Standing Up to the Muslim Invasion of Europe

cause now you are saying that its the Wests problem , create safe zones , I say ok but generally , well they can all drop dead OldLady !! Best to just run them out of the WEST . IMO !!
So we pull out of ME and stop bombing and let ISIS and AQ have their way? Our bombs are part of the flak, Pismoe. They are human beings who've been driven from their homes by a 21st century war. It seems it is the West's problem since the refugees are fleeing to the West. Otherwise we are allowing genocide. But'd probably approve of that, as well.
You really are wasting your time. You would have more success reasoning with a bag of carrots.
cause now you are saying that its the Wests problem , create safe zones , I say ok but generally , well they can all drop dead OldLady !! Best to just run them out of the WEST . IMO !!
So we pull out of ME and stop bombing and let ISIS and AQ have their way? Our bombs are part of the flak, Pismoe. They are human beings who've been driven from their homes by a 21st century war. It seems it is the West's problem since the refugees are fleeing to the West. Otherwise we are allowing genocide. But'd probably approve of that, as well.
You really are wasting your time. You would have more success reasoning with a bag of carrots.
----------------------------- go ahead , appease the muslim invaders , ok with me as I watch to see what develops . Things are moving pretty quickly these last few years so I probably won't have to wait too long to see what happens next Tommy !!
It's too late......the invasion is almost completed. .......

Not enough muslims concentrated in one place so making it easy to pick them of one by one. The war has not yet began, and when it does expect muslims to spill blood on soil they have no links to. See them start to run back to "Syria" to get away from air attacks and ground forces. At the end of the day they are really cowards that run at the first sign of getting beat.
yeah , as if school is going to make a difference in islams 1400 years of 'moes' brainwashing . You do realize that any schools built would have muslim teachers , muslim dress , muslim education don't you OldLady ??
Uneducated Muslims are the ones who are joining Isis and the other radical groups, Pismoe, because they are just that ignorant.

Most of the people flocking to join daesh happen to be educated muslims, people like lawyers, doctors, engineers etc. Just look at A.Q. and who it enlists as its "soldiers"
US and Europe have created a chaotic situation in the Middle East with no idea how to fix it.

Now their meddling is coming back to haunt them in unexpected ways. ...... :cool:

We do know how to fix it, just that the politicians are scared of implementing the changes needed. Build a seperation barrier around the M.E. and close all travel to and from Islamic nations. Once the politiicians realise that this is what the people want they will implement it and then start a regime of evicting muslims from the west, closely followed by the neo Marxists that seem to think they are in charge and want to flood the west with extremist muslim terrorists.
yeah , as if school is going to make a difference in islams 1400 years of 'moes' brainwashing . You do realize that any schools built would have muslim teachers , muslim dress , muslim education don't you OldLady ??
Uneducated Muslims are the ones who are joining Isis and the other radical groups, Pismoe, because they are just that ignorant.

Ignorant of what? How do you define "uneducated"?. I have worked in a profession in the USA that brought me into contact with BOTH the MOST
educated muslims and the least.--------My colleagues were in their own muslim
countries -----among the MOST EDUCATED before coming to the US-----and also
excellent in their professions when practicing here. Lots of our shared clients
were among the LEAST educated people coming from the muslim countries from
which they migrated. Syrians---even among muslim nations are not the UNDER EDUCATED of those populations People whom I have known from Pakistan spoke PROUDLY of their colleagues over there and relatives who joined the TALIBAN ----having been recruited off the university campuses of Pakistan -------
Isis people are not the illiterates of the world. --------you jump to really idiotic
conclusions. It is an idiotic mistake to claim that ISIS exists because muslims
who join up are "UNEDUCATED"
Rosie, I have heard several people who live in the Middle East and apparently know what they're saying, that the ISIS fighters, et al are mostly poorly educated young men. If I am jumping to idiotic conclusions, it is because I listen to the news shows in hopes of understanding what is going on. My apologies if I offended.
yeah , as if school is going to make a difference in islams 1400 years of 'moes' brainwashing . You do realize that any schools built would have muslim teachers , muslim dress , muslim education don't you OldLady ??
Uneducated Muslims are the ones who are joining Isis and the other radical groups, Pismoe, because they are just that ignorant.

Ignorant of what? How do you define "uneducated"?. I have worked in a profession in the USA that brought me into contact with BOTH the MOST
educated muslims and the least.--------My colleagues were in their own muslim
countries -----among the MOST EDUCATED before coming to the US-----and also
excellent in their professions when practicing here. Lots of our shared clients
were among the LEAST educated people coming from the muslim countries from
which they migrated. Syrians---even among muslim nations are not the UNDER EDUCATED of those populations People whom I have known from Pakistan spoke PROUDLY of their colleagues over there and relatives who joined the TALIBAN ----having been recruited off the university campuses of Pakistan -------
Isis people are not the illiterates of the world. --------you jump to really idiotic
conclusions. It is an idiotic mistake to claim that ISIS exists because muslims
who join up are "UNEDUCATED"
Rosie, I have heard several people who live in the Middle East and apparently know what they're saying, that the ISIS fighters, et al are mostly poorly educated young men. If I am jumping to idiotic conclusions, it is because I listen to the news shows in hopes of understanding what is going on. My apologies if I offended.

I am not offended. I have also heard the silly propaganda------If that is all you have----you are likely to believe it. I not only know lots of muslims from ---over there-------but I was also in the US military--------Lots of our enlisted are what I would call "poorly" educated too. But I am an education snob.
yeah , as if school is going to make a difference in islams 1400 years of 'moes' brainwashing . You do realize that any schools built would have muslim teachers , muslim dress , muslim education don't you OldLady ??
Uneducated Muslims are the ones who are joining Isis and the other radical groups, Pismoe, because they are just that ignorant.

Ignorant of what? How do you define "uneducated"?. I have worked in a profession in the USA that brought me into contact with BOTH the MOST
educated muslims and the least.--------My colleagues were in their own muslim
countries -----among the MOST EDUCATED before coming to the US-----and also
excellent in their professions when practicing here. Lots of our shared clients
were among the LEAST educated people coming from the muslim countries from
which they migrated. Syrians---even among muslim nations are not the UNDER EDUCATED of those populations People whom I have known from Pakistan spoke PROUDLY of their colleagues over there and relatives who joined the TALIBAN ----having been recruited off the university campuses of Pakistan -------
Isis people are not the illiterates of the world. --------you jump to really idiotic
conclusions. It is an idiotic mistake to claim that ISIS exists because muslims
who join up are "UNEDUCATED"
Rosie, I have heard several people who live in the Middle East and apparently know what they're saying, that the ISIS fighters, et al are mostly poorly educated young men. If I am jumping to idiotic conclusions, it is because I listen to the news shows in hopes of understanding what is going on. My apologies if I offended.
------------------------------- poorly educated , its not the WESTS duty to educate them . The only problem with 'isis' and islamic state is that the West is full of appeasers that want to pander to the enemy . The enemy needs to leave the West and the world to meet its virgins in hell OldLady !!
yeah , as if school is going to make a difference in islams 1400 years of 'moes' brainwashing . You do realize that any schools built would have muslim teachers , muslim dress , muslim education don't you OldLady ??
Uneducated Muslims are the ones who are joining Isis and the other radical groups, Pismoe, because they are just that ignorant.

Ignorant of what? How do you define "uneducated"?. I have worked in a profession in the USA that brought me into contact with BOTH the MOST
educated muslims and the least.--------My colleagues were in their own muslim
countries -----among the MOST EDUCATED before coming to the US-----and also
excellent in their professions when practicing here. Lots of our shared clients
were among the LEAST educated people coming from the muslim countries from
which they migrated. Syrians---even among muslim nations are not the UNDER EDUCATED of those populations People whom I have known from Pakistan spoke PROUDLY of their colleagues over there and relatives who joined the TALIBAN ----having been recruited off the university campuses of Pakistan -------
Isis people are not the illiterates of the world. --------you jump to really idiotic
conclusions. It is an idiotic mistake to claim that ISIS exists because muslims
who join up are "UNEDUCATED"
Rosie, I have heard several people who live in the Middle East and apparently know what they're saying, that the ISIS fighters, et al are mostly poorly educated young men. If I am jumping to idiotic conclusions, it is because I listen to the news shows in hopes of understanding what is going on. My apologies if I offended.
------------------------------- poorly educated , its not the WESTS duty to educate them . The only problem with 'isis' and islamic state is that the West is full of appeasers that want to pander to the enemy . The enemy needs to leave the West and the world to meet its virgins in hell OldLady !!

whether "the west" need educate them or not-----is not really the point------as it happens-----young people who MIGRATE to Iraq from muslim countries are NOT
the illiterate-------they are people EDUCATED IN ISLAM
and education means nothing , muslim theology designates the 'muslim house of peace' which is the part of the world that is under the thumb of 'islam' and 'muslims' . The 'muslim house of war' is everywhere that is NOT under the control of 'islam' and 'muslims' . This current 'hijrah' or muslim invasion / immigration is a well known tactic encouraged by 'moe' and written about in muslim holy books and theology . The refugee invasion is just part of the plan OldLady !!
and education means nothing , muslim theology designates the 'muslim house of peace' which is the part of the world that is under the thumb of 'islam' and 'muslims' . The 'muslim house of war' is everywhere that is NOT under the control of 'islam' and 'muslims' . This current 'hijrah' or muslim invasion / immigration is a well known tactic encouraged by 'moe' and written about in muslim holy books and theology . The refugee invasion is just part of the plan OldLady !!

you need not resort to MASSIVE CONSCIOUS CONSPIRACY------the situation is far more simple. -------and very basic. Muslims are enjoined by their religious dogma
to SEEK CONVERTS and------even FORCE CONVERSION by various means----the most successful being the imposition of shariah law which puts non muslims at
a very serious disadvantage socially, politically and economically-----a situation that
can be relieved ONLY by conversion to islam. No matter what the MOTIVATION
for emigration to a non muslim society-------there WILL BE SOME FERVENT----muslims either in that group or later born to that group that will seek THAT WHICH
I'm not sure some of the European countries would agree with you on that, Clayton. I believe there have been problems, although I'm not drinking the bigots' koolaid. Forewarned is forearmed, but we have to help in some way.


How does it "help" for Europe to allow hoards of fighting-age Muslim men to flood in from all over the world as they leave behind the women, children and elderly to fend for themselves?

If the cultures these people wish to replicate in Europe are so great, why aren't similar hoards flocking to the Middle East and North Africa to partake in all the female genital mutilation, arranged marriages between close family members, honor killings an draconian punishments?

It appears very much to me that you use the word "bigot" to describe anybody who actually knows a thing or two about all the archly regressive attitudes being imported.
i wonder why the appeasers in the West don't understand what is going on with converting the entire world to islam using whatever force or means that are needed .
yeah , as if school is going to make a difference in islams 1400 years of 'moes' brainwashing . You do realize that any schools built would have muslim teachers , muslim dress , muslim education don't you OldLady ??
Uneducated Muslims are the ones who are joining Isis and the other radical groups, Pismoe, because they are just that ignorant.

Ignorant of what? How do you define "uneducated"?. I have worked in a profession in the USA that brought me into contact with BOTH the MOST
educated muslims and the least.--------My colleagues were in their own muslim
countries -----among the MOST EDUCATED before coming to the US-----and also
excellent in their professions when practicing here. Lots of our shared clients
were among the LEAST educated people coming from the muslim countries from
which they migrated. Syrians---even among muslim nations are not the UNDER EDUCATED of those populations People whom I have known from Pakistan spoke PROUDLY of their colleagues over there and relatives who joined the TALIBAN ----having been recruited off the university campuses of Pakistan -------
Isis people are not the illiterates of the world. --------you jump to really idiotic
conclusions. It is an idiotic mistake to claim that ISIS exists because muslims
who join up are "UNEDUCATED"
Rosie, I have heard several people who live in the Middle East and apparently know what they're saying, that the ISIS fighters, et al are mostly poorly educated young men. If I am jumping to idiotic conclusions, it is because I listen to the news shows in hopes of understanding what is going on. My apologies if I offended.
------------------------------- poorly educated , its not the WESTS duty to educate them . The only problem with 'isis' and islamic state is that the West is full of appeasers that want to pander to the enemy . The enemy needs to leave the West and the world to meet its virgins in hell OldLady !!
IMO, you're being short sighted and emotional about this.
i wonder why the appeasers in the West don't understand what is going on with converting the entire world to islam using whatever force or means that are needed .

Lack of education coupled with a very simplistic world view that requires them to frame issues according to left vs right with an automatic polar opposition to anything framed as "right wing".

They do not actually stand FOR anything, but only know what they are against, so instead of standing up for liberal, western values, they defend the very antithesis of liberalism by defending Islamism.
I'm not sure some of the European countries would agree with you on that, Clayton. I believe there have been problems, although I'm not drinking the bigots' koolaid. Forewarned is forearmed, but we have to help in some way.


How does it "help" for Europe to allow hoards of fighting-age Muslim men to flood in from all over the world as they leave behind the women, children and elderly to fend for themselves?

If the cultures these people wish to replicate in Europe are so great, why aren't similar hoards flocking to the Middle East and North Africa to partake in all the female genital mutilation, arranged marriages between close family members, honor killings an draconian punishments?

It appears very much to me that you use the word "bigot" to describe anybody who actually knows a thing or two about all the archly regressive attitudes being imported.
Not all people who are concerned about Muslim refugees are bigots; I realize some people are genuinely concerned and don't let that color their opinion of all people from the Middle East.
IMO, you're being short sighted and emotional about this.

Actually, he is the one who ISN'T short sided here, as he is concerned with the long-term effects of a growing Muslim population actively hostile to the cultures in which they are growing with astonishing rapidity.
Not all people who are concerned about Muslim refugees are bigots; I realize some people are genuinely concerned and don't let that color their opinion of all people from the Middle East.

You are dealing in a world of platitudes here, Old Lady.

Now, if you are truly an old lady (and I am getting to be an old man), you must remember when Sweden was about the safest place in the world for women. Now, it is the rape capital of Europe. You must remember the term "Swinging London" when it was all about Carnaby Street instead of London being one of the world's epicenters of terrorism. You certainty must remember a time when you could go to Belgium to enjoy the beer and chocolates without worrying about rape gangs. I seem to recall a time when Germany was Germany, France was France, Switzerland was Switzerland and I could celebrate all the rich diversity of those cultures.

You talk about being short-sighted, but if you cannot perceive the sweeping changes that have taken place in you own lifetime, what DOES it take to get you to open your eyes? The very most common baby name in Britain these days isn't Edward or Henry or George -- it is Mohammad.

Why must the diverse and wonderful cultures of Europe be sacrificed upon this alter of myopic political correctness?

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