Standing Up to the Muslim Invasion of Europe

IMO, you're being short sighted and emotional about this.

Actually, he is the one who ISN'T short sided here, as he is concerned with the long-term effects of a growing Muslim population actively hostile to the cultures in which they are growing with astonishing rapidity.
You should speak for yourself. With pismoe I'm not at all convinced that's his underlying motive.
underlying motive , heck , look at muslim history and religion , see what muslim neighbors did to FAHRKUNDA . See what happening in muslims lands last night or this morning or in the next minute or so , --------- underlying motive , [haw] :afro: !! Appeasers DESERVE what they get OldLady !!
Not all people who are concerned about Muslim refugees are bigots; I realize some people are genuinely concerned and don't let that color their opinion of all people from the Middle East.

You are dealing in a world of platitudes here, Old Lady.

Now, if you are truly an old lady (and I am getting to be an old man), you must remember when Sweden was about the safest place in the world for women. Now, it is the rape capital of Europe. You must remember the term "Swinging London" when it was all about Carnaby Street instead of London being one of the world's epicenters of terrorism. You certainty must remember a time when you could go to Belgium to enjoy the beer and chocolates without worrying about rape gangs. I seem to recall a time when Germany was Germany, France was France, Switzerland was Switzerland and I could celebrate all the rich diversity of those cultures.

You talk about being short-sighted, but if you cannot perceive the sweeping changes that have taken place in you own lifetime, what DOES it take to get you to open your eyes? The very most common baby name in Britain these days isn't Edward or Henry or George -- it is Mohammad.

Why must the diverse and wonderful cultures of Europe be sacrificed upon this alter of myopic political correctness?
Did you read the whole thread? I'm just batting back Pismoe's birdie.

My eyes are open. The question is what we plan to do with our open eyes. As I've already stated, the refugees are in a hard place and we should help them in some way. These young men causing trouble in Europe should be immediately sent home if they can be caught. Since there have been plenty of videos of this kind of stuff that I've seen on this board, it shouldn't be that hard to catch the jerks. If they're too stupid to follow the rules in their host country, they deserve to get sent back. A lot of them are young thugs who weren't any more welcome at home than they are in Europe, I will bet you.

Since we haven't had problems with roving Muslim rape gangs here, I'm guessing the rate or the way we're allowing them in to the US is preventing that threat. If you don't want anymore, okay. The Safe Zone or No Fly Zone in their own country would be fine with me. It apparently isn't easy to do, since we haven't even begun to try to build one. I am just not a proponent of genocide, which is what we're engineering in Syria if we lock them in and continue to bomb them.

The other problem with your argument is that it boils down to a matter of security, which is harder to achieve than you would like to think. The recent arrests in Spain of native Spaniards involved with ISIS, of Belgium and French nationals involved in the Paris attacks, the American born citizen who shot up a San Bernadino Christmas party....targeting just Middle Eastern folks won't stop jihadism from reaching the West.
yeah , as if school is going to make a difference in islams 1400 years of 'moes' brainwashing . You do realize that any schools built would have muslim teachers , muslim dress , muslim education don't you OldLady ??
Uneducated Muslims are the ones who are joining Isis and the other radical groups, Pismoe, because they are just that ignorant.

Ignorant of what? How do you define "uneducated"?. I have worked in a profession in the USA that brought me into contact with BOTH the MOST
educated muslims and the least.--------My colleagues were in their own muslim
countries -----among the MOST EDUCATED before coming to the US-----and also
excellent in their professions when practicing here. Lots of our shared clients
were among the LEAST educated people coming from the muslim countries from
which they migrated. Syrians---even among muslim nations are not the UNDER EDUCATED of those populations People whom I have known from Pakistan spoke PROUDLY of their colleagues over there and relatives who joined the TALIBAN ----having been recruited off the university campuses of Pakistan -------
Isis people are not the illiterates of the world. --------you jump to really idiotic
conclusions. It is an idiotic mistake to claim that ISIS exists because muslims
who join up are "UNEDUCATED"
Rosie, I have heard several people who live in the Middle East and apparently know what they're saying, that the ISIS fighters, et al are mostly poorly educated young men. If I am jumping to idiotic conclusions, it is because I listen to the news shows in hopes of understanding what is going on. My apologies if I offended.
------------------------------- poorly educated , its not the WESTS duty to educate them . The only problem with 'isis' and islamic state is that the West is full of appeasers that want to pander to the enemy . The enemy needs to leave the West and the world to meet its virgins in hell OldLady !!
IMO, you're being short sighted and emotional about this.

Hardly as like me he has done his homework and studied the enemy, the enemies dogma and teachings that show they are extremists all. No such thing as a conservative muslim that is against the teachings of the koran, all you have are muslims and kuffar. The only education a muslim needs is that taught by the koran, which is to spread the word by the sword until all that is left is islam
Uneducated Muslims are the ones who are joining Isis and the other radical groups, Pismoe, because they are just that ignorant.

Ignorant of what? How do you define "uneducated"?. I have worked in a profession in the USA that brought me into contact with BOTH the MOST
educated muslims and the least.--------My colleagues were in their own muslim
countries -----among the MOST EDUCATED before coming to the US-----and also
excellent in their professions when practicing here. Lots of our shared clients
were among the LEAST educated people coming from the muslim countries from
which they migrated. Syrians---even among muslim nations are not the UNDER EDUCATED of those populations People whom I have known from Pakistan spoke PROUDLY of their colleagues over there and relatives who joined the TALIBAN ----having been recruited off the university campuses of Pakistan -------
Isis people are not the illiterates of the world. --------you jump to really idiotic
conclusions. It is an idiotic mistake to claim that ISIS exists because muslims
who join up are "UNEDUCATED"
Rosie, I have heard several people who live in the Middle East and apparently know what they're saying, that the ISIS fighters, et al are mostly poorly educated young men. If I am jumping to idiotic conclusions, it is because I listen to the news shows in hopes of understanding what is going on. My apologies if I offended.
------------------------------- poorly educated , its not the WESTS duty to educate them . The only problem with 'isis' and islamic state is that the West is full of appeasers that want to pander to the enemy . The enemy needs to leave the West and the world to meet its virgins in hell OldLady !!
IMO, you're being short sighted and emotional about this.

Hardly as like me he has done his homework and studied the enemy, the enemies dogma and teachings that show they are extremists all. No such thing as a conservative muslim that is against the teachings of the koran, all you have are muslims and kuffar. The only education a muslim needs is that taught by the koran, which is to spread the word by the sword until all that is left is islam

there are harmless muslims-------in fact----probably most just as most germans---EVEN ADOLF SUPPORTERS----- were ----by themselves, as individurals----harmless people who would not consider gassing children of any "race"
Lots of people -----EVEN EDUCATED PEOPLE ----fail to see the whole picture and
get swept up in what is presented to them as a "holy" ideology
harmless muslims are apostates and would be killed as apostates in areas like 'iran' or the caliphate so harmless moderate muslims are of no use . Same goes for the so called MODERATE Nazi back in the 40s in the time of Nazi Germany and Nazis running the show in Germany .
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Uneducated Muslims are the ones who are joining Isis and the other radical groups, Pismoe, because they are just that ignorant.

Ignorant of what? How do you define "uneducated"?. I have worked in a profession in the USA that brought me into contact with BOTH the MOST
educated muslims and the least.--------My colleagues were in their own muslim
countries -----among the MOST EDUCATED before coming to the US-----and also
excellent in their professions when practicing here. Lots of our shared clients
were among the LEAST educated people coming from the muslim countries from
which they migrated. Syrians---even among muslim nations are not the UNDER EDUCATED of those populations People whom I have known from Pakistan spoke PROUDLY of their colleagues over there and relatives who joined the TALIBAN ----having been recruited off the university campuses of Pakistan -------
Isis people are not the illiterates of the world. --------you jump to really idiotic
conclusions. It is an idiotic mistake to claim that ISIS exists because muslims
who join up are "UNEDUCATED"
Rosie, I have heard several people who live in the Middle East and apparently know what they're saying, that the ISIS fighters, et al are mostly poorly educated young men. If I am jumping to idiotic conclusions, it is because I listen to the news shows in hopes of understanding what is going on. My apologies if I offended.
------------------------------- poorly educated , its not the WESTS duty to educate them . The only problem with 'isis' and islamic state is that the West is full of appeasers that want to pander to the enemy . The enemy needs to leave the West and the world to meet its virgins in hell OldLady !!
IMO, you're being short sighted and emotional about this.

Hardly as like me he has done his homework and studied the enemy, the enemies dogma and teachings that show they are extremists all. No such thing as a conservative muslim that is against the teachings of the koran, all you have are muslims and kuffar. The only education a muslim needs is that taught by the koran, which is to spread the word by the sword until all that is left is islam
I guess you're a jihadist, huh? That's their slant on it, for sure.

What none of you seem to get is that every human being on this planet has a dark streak of aggression regardless of culture or race or religion. You are completely ignoring the existence of a billion peaceable Muslims on this planet who are not involved in jihad BECAUSE THEY DON'T AGREE WITH IT. However, we've all got that instinctual urge to attack whatever/whomever threatens our territory, our food, our means to survive. Fortunately, we also have the brains God gave us to look beyond that impulse to destroy and find another way. If you could stand back a bit and look at yourselves, you would see that your hostility and oversimplification of the facts is as ugly and wrong as the jihadists'. Beneath all our differences, we are all human beings and we should respect that.

No, I don't want to be bombed in the coffee shop or raped on the street. I don't want to see our dogs beaten to death or see anyone tossed off the roof or beheaded. What I do want is to find a way to help the many, many Muslims who are not part of jihad who are currently fleeing with their children to find a place not being bombed on a daily basis.

I know you think I'm dead wrong. That's okay, because I know you are. The U.S. apparently had something to do with starting all this destablization in the Middle East, and we need to help the people affected by it.
well , you ibs just get together and do your work OldLady but expect NO help from the thoughtful people in Western society !!
Ignorant of what? How do you define "uneducated"?. I have worked in a profession in the USA that brought me into contact with BOTH the MOST
educated muslims and the least.--------My colleagues were in their own muslim
countries -----among the MOST EDUCATED before coming to the US-----and also
excellent in their professions when practicing here. Lots of our shared clients
were among the LEAST educated people coming from the muslim countries from
which they migrated. Syrians---even among muslim nations are not the UNDER EDUCATED of those populations People whom I have known from Pakistan spoke PROUDLY of their colleagues over there and relatives who joined the TALIBAN ----having been recruited off the university campuses of Pakistan -------
Isis people are not the illiterates of the world. --------you jump to really idiotic
conclusions. It is an idiotic mistake to claim that ISIS exists because muslims
who join up are "UNEDUCATED"
Rosie, I have heard several people who live in the Middle East and apparently know what they're saying, that the ISIS fighters, et al are mostly poorly educated young men. If I am jumping to idiotic conclusions, it is because I listen to the news shows in hopes of understanding what is going on. My apologies if I offended.
------------------------------- poorly educated , its not the WESTS duty to educate them . The only problem with 'isis' and islamic state is that the West is full of appeasers that want to pander to the enemy . The enemy needs to leave the West and the world to meet its virgins in hell OldLady !!
IMO, you're being short sighted and emotional about this.

Hardly as like me he has done his homework and studied the enemy, the enemies dogma and teachings that show they are extremists all. No such thing as a conservative muslim that is against the teachings of the koran, all you have are muslims and kuffar. The only education a muslim needs is that taught by the koran, which is to spread the word by the sword until all that is left is islam
I guess you're a jihadist, huh? That's their slant on it, for sure.

What none of you seem to get is that every human being on this planet has a dark streak of aggression regardless of culture or race or religion. You are completely ignoring the existence of a billion peaceable Muslims on this planet who are not involved in jihad BECAUSE THEY DON'T AGREE WITH IT. However, we've all got that instinctual urge to attack whatever/whomever threatens our territory, our food, our means to survive. Fortunately, we also have the brains God gave us to look beyond that impulse to destroy and find another way. If you could stand back a bit and look at yourselves, you would see that your hostility and oversimplification of the facts is as ugly and wrong as the jihadists'. Beneath all our differences, we are all human beings and we should respect that.

No, I don't want to be bombed in the coffee shop or raped on the street. I don't want to see our dogs beaten to death or see anyone tossed off the roof or beheaded. What I do want is to find a way to help the many, many Muslims who are not part of jihad who are currently fleeing with their children to find a place not being bombed on a daily basis.

I know you think I'm dead wrong. That's okay, because I know you are. The U.S. apparently had something to do with starting all this destablization in the Middle East, and we need to help the people affected by it.

you are very naïve GRANDMA-----not your fault-----you may have been brought up that way------THE IDEOLOGY ONE LEARNS IN CHILDHOOD is very very significant---------read some real scholarly stuff in anthropology and child psychology-----(scholarly but fascinating enough to hold the interest of any
literate person------the stuff college kids read ----ie the stuff anyone literate can understand---the general liberal arts major in college is generally no genius) Erik Erikson "childhood and society"-------a really excellent
study in child developement
Okay, folks. Pismoe's laughing at everything I say and even rosie is calling me naive and uneducated; I'll leave you to your board, in peace. Have fun, y'all.
nothing personal , just doesn't make sense to discuss aiding and abetting the invasion of the West by muslims . I mean , everything I and others type can be checked out on the web as far as accuracy goes . --------- google , islams 'house of war and house of peace' and see what the definitions are . Google jizyah , hiraj , taqiyah and other Islamic terms to see what they mean OldLady !!
Rosie, I have heard several people who live in the Middle East and apparently know what they're saying, that the ISIS fighters, et al are mostly poorly educated young men. If I am jumping to idiotic conclusions, it is because I listen to the news shows in hopes of understanding what is going on. My apologies if I offended.
------------------------------- poorly educated , its not the WESTS duty to educate them . The only problem with 'isis' and islamic state is that the West is full of appeasers that want to pander to the enemy . The enemy needs to leave the West and the world to meet its virgins in hell OldLady !!
IMO, you're being short sighted and emotional about this.

Hardly as like me he has done his homework and studied the enemy, the enemies dogma and teachings that show they are extremists all. No such thing as a conservative muslim that is against the teachings of the koran, all you have are muslims and kuffar. The only education a muslim needs is that taught by the koran, which is to spread the word by the sword until all that is left is islam
I guess you're a jihadist, huh? That's their slant on it, for sure.

What none of you seem to get is that every human being on this planet has a dark streak of aggression regardless of culture or race or religion. You are completely ignoring the existence of a billion peaceable Muslims on this planet who are not involved in jihad BECAUSE THEY DON'T AGREE WITH IT. However, we've all got that instinctual urge to attack whatever/whomever threatens our territory, our food, our means to survive. Fortunately, we also have the brains God gave us to look beyond that impulse to destroy and find another way. If you could stand back a bit and look at yourselves, you would see that your hostility and oversimplification of the facts is as ugly and wrong as the jihadists'. Beneath all our differences, we are all human beings and we should respect that.

No, I don't want to be bombed in the coffee shop or raped on the street. I don't want to see our dogs beaten to death or see anyone tossed off the roof or beheaded. What I do want is to find a way to help the many, many Muslims who are not part of jihad who are currently fleeing with their children to find a place not being bombed on a daily basis.

I know you think I'm dead wrong. That's okay, because I know you are. The U.S. apparently had something to do with starting all this destablization in the Middle East, and we need to help the people affected by it.

you are very naïve GRANDMA-----not your fault-----you may have been brought up that way------THE IDEOLOGY ONE LEARNS IN CHILDHOOD is very very significant---------read some real scholarly stuff in anthropology and child psychology-----(scholarly but fascinating enough to hold the interest of any
literate person------the stuff college kids read ----ie the stuff anyone literate can understand---the general liberal arts major in college is generally no genius) Erik Erikson "childhood and society"-------a really excellent
study in child developement
----------------------------- claim is that you raise up a kid in the way that you want him to go . That's why you see widdle jihadi 'Islamic state' kids executing enemies with a bullet to the head or hacking away in a messy beheading .
Okay, folks. Pismoe's laughing at everything I say and even rosie is calling me naive and uneducated; I'll leave you to your board, in peace. Have fun, y'all.

I think your heart is in the right place, but it is your notion of "helping" that is misplaced as well as your understanding of what is really happening.

Your wanting to "help" all these masses of fighting-age men invading Europe adds to the problem because in doing so, you aren't helping all the women, children and elderly they have left behind to fend for themselves. This entire notion that Europe is somehow required to allow this massive invasion of young men doesn't help the real problem, which is one of primitive, dysfunctional culture. All it does is spread this culture into liberal, civilized nations, thus eroding the very liberalism you think you are supporting.
don't think that she disappeared as i think that i have seen her after she threatened or promised to leave . Personally i like having her around . There is never a reason to ever take off in my opinion !!
don't think that she disappeared as i think that i have seen her after she threatened or promised to leave . Personally i like having her around . There is never a reason to ever take off in my opinion !!
I finally figured out what you were talking about. I was giving up on that THREAD and I mispoke. As Tommy Tainant says, you may as well argue with a bag of carrots. It had reached that point. Sorry for the confusion.
Okay, folks. Pismoe's laughing at everything I say and even rosie is calling me naive and uneducated; I'll leave you to your board, in peace. Have fun, y'all.

I think your heart is in the right place, but it is your notion of "helping" that is misplaced as well as your understanding of what is really happening.

Your wanting to "help" all these masses of fighting-age men invading Europe adds to the problem because in doing so, you aren't helping all the women, children and elderly they have left behind to fend for themselves. This entire notion that Europe is somehow required to allow this massive invasion of young men doesn't help the real problem, which is one of primitive, dysfunctional culture. All it does is spread this culture into liberal, civilized nations, thus eroding the very liberalism you think you are supporting.
Right now, there are hundreds of thousands of women and children in refugee camps that many do not want to allow in, either. From my point of view, children grow up and women are just as capable of terrorism as men, so making that distinction wouldn't really protect us, either. It's a mess and as I have been reminded for the billionth time in my life, I am NOT clever enough to think like a criminal, so I suppose I should leave the decision making to folks who are. Let's leave it this way: Some of us have the personalities to be fighters and some of us have personalities to carry the bandaids. Maybe that's a good thing for the human race in the long run, and maybe we should try not to humiliate each other for being who we are.
only problem is when the bandaid' carriers put the fighters in a position to be raped , beheaded , murdered as they are doing in Europe OldLady !! --------------- concerning the invaders that are widdle children and mommys , well to heck with them also .
Ignorant of what? How do you define "uneducated"?. I have worked in a profession in the USA that brought me into contact with BOTH the MOST
educated muslims and the least.--------My colleagues were in their own muslim
countries -----among the MOST EDUCATED before coming to the US-----and also
excellent in their professions when practicing here. Lots of our shared clients
were among the LEAST educated people coming from the muslim countries from
which they migrated. Syrians---even among muslim nations are not the UNDER EDUCATED of those populations People whom I have known from Pakistan spoke PROUDLY of their colleagues over there and relatives who joined the TALIBAN ----having been recruited off the university campuses of Pakistan -------
Isis people are not the illiterates of the world. --------you jump to really idiotic
conclusions. It is an idiotic mistake to claim that ISIS exists because muslims
who join up are "UNEDUCATED"
Rosie, I have heard several people who live in the Middle East and apparently know what they're saying, that the ISIS fighters, et al are mostly poorly educated young men. If I am jumping to idiotic conclusions, it is because I listen to the news shows in hopes of understanding what is going on. My apologies if I offended.
------------------------------- poorly educated , its not the WESTS duty to educate them . The only problem with 'isis' and islamic state is that the West is full of appeasers that want to pander to the enemy . The enemy needs to leave the West and the world to meet its virgins in hell OldLady !!
IMO, you're being short sighted and emotional about this.

Hardly as like me he has done his homework and studied the enemy, the enemies dogma and teachings that show they are extremists all. No such thing as a conservative muslim that is against the teachings of the koran, all you have are muslims and kuffar. The only education a muslim needs is that taught by the koran, which is to spread the word by the sword until all that is left is islam

there are harmless muslims-------in fact----probably most just as most germans---EVEN ADOLF SUPPORTERS----- were ----by themselves, as individurals----harmless people who would not consider gassing children of any "race"
Lots of people -----EVEN EDUCATED PEOPLE ----fail to see the whole picture and
get swept up in what is presented to them as a "holy" ideology

And as in all ideologies the majority should rule and put in place the practises that the ideology will be run on. In the case of Nazism and islam the findings seem to be that it is the minorities that are dictating what the practises will be and are enforcing them by fear and violence. Yet the " moderates " still outweigh the extremists and should be able to counter their dogma and re-introduce a more peaceful and less violent means of ruling.
Rosie, I have heard several people who live in the Middle East and apparently know what they're saying, that the ISIS fighters, et al are mostly poorly educated young men. If I am jumping to idiotic conclusions, it is because I listen to the news shows in hopes of understanding what is going on. My apologies if I offended.
------------------------------- poorly educated , its not the WESTS duty to educate them . The only problem with 'isis' and islamic state is that the West is full of appeasers that want to pander to the enemy . The enemy needs to leave the West and the world to meet its virgins in hell OldLady !!
IMO, you're being short sighted and emotional about this.

Hardly as like me he has done his homework and studied the enemy, the enemies dogma and teachings that show they are extremists all. No such thing as a conservative muslim that is against the teachings of the koran, all you have are muslims and kuffar. The only education a muslim needs is that taught by the koran, which is to spread the word by the sword until all that is left is islam

there are harmless muslims-------in fact----probably most just as most germans---EVEN ADOLF SUPPORTERS----- were ----by themselves, as individurals----harmless people who would not consider gassing children of any "race"
Lots of people -----EVEN EDUCATED PEOPLE ----fail to see the whole picture and
get swept up in what is presented to them as a "holy" ideology

And as in all ideologies the majority should rule and put in place the practises that the ideology will be run on. In the case of Nazism and islam the findings seem to be that it is the minorities that are dictating what the practises will be and are enforcing them by fear and violence. Yet the " moderates " still outweigh the extremists and should be able to counter their dogma and re-introduce a more peaceful and less violent means of ruling.
------------------ mostly agree , course the so called moderates don't have the Courage to stand up to the 'jihadis' , mullahs . imams that are running the show Phoenal . So moderates , if they exist and their jihadi commanders then run to the West and disrupt civilized Western Society .

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