Stacey Abrams?Seriously?Democrat Response.Is This The Best The Democrats Can Come Up With?

She was The Democrat-Socialist Party's throw-away responder. They knew they would have nothing logical to throw against President Trumps address so threw up a sacrificial lamb.

And you know how Democrats are with sheep.......
i think a pallet loaded with 600 pounds of cow manure could of done a better response
:CryingCow: :huh1: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: Aren't us normal people all saying, "Why Her"? If they wanted Stacey to deliver the democrat response, they may as well had Hank Johnson, Maxine Waters, or The Genius Cortez deliver the response.
Lets face it, she doesn't look good, is not even close to being well spoken, actually thought she could win a Senate seat in Georgia. Overall, not a very likeable person.
And she is the chosen one?
The Democrats may as well should of had Bert and Ernie deliver the response, or maybe even Rachael Doolazol.
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
Even as someone who wants the Dems to win the next election.. I think she is a Very Poor Choice.

Kamala Harris, for just one of many, is much more articulate and TV worthy, and already won State-wide elections in California as AG and Senator.

Not even on Radio would Abrams be a good choice. Forget TV.
You obviously have never heard Abrams speak.

It's pretty clear from this topic that piss drinking retards have looked at a photo of her and made a lot of bigoted assumptions, just the way their propagandists want them to.

Deplorables thread.
This person who apparently her claim to fame is she LOST AN ELECTION AND REFUSED TO ADMIT SHE LOST is giving the Democrat response to the SOTU!!!

Is this really the best the Democrats can do???

She holds no political office and her politics, apparently, are very extreme to the left!!!

Don't the Democrats have any normal people anymore???

Aren't you the same crybaby who wet his pants last week because some author you never heard of was running for President?

You seem to have a thing for melting into a puddle over what other people are doing. Why is that exactly?

Oh and this just in ---- there's no reason you have to "hold office" to make a speech. Who knew.

The Democrats couldn't think of ANYBODY else?

They did, but none of them wanted to look like a fool.

Like I said, none of the people who still have a political career wanted to do it. She's a loser with no future, so she's expendable.
what the hell did she eat before she bored us 300 million americans?
Leave it to a liberal to be incapable of grasping the notion that an improving economy for all Americans means an improving economy for black Americans and white Americans and Asian Americans and Latino Americans etc. The racist leftists are so obsessed with dividing everyone into categories from which they must never be released, and which must forever be in contention with each other, they cannot see that what is good for America is good for all Americans, even when it is right in front of their face. They are disgraceful and idiotic.

So Trump did nothing specifically for lowering black unemployment, so we're right back to the fact that he's a racist, doesn't actually give a shit about minorities, and you have no proof of him doing anything that disproves that.

Yet again you turnips prove my point each time you post.
you Are delusional .. look at democrat run black neighborhoods that is racism.. meanwhile black republicans are very happy

Again, proof? Of course not. You live in a fantasy world.
All cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by democrats in all of history of America there is no comparison lol

It's like your allergic to backing up anything you say with supporting evidence or data.


You're making it all up.

Which is more likely?

Bad faith arguments are all Cult45 has these days.
Why do the Dem Women look like a bunch of Nazi brides dressed in white?

Something about "Suffragette white" to champion women's rights, or some crap like that. You broads are ELECTED MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. I'm going to say that you're Exhibit A that women aren't being oppressed into the kitchen any more, so get over it and find an ACTUAL cause.
Do they think Stacey Abrams is going to WOW the American people with her brand of radical left-wing politics?

once AGAIN --- you came in here crying the blues that you "never heard of her", now suddenly you've got her whole life manifesto in hand?

You're just a lying hypocrite, aintchya.
Sounds like you're out of answers, so you attack me for asking the questions!!!

I don't NEED to come up with an answer. YOU do.

The question (still) being, who in the wide world of fuck are you to sit on your throne granting "approval" for who may run for president and who a political party you're not even part of may designate to give its speech?

It's pointless to feed a winger troll.
She got fatter! Where is her discipline!?

It is sort of funny in a ironic sense to watch people that worship an obese man as the POTUS make fun of other fat people...seems partisanship knows no bounds
She just said " We are coming for America". Divide and conquer democrat.
What I don't get about her, Obama and other Democrats: they start off by talking about how hard families work and rewarding that is to give and invest your best. Then somehow turn this into "requiring" that help for others to be implemented through govt!

????? So these people who enjoyed the free choice to give up their coat for a neighbor in need, or Obama who had free choice to change his beliefs on gay marriage, suddenly want to use govt to institutionalize the same "giving" or personal choices in beliefs as mandated through govt. They demonstrate the beauty and power behind Free choice to give and believe freely . Then turn around and seek to require that publicly for all people depriving others of the same free choice they got to use. ?????

This makes no sense to me.

Especially coming from the party opposing Christianity pushed through schools or govt instead of remaining a free choice of practice. Then pushing socialist beliefs, requirements and regulations on others through govt.

I'm left wondering what it will be like when more people get how self contradictory this is. To take beliefs you had free choice to exercise and think it's a "good idea" to mandate that for everyone while decrying other religious groups for promoting their beliefs through govt !

Please let a huge light flip on where more people get how contradictory this is, against human nature which demands respect for free will and resists oppression by others. Why is this not more clear? Am I missing something????

Hypocrisy runs rampant in the American political landscape.
I thought she did pretty good.

For one, she didn't tell a single lie.

Unlike Trump.

On Trump fact checkers are having a field day.

Trump's state of the union address gets torn apart by fact checkers

You bet....marginally good seems to be the standard for liberals.

At least the liberals have standards. The Cult45 swamp seems to consist of nothing but of poop flingers. You're proud of this. that’s some funny shit.
Everybody sane knows the only “standard” Liberals have is “don’t have standards”
That was good though...hahaha
I thought she did pretty good.

For one, she didn't tell a single lie.

Unlike Trump.

On Trump fact checkers are having a field day.

Trump's state of the union address gets torn apart by fact checkers

You bet....marginally good seems to be the standard for liberals.

At least the liberals have standards. The Cult45 swamp seems to consist of nothing but of poop flingers. You're proud of this.

Poop flingers?'ve been to SF, the mecca for liberals.

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