and am going to have it tested for peanut (?) oil in the casing. He also told me to spread some dryer sheets around. He said he found they work.

To test it I am placing out two corn cobs. 1 with and one without a dryer sheet tied to it

It will never work as well as cat pee. Those squirrels will smell predator and be gone.

for awhile

once they realize there is no danger

they will be back

like to hunt these guys

they always return

to the scene

They will come back if it's just a bad smell. Not when they smell predator. It's just the way animals are. But it is your insulation.
It will never work as well as cat pee. Those squirrels will smell predator and be gone.

for awhile

once they realize there is no danger

they will be back

like to hunt these guys

they always return

to the scene

They will come back if it's just a bad smell. Not when they smell predator. It's just the way animals are. But it is your insulation.

that they do

at least from what i have observed

they love to torment ringo (the fur kid)

actually they make great sport of it

they have been witness to her

destroying the body of one of their dead

doesnt even phase em

Way back when, my daughter was 6, maybe 7 years old. We were camping with some friends who had a Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Molly. Molly hated squirrels but had little luck catching them because she had problems climbing the trees to get them. That didn't stop her from trying. At any rate, our campsite was rife with the furry rats, stealing food and scolding the dog, who would bark at them incessantly. So, we loaded the .22, gave the kid a box of cartridges, and sent her and Molly out to decrease the squirrel population. Off they go, into the woods. Suddenly, Molly is barking to beat all hell, we hear a squirrel scolding, and then...one, two, three shots! Molly is silent. Shortly, the girl returns with her trophy, Molly "beaming" at her side. They had so much fun that camping trip because they weren't forced to sit around and watch the grownups play cribbage. We ended with a total of about 9-10 squirrels. Later, my daughter learned to tie flies...
There is a resident squirrel in the tree around the corner who loved to tease the dogs that came by. It just couldn't tease mine because mine can't see. Every walk that squirrel got closer and closer trying to figure out why the dog wouldn't take the tease. They got nose to nose sniffing one another. When I went for the camera the squirrel took off up the tree.
Ok, so I tried the pepper solution. Sprayed it on the corn Cob and I think the squirrels thought it was Mexican fiesta night. Ate it no problem. The WD40 worked a bit better, but they destroyed the corn anyway.

Tomorrow I'm starting trapping the little vermin.
Ok, so I tried the pepper solution. Sprayed it on the corn Cob and I think the squirrels thought it was Mexican fiesta night. Ate it no problem. The WD40 worked a bit better, but they destroyed the corn anyway.

Tomorrow I'm starting trapping the little vermin.

a word to the wise

lay out a well thought out plan first

or you may be further victimized

they do not have any remorse you know
Ok, so I tried the pepper solution. Sprayed it on the corn Cob and I think the squirrels thought it was Mexican fiesta night. Ate it no problem. The WD40 worked a bit better, but they destroyed the corn anyway.

Tomorrow I'm starting trapping the little vermin.

a word to the wise

lay out a well thought out plan first

or you may be further victimized

they do not have any remorse you know

Set out the traps noon today, caught two already

Not sure if they'd the ones that did it

They deny it
Ok, they're not eating the entire car, but the wiring under the car. Twice now I've had wiring chewed through. Obviously this isn't covered under the warranty

Any ideas on how to end this horror!

I heard they taste like chicken......
Set out the traps noon today, caught two already

Not sure if they'd the ones that did it

They deny it

Mmmmm..... I can almost taste the Skillet Squirrel Now!

Ok, so I tried the pepper solution. Sprayed it on the corn Cob and I think the squirrels thought it was Mexican fiesta night. Ate it no problem. The WD40 worked a bit better, but they destroyed the corn anyway.

Tomorrow I'm starting trapping the little vermin.

a word to the wise

lay out a well thought out plan first

or you may be further victimized

they do not have any remorse you know

Set out the traps noon today, caught two already

Not sure if they'd the ones that did it

They deny it

Smear Peanut butter down the center of your street right before a high traffic time.

Pet Hawks guarding your yard.

Dogs trained to hate squirrels.

Lion pee.

Have fun with it, get a tazer.

Smear Peanut butter over the car wires of a neighbor you hate.
Hold on to your nuts, Pop;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJrYE7TLJq4&feature=player_embedded]Squirrels - Pre-production Sales Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

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