Stanley McChrystal, Army General Fired After Mocking Joe Biden, Endorses...Joe Biden

Remember when Republicans used to PRETEND that the general's approval was to be seen as, like, from God?
as a kid, McChrystal almost burned his family's house down (accidentally they claim)

good judgement?

"You can't hope to contain the fire by letting just half the building burn." - Gen. Stanley McChrystal
let me make sure that I understand.

War people don't support a President that refuses to follow SOP and start wars.

Do I have that right?
Remember when Republicans used to PRETEND that the general's approval was to be seen as, like, from God?
You are now becoming the defacto war party. The one in front so to speak. Restart the draft. The good thing is that it will round out some rough edges on some of the young guys that need it and refocus their attention to achieve.
Is there anyone on the planet who doesn't flip flop in one way or another?

God bless you always!!!

Stanley has spent so many Christmases away from his family, he even missed the birth of his son while on duty. he knows what it means to serve America, something Trump never will

Stanley has done so much for America, while Trump has done so little

my son's hero is General Jim Mad Dog Mattis. he says he wants to grow up to be a soldier, and i support him
Stanley has spent so many Christmases away from his family, he even missed the birth of his son while on duty. he knows what it means to serve America, something Trump never will

Stanley has done so much for America, while Trump has done so little

my son's hero is General Jim Mad Dog Mattis. he says he wants to grow up to be a soldier, and i support him

McCrystal also knows what it is like to serve overseas and not have to worry about Democrats disqualifying his vote. Different times.
soldiers like Stan are war heroes with stoic courage, Trump is a spoiled brat who is frightened that someday his empire of dirt will crumble
before O'Biden came along, the military had limited resources, talent, or firepower. it was depleted. Obama and Biden built it stronger than ever before, so strong that Trump didn't even have to use it, because enemy countries were SPOOKED by the strength of America!

"gentlemen, they've cancelled the world series. there's a players' strike. so...we've decided to bomb Haiti" - Stanley McChrystal told his men in the 90s, trivializing a battle where lives would be lost

the mission was later aborted
McChrystal isn't a General, he is a retired general. He hasn't been in the loop for ten years. You have to wonder about the guy when he sent a 66 page letter to the defense secretary in 09 when he took over the Afghanistan campaign describing how he would win. How did that work out? Why can't these political generals retire gracefully without showing the world how ignorant and angry they can become?
McChrystal isn't a General, he is a retired general. He hasn't been in the loop for ten years. You have to wonder about the guy when he sent a 66 page letter to the defense secretary in 09 when he took over the Afghanistan campaign describing how he would win. How did that work out? Why can't these political generals retire gracefully without showing the world how ignorant and angry they can become?
Actually, like almost all top retired generals, McChrystal is very much “in the loop” of private business (in the Middle East) and on the board of (lesser) MIC corporations. He advocated more troops in Afghanistan, which Obama rejected. Blaming generals for failing to win wars that should never have been fought is all too easy. As a soldier and leader of men, McCrystal was by all accounts superior.

On at least one point I agree with this lifelong military man:

Biden may be easy to mock, dislike, disdain ...
but he is way better & more trustworthy than Trump!

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