Stacey Abrams REFUSED to concede when she lost the governor race in Georgia. Yet she is the darling of the left

Trump follows the exact same path and he's a threat to our political system....

As usual the left accuse the right of that which they are guilty of.

lol no

She wasn't the governor of the state trying to sabotage her successor.
Trump follows the exact same path and he's a threat to our political system....

As usual the left accuse the right of that which they are guilty of.

As an incumbent, you have responsibilities for the continuity of government, true?
the bigger responsibility is to stopping corruption,,,
They seem to be creating more corruption than stopping it.
thats a matter of perspective,,

biden has a direct tie to a hostile foreign government that seems to be connected to the voter fraud happening now,,, and also has a long history of corruption and dirty dealings,,,
Uh..well, hate to point out that it's the governor of GA...not the President of the United States. Trump lost...bigly. Kemp (as SOS) worked some shady voter suppression tactics. I'd be a little rancorous too.

But..given Abrams success in forming groups that helped flip the state for Biden this year, have both Republican held GA Senate seats in a runoff, and also the fact that Kemp completely upchucked on the response to the virus....I'm sure Stacey is saying to herself...Whew!..Bullet dodged!! :)
Trump follows the exact same path and he's a threat to our political system....

As usual the left accuse the right of that which they are guilty of.

lol no

She wasn't the governor of the state trying to sabotage her successor.
More projection of that which your party is GUILTY of.

Y'all never learn. Blind as bats
Uh..well, hate to point out that it's the governor of GA...not the President of the United States. Trump lost...bigly. Kemp (as SOS) worked some shady voter suppression tactics. I'd be a little rancorous too.

But..given Abrams success in forming groups that helped flip the state for Biden this year, have both Republican held GA Senate seats in a runoff, and also the fact that Kemp completely upchucked on the response to the virus....I'm sure Stacey is saying to herself...Whew!..Bullet dodged!! :)
The group she formed is now under investigation by the doj for intentionally registering out of state voters and DEAD PEOPLE.

A true darling of the CRIMINAL LEFT
Trump follows the exact same path and he's a threat to our political system....

As usual the left accuse the right of that which they are guilty of.

As an incumbent, you have responsibilities for the continuity of government, true?
the bigger responsibility is to stopping corruption,,,
She hasn't conceded to this day and just weeks ago sat in on GOVERNORS digital meetings lol. They actually treat her as if she won. But you know, Orange man bad and his fucking term isn't even up yet!
Trump follows the exact same path and he's a threat to our political system....

As usual the left accuse the right of that which they are guilty of.


What the fuck do "the left" or "the right" have to do with a spoiled-ass child narcissist who's too mentally fucked up to man up to his own failures?
Trump follows the exact same path and he's a threat to our political system....

As usual the left accuse the right of that which they are guilty of.
Do you think the fact her opponent was the sitting Secretary of State who caused her "loss" by enacting a massive voter purge prior to the election changes anything?

"Georgia has been at the center of several recent complaints charging that state officials are attempting to diminish black voters’ power.

"Many of these complaints revolve around Brian Kemp, Georgia’s current secretary of state and the Republican candidate for governor.

"Kemp refuses to leave office before the election, prompting voting rights advocates, civil rights groups, and Abrams’s campaign to argue that it’s inappropriate for the man in charge of voting systems in the state to continue to manage those systems while running for office.

"Kemp says he is working to ensure 'election integrity,' and that allegations of voter suppression are a 'farce.'"

Georgia, 2018’s most prominent voting rights battleground, explained
Trump follows the exact same path and he's a threat to our political system....

As usual the left accuse the right of that which they are guilty of.


What the fuck do "the left" or "the right" have to do with a spoiled-ass child narcissist who's too mentally fucked up to man up to his own failures?
you shouldnt be so hard on biden,,,

he cant help it if hes not even qualified to sweep floors and the only thing left is government work,,
Trump follows the exact same path and he's a threat to our political system....

As usual the left accuse the right of that which they are guilty of.


What the fuck do "the left" or "the right" have to do with a spoiled-ass child narcissist who's too mentally fucked up to man up to his own failures?
you shouldnt be so hard on biden,,,

he cant help it if hes not even qualified to sweep floors and the only thing left is government work,,

While it is astounding that you saw fit to post THAT, the question is for the OP. And made no reference to any "Biden".
Trump follows the exact same path and he's a threat to our political system....

As usual the left accuse the right of that which they are guilty of.


What the fuck do "the left" or "the right" have to do with a spoiled-ass child narcissist who's too mentally fucked up to man up to his own failures?
you shouldnt be so hard on biden,,,

he cant help it if hes not even qualified to sweep floors and the only thing left is government work,,

While it is astounding that you saw fit to post THAT, the question is for the OP. And made no reference to any "Biden".
you may not of referenced them but you described them to a tee,,,
Trump follows the exact same path and he's a threat to our political system....

As usual the left accuse the right of that which they are guilty of.


What the fuck do "the left" or "the right" have to do with a spoiled-ass child narcissist who's too mentally fucked up to man up to his own failures?
you shouldnt be so hard on biden,,,

he cant help it if hes not even qualified to sweep floors and the only thing left is government work,,

While it is astounding that you saw fit to post THAT, the question is for the OP. And made no reference to any "Biden".
you may not of referenced them but you described them to a tee,,,

"may not of"? Speako Englishe?

Fuck off now Tovarich, the question was for the OP, let HIM run away from it. Go play on the turnpike.
Trump follows the exact same path and he's a threat to our political system....

As usual the left accuse the right of that which they are guilty of.
Poor wackjob. In that race in Georgia you also had kemp, who was secretary of stage, referee his own race and throw out over a hundred thousand legitimate ballots.

I notice you didn’t give a rats patoot about a stolen election when it ACtUALLY happened.

go have another drink

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