St Louis rioters compared to exalted Kent State victims

I saw an excellent well-balanced program on Kent State on PBS some years back. Forget the hyperbole of Niel Young, the facts show that it was a series of unusual events that transpired. The reality is not so clear cut as has been told in folklore during the decades since it happened.

Would it be correct to say the Kent state rioters spent all day throwing rocks at the National Guard and eventually the Guard snapped or a rock sounded like a shot and the Guard unloaded?

FWIW so far no police officers have been shot here. A couple minor work related wounds. The protestors have thrown a number of bottles and debris at the cops.

That's part of it. Also vital to final escalation was the geographic layout of the campus that eventually cause a bottleneck of protestors with nowhere to go. It was a volatile situation, with both sides sharing the blame. The NG didn't just willy nilly start shooting students.

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