Star Wars actress slams Trump Supporters to ensure she has a scapegoat when it bombs.

We are the only country in the modern world that allows illegal immigration thanks to the GOP forever. I have no idea what the hell you talkin about there LOL. why don't you get the f*** out of here, you are the people that hate 90% of the country because you believe all kinds of garbage propaganda and just love a con man racist fraud... And you immediately become a troll who would be violent in real life. that is why the only spike in violence there is is right-wing assholes against Jews blacks gays and Muslims. You people are an absolute disgrace.

Well, that was a big helping of crazy talk.

Your claim that you could not move, was just you talking shit to cover up that you were talking shit before. That is all you have. SHIT FROM YOUR FACE ANUS.
Any actual argument with the facts dumbass? Or just vulgar ignorant thuggish trolling? You're a disgrace politically. Where I live is 73% Trump and 59% cows and they are lovely people except for their politics which is total hateful garbage propaganda after 35 years of this s***....

I saw no facts in your crazy rantings. If you have a fact you want to present, that you feel is somehow relevant to the topic, of an entitled stupid bitch, attacking Trump supporters,

then dig it out of that pile of shit you call a post, and present it, as clearly as you can.

And I will address it.
Only the United States doesn't have an ID card. Because of you and fear-mongering by the GOP. The only spike in violence is against Jews blacks Muslims and gays since Trump started. Try those. I think you need diagrams

Your desire to change the subject away from how silly your claim of not being able to move, is noted and granted.

As part of this, I accept your tacit admission that what you said before was stupid bullshit and we will move on to your next pile of stupid bullshit.

I've seen no evidence that there is any spike in violence against jews or blacks or muslims or gays, since Trump was elected.

The few attempts I have seen at supporting this, have been been done by liberals too stupid to know, how stupid they are.

YOu are welcome to try to be the first, to not embarrass yourself.


Oh, but I think you need some of this first.

As for your meme, God will not be amused.
Well, that was a big helping of crazy talk.

Your claim that you could not move, was just you talking shit to cover up that you were talking shit before. That is all you have. SHIT FROM YOUR FACE ANUS.
Any actual argument with the facts dumbass? Or just vulgar ignorant thuggish trolling? You're a disgrace politically. Where I live is 73% Trump and 59% cows and they are lovely people except for their politics which is total hateful garbage propaganda after 35 years of this s***....

I saw no facts in your crazy rantings. If you have a fact you want to present, that you feel is somehow relevant to the topic, of an entitled stupid bitch, attacking Trump supporters,

then dig it out of that pile of shit you call a post, and present it, as clearly as you can.

And I will address it.
Only the United States doesn't have an ID card. Because of you and fear-mongering by the GOP. The only spike in violence is against Jews blacks Muslims and gays since Trump started. Try those. I think you need diagrams

Your desire to change the subject away from how silly your claim of not being able to move, is noted and granted.

As part of this, I accept your tacit admission that what you said before was stupid bullshit and we will move on to your next pile of stupid bullshit.

I've seen no evidence that there is any spike in violence against jews or blacks or muslims or gays, since Trump was elected.

The few attempts I have seen at supporting this, have been been done by liberals too stupid to know, how stupid they are.

YOu are welcome to try to be the first, to not embarrass yourself.


Oh, but I think you need some of this first.

As for your meme, God will not be amused.

Take you that long to realize that you could not support the bullshit claim about a spike in violence since Trump was elected?

If you were brave, you would admit that you tried to find some numbers and failed.

ON some level, you now realize that the "spike" is just bullshit.

But, you don't have the moral courage to admit it.
Any actual argument with the facts dumbass? Or just vulgar ignorant thuggish trolling? You're a disgrace politically. Where I live is 73% Trump and 59% cows and they are lovely people except for their politics which is total hateful garbage propaganda after 35 years of this s***....

I saw no facts in your crazy rantings. If you have a fact you want to present, that you feel is somehow relevant to the topic, of an entitled stupid bitch, attacking Trump supporters,

then dig it out of that pile of shit you call a post, and present it, as clearly as you can.

And I will address it.
Only the United States doesn't have an ID card. Because of you and fear-mongering by the GOP. The only spike in violence is against Jews blacks Muslims and gays since Trump started. Try those. I think you need diagrams

Your desire to change the subject away from how silly your claim of not being able to move, is noted and granted.

As part of this, I accept your tacit admission that what you said before was stupid bullshit and we will move on to your next pile of stupid bullshit.

I've seen no evidence that there is any spike in violence against jews or blacks or muslims or gays, since Trump was elected.

The few attempts I have seen at supporting this, have been been done by liberals too stupid to know, how stupid they are.

YOu are welcome to try to be the first, to not embarrass yourself.


Oh, but I think you need some of this first.

As for your meme, God will not be amused.

Take you that long to realize that you could not support the bullshit claim about a spike in violence since Trump was elected?

If you were brave, you would admit that you tried to find some numbers and failed.

ON some level, you now realize that the "spike" is just bullshit.

But, you don't have the moral courage to admit it.
I guess you missed my post before that with this proof. or you can Google spike in violence since Trump and there are pages and pages of links. someday you may figure out that you are a brainwashed functional ignoramus hater dupe. Your cohorts of dupes think an anecdote about some kid being beaten up by black kids means more than FBI statistics. And that goes for global warming and everything else you're totally misinformed about. Who pays taxes well we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes a huge giveaway to the rich and a total screwjob for everyone else, there is no money to invest in infrastructure and education and training. Google the only tax graph you need to know. The middle class is going to hell for 35 years now Google fact left the demise of the middle class. But of course you don't care. You have no curiosity you are brainwashed
Last edited:
I saw no facts in your crazy rantings. If you have a fact you want to present, that you feel is somehow relevant to the topic, of an entitled stupid bitch, attacking Trump supporters,

then dig it out of that pile of shit you call a post, and present it, as clearly as you can.

And I will address it.
Only the United States doesn't have an ID card. Because of you and fear-mongering by the GOP. The only spike in violence is against Jews blacks Muslims and gays since Trump started. Try those. I think you need diagrams

Your desire to change the subject away from how silly your claim of not being able to move, is noted and granted.

As part of this, I accept your tacit admission that what you said before was stupid bullshit and we will move on to your next pile of stupid bullshit.

I've seen no evidence that there is any spike in violence against jews or blacks or muslims or gays, since Trump was elected.

The few attempts I have seen at supporting this, have been been done by liberals too stupid to know, how stupid they are.

YOu are welcome to try to be the first, to not embarrass yourself.


Oh, but I think you need some of this first.

As for your meme, God will not be amused.

Take you that long to realize that you could not support the bullshit claim about a spike in violence since Trump was elected?

If you were brave, you would admit that you tried to find some numbers and failed.

ON some level, you now realize that the "spike" is just bullshit.

But, you don't have the moral courage to admit it.
I guess you missed my post before that with this proof. o...d

Posting a link or telling someone to goggle it, is an admission that you can't make the argument.


Admit it. You know you can't support your bullshit, but you don't have the balls to admit it.
I saw no facts in your crazy rantings. If you have a fact you want to present, that you feel is somehow relevant to the topic, of an entitled stupid bitch, attacking Trump supporters,

then dig it out of that pile of shit you call a post, and present it, as clearly as you can.

And I will address it.
Only the United States doesn't have an ID card. Because of you and fear-mongering by the GOP. The only spike in violence is against Jews blacks Muslims and gays since Trump started. Try those. I think you need diagrams

Your desire to change the subject away from how silly your claim of not being able to move, is noted and granted.

As part of this, I accept your tacit admission that what you said before was stupid bullshit and we will move on to your next pile of stupid bullshit.

I've seen no evidence that there is any spike in violence against jews or blacks or muslims or gays, since Trump was elected.

The few attempts I have seen at supporting this, have been been done by liberals too stupid to know, how stupid they are.

YOu are welcome to try to be the first, to not embarrass yourself.


Oh, but I think you need some of this first.

As for your meme, God will not be amused.

Take you that long to realize that you could not support the bullshit claim about a spike in violence since Trump was elected?

If you were brave, you would admit that you tried to find some numbers and failed.

ON some level, you now realize that the "spike" is just bullshit.

But, you don't have the moral courage to admit it.
I guess you missed my post before that with this proof. or you can Google spike in violence since Trump and there are pages and pages of links. someday you may figure out that you are a brainwashed functional ignoramus hater dupe. Your cohorts of dupes think an anecdote about some kid being beaten up by black kids means more than FBI statistics. And that goes for global warming and everything else you're totally misinformed about. Who pays taxes well we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes a huge giveaway to the rich and a total screwjob for everyone else, there is no money to invest in infrastructure and education and training. Google the only tax graph you need to know. The middle class is going to hell for 35 years now Google fact left the demise of the middle class. But of course you don't care. You have no curiosity you are brainwashed
oh right it's a gigantic conspiracy of every intelligent informed person in the world outside your bubble of booberry...
If dinero can spout off like a jack wagon, why not this git twat too. Everyone is aware that 99% of Hollywood are eccentric imbeciles. Who cares?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Only the United States doesn't have an ID card. Because of you and fear-mongering by the GOP. The only spike in violence is against Jews blacks Muslims and gays since Trump started. Try those. I think you need diagrams

Your desire to change the subject away from how silly your claim of not being able to move, is noted and granted.

As part of this, I accept your tacit admission that what you said before was stupid bullshit and we will move on to your next pile of stupid bullshit.

I've seen no evidence that there is any spike in violence against jews or blacks or muslims or gays, since Trump was elected.

The few attempts I have seen at supporting this, have been been done by liberals too stupid to know, how stupid they are.

YOu are welcome to try to be the first, to not embarrass yourself.


Oh, but I think you need some of this first.

As for your meme, God will not be amused.

Take you that long to realize that you could not support the bullshit claim about a spike in violence since Trump was elected?

If you were brave, you would admit that you tried to find some numbers and failed.

ON some level, you now realize that the "spike" is just bullshit.

But, you don't have the moral courage to admit it.
I guess you missed my post before that with this proof. or you can Google spike in violence since Trump and there are pages and pages of links. someday you may figure out that you are a brainwashed functional ignoramus hater dupe. Your cohorts of dupes think an anecdote about some kid being beaten up by black kids means more than FBI statistics. And that goes for global warming and everything else you're totally misinformed about. Who pays taxes well we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes a huge giveaway to the rich and a total screwjob for everyone else, there is no money to invest in infrastructure and education and training. Google the only tax graph you need to know. The middle class is going to hell for 35 years now Google fact left the demise of the middle class. But of course you don't care. You have no curiosity you are brainwashed
oh right it's a gigantic conspiracy of every intelligent informed person in the world outside your bubble of booberry...

Posting a link or telling someone to goggle it, is an admission that you can't make the argument.


Admit it. You know you can't support your bullshit, but you don't have the balls to admit it.
Only the United States doesn't have an ID card. Because of you and fear-mongering by the GOP. The only spike in violence is against Jews blacks Muslims and gays since Trump started. Try those. I think you need diagrams

Your desire to change the subject away from how silly your claim of not being able to move, is noted and granted.

As part of this, I accept your tacit admission that what you said before was stupid bullshit and we will move on to your next pile of stupid bullshit.

I've seen no evidence that there is any spike in violence against jews or blacks or muslims or gays, since Trump was elected.

The few attempts I have seen at supporting this, have been been done by liberals too stupid to know, how stupid they are.

YOu are welcome to try to be the first, to not embarrass yourself.


Oh, but I think you need some of this first.

As for your meme, God will not be amused.

Take you that long to realize that you could not support the bullshit claim about a spike in violence since Trump was elected?

If you were brave, you would admit that you tried to find some numbers and failed.

ON some level, you now realize that the "spike" is just bullshit.

But, you don't have the moral courage to admit it.
I guess you missed my post before that with this proof. o...d

Posting a link or telling someone to goggle it, is an admission that you can't make the argument.


Admit it. You know you can't support your bullshit, but you don't have the balls to admit it.
yes yes facts and evidence don't mean anything, only balderdash from your bought off High School grad x cokehead DJ's matters, right idiot oops brain-washed functional idiot?

These actors and actresses are so fucking stupid. 2 weeks till launch and she throws a bomb in the screening room.
Simply unbelievable that someone could be so short sighted just to make a political point.

Good on you Daisy. She's right of course. Deplorables are pieces of shit.
Your desire to change the subject away from how silly your claim of not being able to move, is noted and granted.

As part of this, I accept your tacit admission that what you said before was stupid bullshit and we will move on to your next pile of stupid bullshit.

I've seen no evidence that there is any spike in violence against jews or blacks or muslims or gays, since Trump was elected.

The few attempts I have seen at supporting this, have been been done by liberals too stupid to know, how stupid they are.

YOu are welcome to try to be the first, to not embarrass yourself.


Oh, but I think you need some of this first.

As for your meme, God will not be amused.

Take you that long to realize that you could not support the bullshit claim about a spike in violence since Trump was elected?

If you were brave, you would admit that you tried to find some numbers and failed.

ON some level, you now realize that the "spike" is just bullshit.

But, you don't have the moral courage to admit it.
I guess you missed my post before that with this proof. o...d

Posting a link or telling someone to goggle it, is an admission that you can't make the argument.


Admit it. You know you can't support your bullshit, but you don't have the balls to admit it.
yes yes facts and evidence don't mean anything, only balderdash from your bought off High School grad x cokehead DJ's matters, right idiot oops brain-washed functional idiot?

Present your argument that violence spiked since Trump was elected, or admit that you are just a fucking moron with an anus where his mouth is supposed to be.

These actors and actresses are so fucking stupid. 2 weeks till launch and she throws a bomb in the screening room.
Simply unbelievable that someone could be so short sighted just to make a political point.

Good on you Daisy. She's right of course. Deplorables are pieces of shit.

Brainwashed functional pieces of s*** LOL.... Ignoramuses yes....
As for your meme, God will not be amused.

Take you that long to realize that you could not support the bullshit claim about a spike in violence since Trump was elected?

If you were brave, you would admit that you tried to find some numbers and failed.

ON some level, you now realize that the "spike" is just bullshit.

But, you don't have the moral courage to admit it.
I guess you missed my post before that with this proof. o...d

Posting a link or telling someone to goggle it, is an admission that you can't make the argument.


Admit it. You know you can't support your bullshit, but you don't have the balls to admit it.
yes yes facts and evidence don't mean anything, only balderdash from your bought off High School grad x cokehead DJ's matters, right idiot oops brain-washed functional idiot?

Present your argument that violence spiked since Trump was elected, or admit that you are just a fucking moron with an anus where his mouth is supposed to be.
That's enough ignorant trolling for me today. Look at the link Google the spike in violence since Trump started and shut the f****** you idiot.

These actors and actresses are so fucking stupid. 2 weeks till launch and she throws a bomb in the screening room.
Simply unbelievable that someone could be so short sighted just to make a political point.

Good on you Daisy. She's right of course. Deplorables are pieces of shit.

Brainwashed functional pieces of s*** LOL.... Ignoramuses yes....
Take you that long to realize that you could not support the bullshit claim about a spike in violence since Trump was elected?

If you were brave, you would admit that you tried to find some numbers and failed.

ON some level, you now realize that the "spike" is just bullshit.

But, you don't have the moral courage to admit it.
I guess you missed my post before that with this proof. o...d

Posting a link or telling someone to goggle it, is an admission that you can't make the argument.


Admit it. You know you can't support your bullshit, but you don't have the balls to admit it.
yes yes facts and evidence don't mean anything, only balderdash from your bought off High School grad x cokehead DJ's matters, right idiot oops brain-washed functional idiot?

Present your argument that violence spiked since Trump was elected, or admit that you are just a fucking moron with an anus where his mouth is supposed to be.
That's enough ignorant trolling for me today. Look at the link Google the spike in violence since Trump started and shut the f****** you idiot.

There is no spike in violence. Trump ran on the completely normal issues of trade and immigration. Your side's hysterical over reaction to his victory, is about you being completely hysterical whack jobs, and nothing about anything wrong about him or his supporters.

Here, this might help you.

Only the brainwashed give a shit about what other countries think.

But, hey, good to see you recognizing that your fellow liberal is brainwashed.
only the brainwashed like you don't give a damn about what anybody thinks including law enforcement journalists etcetera around the world and everywhere outside your bubble of Bologna. The point is she'll make money thinking Trump is a idiot...
I'll start giving a shit what they think about my country when they start giving a shit what I think about theirs.

Meanwhile, the wealthy get wealthier...and it's okay with you, because they have the correct Groupthink.
no one in the real world gives a crap about what you think, everything you know is wrong and you are brainwashed functional moron, ignoramus.the GOP does nothing but give tax cuts to the rich and screw everybody else over. Under Reagan tax rates the last 35 years, we have gotten the worst inequality ever and the worst upward Mobility ever. Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich and invest in Americans and America for a change. What the hell are you talkin about you goddamn idiot. oops brainwashed functional goddamn idiot....obviously it's okay with you you keep voting for the assholes and believing their crap propaganda. I caramba poor America....
I'd tell you to get the fuck out, but you're too chickenshit to move to a country with the system you want.
Brilliant comment, brain-washed functional moron nativist a******. Unless you're a doctor or millionaire you can't move anywhere anyway. My family had a bar in Spain and you can't do that unless you marry a European. Love it or leave it is so stupid it's ridiculous and very fitting for you... Read something and get some reality.
Chickenshit. Quit trying to fuck up my country.
only the brainwashed like you don't give a damn about what anybody thinks including law enforcement journalists etcetera around the world and everywhere outside your bubble of Bologna. The point is she'll make money thinking Trump is a idiot...
I'll start giving a shit what they think about my country when they start giving a shit what I think about theirs.

Meanwhile, the wealthy get wealthier...and it's okay with you, because they have the correct Groupthink.
no one in the real world gives a crap about what you think, everything you know is wrong and you are brainwashed functional moron, ignoramus.the GOP does nothing but give tax cuts to the rich and screw everybody else over. Under Reagan tax rates the last 35 years, we have gotten the worst inequality ever and the worst upward Mobility ever. Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich and invest in Americans and America for a change. What the hell are you talkin about you goddamn idiot. oops brainwashed functional goddamn idiot....obviously it's okay with you you keep voting for the assholes and believing their crap propaganda. I caramba poor America....
I'd tell you to get the fuck out, but you're too chickenshit to move to a country with the system you want.
Brilliant comment, brain-washed functional moron nativist a******. Unless you're a doctor or millionaire you can't move anywhere anyway. My family had a bar in Spain and you can't do that unless you marry a European. Love it or leave it is so stupid it's ridiculous and very fitting for you... Read something and get some reality.
Chickenshit. Quit trying to fuck up my country.
It is not your country thank God, hater doop super Patriot moron. Any argument at all or just drunk again?
I'll start giving a shit what they think about my country when they start giving a shit what I think about theirs.

Meanwhile, the wealthy get wealthier...and it's okay with you, because they have the correct Groupthink.
no one in the real world gives a crap about what you think, everything you know is wrong and you are brainwashed functional moron, ignoramus.the GOP does nothing but give tax cuts to the rich and screw everybody else over. Under Reagan tax rates the last 35 years, we have gotten the worst inequality ever and the worst upward Mobility ever. Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich and invest in Americans and America for a change. What the hell are you talkin about you goddamn idiot. oops brainwashed functional goddamn idiot....obviously it's okay with you you keep voting for the assholes and believing their crap propaganda. I caramba poor America....
I'd tell you to get the fuck out, but you're too chickenshit to move to a country with the system you want.
Brilliant comment, brain-washed functional moron nativist a******. Unless you're a doctor or millionaire you can't move anywhere anyway. My family had a bar in Spain and you can't do that unless you marry a European. Love it or leave it is so stupid it's ridiculous and very fitting for you... Read something and get some reality.
Chickenshit. Quit trying to fuck up my country.
It is not your country thank God, hater doop super Patriot moron. Any argument at all or just drunk again?
You're boring me, Frankie. All you do is parrot the same old shit. I hope you're at least getting paid for it.
no one in the real world gives a crap about what you think, everything you know is wrong and you are brainwashed functional moron, ignoramus.the GOP does nothing but give tax cuts to the rich and screw everybody else over. Under Reagan tax rates the last 35 years, we have gotten the worst inequality ever and the worst upward Mobility ever. Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich and invest in Americans and America for a change. What the hell are you talkin about you goddamn idiot. oops brainwashed functional goddamn idiot....obviously it's okay with you you keep voting for the assholes and believing their crap propaganda. I caramba poor America....
I'd tell you to get the fuck out, but you're too chickenshit to move to a country with the system you want.
Brilliant comment, brain-washed functional moron nativist a******. Unless you're a doctor or millionaire you can't move anywhere anyway. My family had a bar in Spain and you can't do that unless you marry a European. Love it or leave it is so stupid it's ridiculous and very fitting for you... Read something and get some reality.
Chickenshit. Quit trying to fuck up my country.
It is not your country thank God, hater doop super Patriot moron. Any argument at all or just drunk again?
You're boring me, Frankie. All you do is parrot the same old shit. I hope you're at least getting paid for it.
Reality is so repetitive, unlike your endlessly imaginative brainwash and conspiracy theories

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