Stacey Abrams?Seriously?Democrat Response.Is This The Best The Democrats Can Come Up With?

This person who apparently her claim to fame is she LOST AN ELECTION AND REFUSED TO ADMIT SHE LOST is giving the Democrat response to the SOTU!!!

Is this really the best the Democrats can do???

She holds no political office and her politics, apparently, are very extreme to the left!!!

Don't the Democrats have any normal people anymore???
Democrats have an affinity for women who lose elections.
That ugly, obese, tax evading, failed democrat monster was really a great choice, if the choosing was done by a Republican! :p It is almost like the DNC is trolling to see if there are really any idiots who support the pieces of shit they present as candidates. :p
about 100 Million people saw this and all were saying..."What The Hell is she talking about !!!!".....really Stacey? we are having numerous problems with our economy?,,,,well maybe in California where everyone poops all over the place
This person who apparently her claim to fame is she LOST AN ELECTION AND REFUSED TO ADMIT SHE LOST is giving the Democrat response to the SOTU!!!

Is this really the best the Democrats can do???

She holds no political office and her politics, apparently, are very extreme to the left!!!

Don't the Democrats have any normal people anymore???
Democrats have an affinity for women who lose elections.
maybe it was Stacy who called 911 when her local McDonalds screwed up her triple cheeseburger
This person who apparently her claim to fame is she LOST AN ELECTION AND REFUSED TO ADMIT SHE LOST is giving the Democrat response to the SOTU!!!

Is this really the best the Democrats can do???

She holds no political office and her politics, apparently, are very extreme to the left!!!

Don't the Democrats have any normal people anymore???
Democrats have an affinity for women who lose elections.

Hey, not fair. You left out racists, sex offenders and illegals.
It's hilarious that the Dems have a rebuttal rehearsed. Before the President has even given his address. It's as if they feel that no matter what he says... They absolutely must say something to the contrary, or negative.
Abrams did claim that the economy was a shambles. High unemployment, the poor forced to support the rich. The same old same old.
you Are delusional .. look at democrat run black neighborhoods that is racism.. meanwhile black republicans are very happy

Again, proof? Of course not. You live in a fantasy world.
All cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by democrats in all of history of America there is no comparison lol

It's like your allergic to backing up anything you say with supporting evidence or data.


You're making it all up.

Which is more likely?
Detroit Chicago Baltimore Camden Boston New York California all cries of black oppression all run by democrats for years.. fact

At this point I'm going to have to say you clearly don't understand what a fact is and how to support a claim with evidence.

A list of cities and a 10 word statement are not a fact but rather a weak opinion.

G.E.D.? Am I right?

I got a G.E.D.

You generalize so much it makes you appear shallow.
She just said " We are coming for America". Divide and conquer democrat.
What I don't get about her, Obama and other Democrats: they start off by talking about how hard families work and rewarding that is to give and invest your best. Then somehow turn this into "requiring" that help for others to be implemented through govt!

????? So these people who enjoyed the free choice to give up their coat for a neighbor in need, or Obama who had free choice to change his beliefs on gay marriage, suddenly want to use govt to institutionalize the same "giving" or personal choices in beliefs as mandated through govt. They demonstrate the beauty and power behind Free choice to give and believe freely . Then turn around and seek to require that publicly for all people depriving others of the same free choice they got to use. ?????

This makes no sense to me.

Especially coming from the party opposing Christianity pushed through schools or govt instead of remaining a free choice of practice. Then pushing socialist beliefs, requirements and regulations on others through govt.

I'm left wondering what it will be like when more people get how self contradictory this is. To take beliefs you had free choice to exercise and think it's a "good idea" to mandate that for everyone while decrying other religious groups for promoting their beliefs through govt !

Please let a huge light flip on where more people get how contradictory this is, against human nature which demands respect for free will and resists oppression by others. Why is this not more clear? Am I missing something????
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It's hilarious that the Dems have a rebuttal rehearsed. Before the President has even given his address. It's as if they feel that no matter what he says... They absolutely must say something to the contrary, or negative.
Abrams did claim that the economy was a shambles. High unemployment, the poor forced to support the rich. The same old same old.
Yup. Trump hit it out of the park, and the shit the Left rehearsed whining about fell on deaf ears...
:CryingCow: :huh1: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: Aren't us normal people all saying, "Why Her"? If they wanted Stacey to deliver the democrat response, they may as well had Hank Johnson, Maxine Waters, or The Genius Cortez deliver the response.
Lets face it, she doesn't look good, is not even close to being well spoken, actually thought she could win a Senate seat in Georgia. Overall, not a very likeable person.
And she is the chosen one?
The Democrats may as well should of had Bert and Ernie deliver the response, or maybe even Rachael Doolazol.
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
Democrats must play the race card because they thrive on racism, hate, and class struggle...even though it doesn’t exist.
RDD_1210 said:
You fools are trying to act like Trump ISN'T a racist. Your proof is that black unemployment is down. You admit that unemployment is down for everyone and just happens to include black people. This is a byproduct and does nothing to dispel the notion that he's a racist. Which he is.

Get it yet?
Of course you don't, you're a Trump supporter.
What Was The Previous Admin's Specific Policy For Raising Blacks ??
Section 8 In Better Neighborhoods
For The Growing Numbers Of Blacks On Assistance

"Welfare IS Stimulus"
...Nancy Pelosi
:CryingCow: :huh1: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: Aren't us normal people all saying, "Why Her"? If they wanted Stacey to deliver the democrat response, they may as well had Hank Johnson, Maxine Waters, or The Genius Cortez deliver the response.
Lets face it, she doesn't look good, is not even close to being well spoken, actually thought she could win a Senate seat in Georgia. Overall, not a very likeable person.
And she is the chosen one?
The Democrats may as well should of had Bert and Ernie deliver the response, or maybe even Rachael Doolazol.
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
The loopy kunt lost... For good reason
Hers was a dishonest speech. Pushed the lie that the president is against immigration for wanting the Wall. Progressives like to play that little game of deception.
It's hilarious that the Dems have a rebuttal rehearsed. Before the President has even given his address. It's as if they feel that no matter what he says... They absolutely must say something to the contrary, or negative.
Abrams did claim that the economy was a shambles. High unemployment, the poor forced to support the rich. The same old same old.
From the few clips I watched on the Fake News reaction, they echoed the lies of this loser. I don't watch the Fake News channels or I'd be buying new TV screens every day. Unless you're a hard-core Leftist, I can't see how anybody would want to watch their shit analysis knowing it's all bullshit. foxNews is so upbeat and positive 90 % of the time. Although, Hannity rattling the same fucking talking points over and over does get tiresome. He's right on, but geez man, get new material.
Lesh said:
The response to the SOTU is usually where political careers go to die.

Abrams will most likely be the opposite
From War To The Economy
Trump Hit All Nails Squarely

Abrams Had The Shut-Down
That Ended Last Week
:CryingCow: :huh1: :eusa_think: :eusa_think: Aren't us normal people all saying, "Why Her"? If they wanted Stacey to deliver the democrat response, they may as well had Hank Johnson, Maxine Waters, or The Genius Cortez deliver the response.
Lets face it, she doesn't look good, is not even close to being well spoken, actually thought she could win a Senate seat in Georgia. Overall, not a very likeable person.
And she is the chosen one?
The Democrats may as well should of had Bert and Ernie deliver the response, or maybe even Rachael Doolazol.
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:

The ignorance of your average Republican right wing dingbat never fails to amaze.

You got a law degree from Yale?
No? Oh.
You ever been appointed leader in a state House of Representatives?
No? Oh.
You ever have a job as Deputy City Attorney for Atlanta?
No? Oh.

Well aren't YOU the ignorant racist pig?

You've never even heard her speak. How the fuck would a racist like you know she's "not even close to being well spoken" when bigots like you would never give her five minutes in the first place.

Yes, the only POSSIBLE objection anyone could have to her is that she's black . . . if we're all bigots like you, and unable to see people beyond their skin color.

What is this bullshit about "you've never even heard her speak"? Bitch just ran for governor of Georgia, and then pissed and moaned for months in any media outlet who would listen about how she was "cheated". We've heard her speak, thanks.

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