Stacey Abrams?Seriously?Democrat Response.Is This The Best The Democrats Can Come Up With?

Democrats love losers

Donald Trump - 7 time loser with bankruptcy, 2 time loser with marriage, least respected President in history.

Still mad that Trump has been tough on Justin Trudeau? Too bad.
Can you imagine having that pansie as a leader?

As opposed to the Orange pansy that mismanages the US?

Funny that an Obama supporter would say ANYONE mismanaged the USA.
I thought she did pretty good.

For one, she didn't tell a single lie.

Unlike Trump.

On Trump fact checkers are having a field day.

Trump's state of the union address gets torn apart by fact checkers

You bet....marginally good seems to be the standard for liberals.

At least the liberals have standards. The Cult45 swamp seems to consist of nothing but of poop flingers. You're proud of this. that’s some funny shit.
Everybody sane knows the only “standard” Liberals have is “don’t have standards”
That was good though...hahaha

It seems you're displaying the pride of poop flingers everywhere. Thank you for making my point for me.
Democrats love losers

Donald Trump - 7 time loser with bankruptcy, 2 time loser with marriage, least respected President in history.

Still mad that Trump has been tough on Justin Trudeau? Too bad.
Can you imagine having that pansie as a leader?

As opposed to the Orange pansy that mismanages the US?

Funny that an Obama supporter would say ANYONE mismanaged the USA.

Obama was an idiot. Any more bad faith arguments, deplorable?
I thought she did pretty good.

For one, she didn't tell a single lie.

Unlike Trump.

On Trump fact checkers are having a field day.

Trump's state of the union address gets torn apart by fact checkers

You bet....marginally good seems to be the standard for liberals.

At least the liberals have standards. The Cult45 swamp seems to consist of nothing but of poop flingers. You're proud of this.

Poop flingers?'ve been to SF, the mecca for liberals.

Donald Trump - 7 time loser with bankruptcy, 2 time loser with marriage, least respected President in history.

Still mad that Trump has been tough on Justin Trudeau? Too bad.
Can you imagine having that pansie as a leader?

As opposed to the Orange pansy that mismanages the US?

Funny that an Obama supporter would say ANYONE mismanaged the USA.

Obama was an idiot. Any more bad faith arguments, deplorable?

My argument was not in bad faith. And, I'm not a Trump supporter either. l guess you need a new box for me.
I thought she did pretty good.

For one, she didn't tell a single lie.

Unlike Trump.

On Trump fact checkers are having a field day.

Trump's state of the union address gets torn apart by fact checkers

You bet....marginally good seems to be the standard for liberals.

At least the liberals have standards. The Cult45 swamp seems to consist of nothing but of poop flingers. You're proud of this.

Poop flingers?'ve been to SF, the mecca for liberals.


And I almost thought you were bright enough to add 2 + 2....guess I was wrong.
:CryingCow: :huh1: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: Aren't us normal people all saying, "Why Her"? If they wanted Stacey to deliver the democrat response, they may as well had Hank Johnson, Maxine Waters, or The Genius Cortez deliver the response.
Lets face it, she doesn't look good, is not even close to being well spoken, actually thought she could win a Senate seat in Georgia. Overall, not a very likeable person.
And she is the chosen one?
The Democrats may as well should of had Bert and Ernie deliver the response, or maybe even Rachael Doolazol.
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:

They were giving her a chance to reboot her career. And, MOST of her speech was self promotion.
Still mad that Trump has been tough on Justin Trudeau? Too bad.
Can you imagine having that pansie as a leader?

As opposed to the Orange pansy that mismanages the US?

Funny that an Obama supporter would say ANYONE mismanaged the USA.

Obama was an idiot. Any more bad faith arguments, deplorable?

My argument was not in bad faith. And, I'm not a Trump supporter either. l guess you need a new box for me.

Fair enough. How about 'idiot'? That work for you?
I thought she did pretty good.

For one, she didn't tell a single lie.

Unlike Trump.

On Trump fact checkers are having a field day.

Trump's state of the union address gets torn apart by fact checkers

You bet....marginally good seems to be the standard for liberals.

At least the liberals have standards. The Cult45 swamp seems to consist of nothing but of poop flingers. You're proud of this.

Poop flingers?'ve been to SF, the mecca for liberals.


And I almost thought you were bright enough to add 2 + 2....guess I was wrong.

Start making sense, then.
Can you imagine having that pansie as a leader?

As opposed to the Orange pansy that mismanages the US?

Funny that an Obama supporter would say ANYONE mismanaged the USA.

Obama was an idiot. Any more bad faith arguments, deplorable?

My argument was not in bad faith. And, I'm not a Trump supporter either. l guess you need a new box for me.

Fair enough. How about 'idiot'? That work for you?

Based on the posts I've read so far, I'd say that is an excellent description of you, so of course you should use it as a self descriptor. (Sorry, you set yourself up for that.)
You bet....marginally good seems to be the standard for liberals.

At least the liberals have standards. The Cult45 swamp seems to consist of nothing but of poop flingers. You're proud of this.

Poop flingers?'ve been to SF, the mecca for liberals.


And I almost thought you were bright enough to add 2 + 2....guess I was wrong.

Start making sense, then.

We should probably start with something a bit easier for you.
AvgGuyIA said:
From the few clips I watched on the Fake News reaction, they echoed the lies of this loser.
This Is The Way They Are On Any Topic
They Hear A Bite They Like
Then They All Repeat It No Matter Where They're From
That's What Makes Compilation Montages So Funny
And Real
foxNews is so upbeat and positive 90 % of the time.
Even For Ground-Hog Day
The Gal Jumped Into Her Happy-Dance

Libs Are Bitter
All They Do Is Mock

They Pout When America Succeeds
As opposed to the Orange pansy that mismanages the US?

Funny that an Obama supporter would say ANYONE mismanaged the USA.

Obama was an idiot. Any more bad faith arguments, deplorable?

My argument was not in bad faith. And, I'm not a Trump supporter either. l guess you need a new box for me.

Fair enough. How about 'idiot'? That work for you?

Based on the posts I've read so far, I'd say that is an excellent description of you, so of course you should use it as a self descriptor. (Sorry, you set yourself up for that.)

Sick burn, bro. :cuckoo:
A failed Democrat voted out of office goes on TV and attempts to tell the American people that what she was voted out of office for and stands for is exactly what they want / need.

A failed Democrat voted out of office goes on TV and attempts to tell the American people that one of the most successful President's in US History, the most successful in DECADES, is wrong / is a failure / is leading the country down the wrong path.

Let that sink in for a minute......



:CryingCow: :huh1: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: Aren't us normal people all saying, "Why Her"? If they wanted Stacey to deliver the democrat response, they may as well had Hank Johnson, Maxine Waters, or The Genius Cortez deliver the response.
Lets face it, she doesn't look good, is not even close to being well spoken, actually thought she could win a Senate seat in Georgia. Overall, not a very likeable person.
And she is the chosen one?
The Democrats may as well should of had Bert and Ernie deliver the response, or maybe even Rachael Doolazol.
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
Democrats must play the race card because they thrive on racism, hate, and class struggle...even though it doesn’t exist.

Correction Bush92
Race based biases, disparity, prejudice and discrimination DO exist!
The Democrats practice it themselves ALL THE TIME
when issues are exploited "in the media" for political benefit of special interests
without helping the very people or groups they claim to 'represent.'
That's "culture appropriation" on the basis of race and class.
We see this constantly.

The reason the Democrats project so much blame on external groups and symbols in the media
is "over compensation" "displacement or conversion"
or "denial and projection."

Take for example the Blackface outrage.

(A) As stated before, I watched Black Democrats destroy their own historic
Freed Slave church district and civil rights landmarks in Freedmen's Town
all while blaming "white Christian" Republicans and conservatives for racist discrimination.
These Black Democrats deliberately worked with wealthy Corporate developer interests
to hand them tax paid grants for seizing land and destroying historic property
while the nonprofit volunteers and community residents lost their rights
to live and work in their own communities because they were denied support,
kicked out of neighborhoods where their business plans were censored,
so the competing developer interests could take over
using taxpayer money given to them instead!

What an outrage!

None of that gets into the media,
yet all this "outrage" about blackface does.

That's what I mean by denial and projection.
The grievances ignored and unanswered get projected elsewhere
for political convenience, but it's all a distraction from the real problems of abuse.

(B) As for expecting people to listen and respect these protests:

What about Christians who have been protesting images and cultural exploitation of
Witches and sorcery that "represent" cult and ritual abuse
which have injured innocent victims especially children,
still living with the lifelong trauma of rape and abuse, if they survived.

The Christians I know have long sought to warn people of the
mental and criminal disorders fueled by exposure to playing
with dark energy sorcery, occult or witchcraft/voodoo influences, cults or groups.
It is truly sick energy, feeding off people's negative addictions and obsessions,
instead of getting help to break free of such dangerous influences.

Protestors have consistently denounced the glamourization of "occult"
and "witches" in the media, marketing this to CHILDREN, when in fact children
have been the victims of cult abuse by practitioners of dark spiritual practices and rituals.

Does anyone take that seriously?

And understand the OFFENSE and TRAUMA that these images seek to make light of
when victims have been tortured, rape or killed by cults
that these "media images" portray as "entertainment?"

My point is, if you are going to FORGIVE that and allow
people to continue dressing up as witches and wizards
despite the horrifying abuses of cult rituals for dark occult practices,
why not forgive the "image" and "entertainment" around BLACKFACE.

Both are costumes, both represent REAL ACTS of harmful targeting,
making entertainment out of practices that have really harmed people.

Why the outrage in one case and censorship of complaints on the other?

Again, the DISPROPORTIONATE reactions are a sign of
denial and projection. Skirting over real damages and discrimination
and projected all that "outrage" on some convenient symbol
while ignoring worse problems.
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Stacey Abrams? It thought it was Maya Angelou back from the dead. Both boring, pretentious, and racist.
:CryingCow: :huh1: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: Aren't us normal people all saying, "Why Her"? If they wanted Stacey to deliver the democrat response, they may as well had Hank Johnson, Maxine Waters, or The Genius Cortez deliver the response.
Lets face it, she doesn't look good, is not even close to being well spoken, actually thought she could win a Senate seat in Georgia. Overall, not a very likeable person.
And she is the chosen one?
The Democrats may as well should of had Bert and Ernie deliver the response, or maybe even Rachael Doolazol.
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:

Sore loser who other then being black, has nothing going for her. Yes, run that for senate. I’m sure another jilted black activists senator is just what Virginia wants.
:CryingCow: :huh1: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: Aren't us normal people all saying, "Why Her"? If they wanted Stacey to deliver the democrat response, they may as well had Hank Johnson, Maxine Waters, or The Genius Cortez deliver the response.
Lets face it, she doesn't look good, is not even close to being well spoken, actually thought she could win a Senate seat in Georgia. Overall, not a very likeable person.
And she is the chosen one?
The Democrats may as well should of had Bert and Ernie deliver the response, or maybe even Rachael Doolazol.
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
Sorry to break it to you, but Stacey IS a "normal person".

The voting in Georgia was close. I like the way their voter suppression worked. And it was genius throwing a hundred thousand people off the voting rolls just before the election.

It's weird the way Republicans do evil and then crow about their "success".

Thank God it's a dying party.

Did you see the chamber?

All old white guys on one side and a rainbow coalition on the other?
:CryingCow: :huh1: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: Aren't us normal people all saying, "Why Her"? If they wanted Stacey to deliver the democrat response, they may as well had Hank Johnson, Maxine Waters, or The Genius Cortez deliver the response.
Lets face it, she doesn't look good, is not even close to being well spoken, actually thought she could win a Senate seat in Georgia. Overall, not a very likeable person.
And she is the chosen one?
The Democrats may as well should of had Bert and Ernie deliver the response, or maybe even Rachael Doolazol.
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:

Sore loser who other then being black, has nothing going for her. Yes, run that for senate. I’m sure another jilted black activists senator is just what Virginia wants.

Cmon, don't be mean, she needs to walk for the senate. Her actually running would be out of the question.
Stacey needs to start working out, or else she will eventually catch up to Michael Moore

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