Staffers tell Politico That Obama Fed Up, Resents He's Irrelevent

Poor Poor Obama. EVERYTHING is about him. The hell if the people are saying we DON'T WANT the crap you want to lay on us. Just go play golf and shut the hell up we are sick of hearing from you
I hope we've learned our lesson about voting in a race-baiting 76 IQ marxist coward. He's not just a sad joke in America, he's a sad joke in every other country on earth. The man's college grades and birth certificate are state secrets for God's sake!

Proof of anything you just said or are you just assuming as a black man, he is dumber than you no matter what?

We've had six years to come to this slow?
sums things up nicely

Quotes of the day
posted at 10:31 pm on November 3, 2014 by Allahpundit
Claiming new momentum 48 hours before polls open across America, Republicans on Sunday assailed President Barack Obama in a final weekend push to motivate voters as Democrats deployed their biggest stars to help preserve an endangered Senate majority.

GOP officials from Alaska to Georgia seized on the president’s low approval ratings, which have overshadowed an election season in which roughly 60 percent of eligible voters are expected to stay home.

“This is really the last chance for America to pass judgment on the Obama administration and on its policies,” the GOP’s 2012 presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, said in a message echoed by Republicans across the country on the weekend.
Burdened by association with the deeply unpopular President Obama, Democrats have seen little political benefit from the steadily growing economy, which, for many voters, has failed to translate into a sense of greater well-being…

Adding to the onslaught has been a seemingly endless barrage of bad news — about Ebola, Russian hegemony, hostages beheaded in the Middle East — and a series of Washington missteps, including the botched rollout of the healthcare program and scandals at the Internal Revenue Service, the Secret Service and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

The result is a surly electorate, and it goes beyond Colorado…
For their part, Democrats have largely shunned the president, or at least his presence on stage or in their TV advertising, while insisting his policies have worked better than voters might think.
Democrats have an even tougher challenge this year than Republicans faced eight years ago. Obama is just as unpopular with independents as Bush in 2006, but according to a CBS News poll his approval rating among the Democratic base is just 66 percent. Moreover, according to Gallup, only 25 percent of Democrats are extremely motivated to vote this year — compared with 44 percent of Republicans in 2006. So Democrats have to persuade their own unenthusiastic base to turn out and vote. But the more they try to persuade their base, the more they alienate the center.

ALL of it here:
Quotes of the day Hot Air
People need to wake up to stop this man from damaging us anymore. CALL your Representatives

Facing another midterm ‘shellacking,’ Obama refuses to change
posted at 10:31 am on November 3, 2014 by Noah Rothman
President Barack Obama won’t be hitting the trail today or Election Day to stump for Democrats. The president concluded his midterm campaigning over the weekend with a stop in sapphire blue Connecticut. There, Obama stumped for a deeply unpopular incumbent Democratic governor and a local member of Congress who declined to be there in person lest a camera-wielding tracker catch her and the president in the same frame.
The national environment has turned on Democrats, and the conditions that could create a pro-GOP wave election are evident. Obama is facing another “shellacking,” as he called the midterm drubbing his party suffered in 2010, and voters are quick to say that the president is the problem. Most surveys have found that, by two-to-one margins in some cases, voters hope to send a message of disapproval to the president with their vote in November. According to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released on Sunday, 67 percent of the public would like to see “a great deal” or “quite a bit” of change in the direction Obama is leading the country after Tuesday.
The White House isn’t listening.
After predicting a Democratic victory which would result in the in-party keeping control of the Senate, Vice President Joe Biden insisted in a recent interview with CNN’s Gloria Borger that the president is just fine the way he is. Theirs is a communications problem, the vice president insisted. “We have to be more direct and clear about exactly what it is we’re looking to do,” Biden said. “And look, we’re — we’re ready to compromise.”

According to the quotes White House officials are giving reporters widely read by Democratic partisans, the White House is firm in the belief that Obama does not have to change.

“Administration officials tell us that Obama’s political and policy teams are planning a big counterattack if the Republicans win the Senate—introducing a slate of legislative proposals and executive actions on immigration, infrastructure and early childhood education that are popular with the Democratic base and that he will dare the GOP to oppose,” wrote Politico’s Glenn Thrush and Carrie Budoff Brown .

This picture paints an image of Obama as a vainglorious Napoleon returning to Paris after Waterloo. The president is now just another of history’s great and defeated figures who steadfastly refuse to accept the unfavorable conditions his own hubris invited, shuffling armies that exist only on paper toward fronts that long ago collapsed.

“Obama and his team, gearing up for one final fight, say they are intent on not throwing away the next two-plus years,” Thrush and Brown continued. “West Wing officials concede that Obama is weary of the endless partisan combat and the unrelenting six-year GOP strategy of attack, but they insist he has absolutely no intention of embracing his inner lame duck.”

Politico’s scribes insist that an Obama comeback after two historic rebukes at the hands of voters is not a “crazy scenario,” but that framing concedes that it would defy history. Many of Obama’s advisors privately told these reporters that Obama is consumed with animosity toward the fates that so cruelly elevated him to near divinity only to abandon him. He hates that Democrats no longer want to be seen with him. He despises the fact that his formerly close confidants are eager to leave the White House.

Most of all, he resents the voters who have imposed these conditions upon him.

“Obama’s loathing for Washington, an attitude that reads as ennui to outsiders, has hardened into a sullen resignation at being trapped in a broken system he failed to change, advisers told us,” Thrush and Brown revealed.
You have failed him.

ALL of it here:
Facing another midterm shellacking Obama refuses to change Hot Air
Does anyone find it odd that someone who claims to be working on her doctorate in Economics can't spell the word irrelevant?
Don't expect obola to sit back and take it. He will do whatever he can to punish the people for rejecting him. He will strike out to hurt the ungrateful Americans.
Don't expect obola to sit back and take it. He will do whatever he can to punish the people for rejecting him. He will strike out to hurt the ungrateful Americans.

I'm afraid you're right. Look what he did when he shut down the Government. He closed off all our monuments and national parks as PAYBACK
turned our vets away from visiting memorials done in their honor

It cost more to "shut down" the government than it cost to keep things running normally.
Me thinks Obama is quietly crying as exit polls don't look good....
Me thinks Obama is quietly crying as exit polls don't look good....

What his sheep won't accept is Obama cost them the house back in 2010 and he probably is going to cost them the Senate today.

But according them it's everyone else's fault because we didn't ALLOW him to just come in and steamroll over us. Well they shoved OScamCare down our throats the people gave the house to Republicans to do just what we wanted, stop that idiot in as President
Why is it wrong for Obama to feel the same way about his presidency that most of us feel about it too? (-:
I would bet Barry is sooo tired of being in over his head that he can't wait for his second term to end and he can pursue something his past has him well qualified for, retirement. And as an ex-president of the United States no less. He'll miss the big plane, but it'll be nice not making a complete fool out of himself on the world stage any more.

He's a worthless, feckless, friggin' idiot.
I'm sure Obama wanted to go out on every campaign stop
with every Dem candidate.
He do love to campaign.
Hates the job.

This man loves to be with his adoring fans....
But there doesn't seem to be that many of them right now...

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