Starbucks decides Guns and Caffeine...not a good mix

All this limelight for Starbucks... let's spread some equal time:

While Peet’s Coffee & Tea respects and values all individuals’ rights under local, state and federal laws, our policy is not to allow customers carrying firearms in our stores or on our outdoor seating premises unless they are uniformed or identified law enforcement officers. Like most other private businesses, particularly retail establishments, we believe this policy is in the best interests of all of our customers, regardless of their personal beliefs. In no way does this policy conflict with or discriminate under the law, and it does not take a position on the law. -- posted at a Bay Area Peet's earlier this month (source)

(For those of you not coffee connoisseurs, Peet's, based in San Francisco, is where Starbucks learned how to make coffee)

CPK does not allow guests other than uniformed officers to display firearms in our restaurants. CPK is a family oriented restaurant and the comfort and well being of our guests is a top priority. We are concerned that the open display of firearms would be particularly disturbing to children and their parents. -- statement from California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) in response to a planned February event by open carry proponents. (same article)

Couple of observations on the businesses:
Have a look at the logo being bandied about calling for a boycott of California Pizza Kitchen:


"Domino's is a phone call away" :rofl:

Get that? Their interest in the actual business' product is so transparently fake, they're willing to equate CPK with Domino's, which isn't even food.

I'm glad to see Peet's take a stand. I was beginning to worry that I was going to have to start patronizing Starbucks.

By the way -- Peet's rocks. Best coffee available anywhere. Just sayin'.
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Lessee, overpriced mediocre coffee, and now offending the shit out of whole bunches of their customers, who can and will just go to one of the gazillion other coffee shops out there. Brilliant business strategy. :clap2:

We shan't even begin to delve into the definition of "whole bunches of customers" relating to gunpackers in upscale yuppie coffee shops ;) but pray, how has Starbucks "now offended whole bunches of customers" (not counting the absurd prices-- that's not new)?

What exactly is this "offense"?

"Upscale yuppie coffee shops"? Yeah, whatever. Those things aren't on every street corner with drive-through windows because they're only marketing to the grain and granola crowd. And the Pew Research Center estimates that 37% of households in America have an adult who owns a gun in them, so I'd call that "a whole bunch", wouldn't you?

We shan't even begin to delve into whatever stereotype you have of who does and doesn't own and carry firearms.

If you can't figure out how "We'd like you to forego your 2nd Amendment rights because we think you might be dangerous" is offensive to people who make any sort of practice of carrying a firearm in their daily lives, then I really can't help you.
Lessee, overpriced mediocre coffee, and now offending the shit out of whole bunches of their customers, who can and will just go to one of the gazillion other coffee shops out there. Brilliant business strategy. :clap2:

We shan't even begin to delve into the definition of "whole bunches of customers" relating to gunpackers in upscale yuppie coffee shops ;) but pray, how has Starbucks "now offended whole bunches of customers" (not counting the absurd prices-- that's not new)?

What exactly is this "offense"?

"Upscale yuppie coffee shops"? Yeah, whatever. Those things aren't on every street corner with drive-through windows because they're only marketing to the grain and granola crowd. And the Pew Research Center estimates that 37% of households in America have an adult who owns a gun in them, so I'd call that "a whole bunch", wouldn't you?

Not in the context of Starbucks clientele, hell no. Ever been in a Starbucks? I'm forced to from time to time and trust me-- the 37% isn't who's going there.

We shan't even begin to delve into whatever stereotype you have of who does and doesn't own and carry firearms.

Fair enough. :thup:

If you can't figure out how "We'd like you to forego your 2nd Amendment rights because we think you might be dangerous" is offensive to people who make any sort of practice of carrying a firearm in their daily lives, then I really can't help you.

Too bad. I asked the question because you're usually pretty lucid. Maybe you should have some :coffee:

Here's a muffin to go with it: the owner of a business on private property making rules for that property doesn't infringe on the Second Amendment any more than the same business' ejecting a customer for abusive language infringes on the First. Amendments and the Constitution regulate what the government can do -- not what a private business owner can.

I thought you knew this elementary shit. Maybe I have you confused with somebody else :dunno:
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What kind of freak needs to take a gun with him into a Starbucks or any other coffee shop? What a loser that person would be. Many of these gun nuts appear to think about their weapons the way normal people think about their pets, and doing so definitely indicates some kind of mental illness.
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What kind of freak needs to take a gun with him into a Starbucks or any other coffee shop? What a loser that person would be. Many of these gun nuts appear to think about their weapons the way normal people think about their pets, and doing so definitely indicates some kind of mental illness.

Consider the parallels.

What kind of freak needs to take a gun with him into a Starbucks or any other coffee shop? What a loser that person would be. Many of these gun nuts appear to think about their weapons the way normal people think about their pets, and doing so definitely indicates some kind of mental illness.

A CCW who wants to keep his firearm on him for his protection, and if needed the protection of others.

Why does a cop need to keep his firearm on him? He can leave it in his patrol car as well.

Your mental illness is a fear of your fellow law abiding citizens carrying firearms.
What kind of freak needs to take a gun with him into a Starbucks or any other coffee shop? What a loser that person would be. Many of these gun nuts appear to think about their weapons the way normal people think about their pets, and doing so definitely indicates some kind of mental illness.

A CCW who wants to keep his firearm on him for his protection, and if needed the protection of others.

Why does a cop need to keep his firearm on him? He can leave it in his patrol car as well.

Your mental illness is a fear of your fellow law abiding citizens carrying firearms.

You gun toting idiots live your life in fear; that's why you need a gun. I have no fear of living my life without carrying a gun around. People who need guns are the ones living in fear. You are projecting onto me how you feel when you assess my dislike of guns as fear. What I don't like is the idea of living in a violent society where people are shooting at each other like the old west, where people think vigilantism is the answer to dealing with crime or perceived crime, where people who have a screw loose are toting guns and ready to shoot and ask questions later, not at me, but just in general at anyone they think needs to be shot at. I am against all this idocy and infavor of a sane, civilized society. That does not equate to fear. The pro-gun people are the ones living their lives in fear.
What kind of freak needs to take a gun with him into a Starbucks or any other coffee shop? What a loser that person would be. Many of these gun nuts appear to think about their weapons the way normal people think about their pets, and doing so definitely indicates some kind of mental illness.

A CCW who wants to keep his firearm on him for his protection, and if needed the protection of others.

Why does a cop need to keep his firearm on him? He can leave it in his patrol car as well.

Your mental illness is a fear of your fellow law abiding citizens carrying firearms.

You gun toting idiots live your life in fear; that's why you need a gun. I have no fear of living my life without carrying a gun around. People who need guns are the ones living in fear. You are projecting onto me how you feel when you assess my dislike of guns as fear. What I don't like is the idea of living in a violent society where people are shooting at each other like the old west, where people think vigilantism is the answer to dealing with crime or perceived crime, where people who have a screw loose are toting guns and ready to shoot and ask questions later, not at me, but just in general at anyone they think needs to be shot at. I am against all this idocy and infavor of a sane, civilized society. That does not equate to fear. The pro-gun people are the ones living their lives in fear.

You are the person stupid enough to be afraid of a metal tube held by a law abiding fellow citizen while ignoring the threat posed by other less savory people wanting to do you harm.

The only people shooting at each other are criminals, and your stereotypical view of CCW holders is fueled by propaganda and FEAR, something you have Far far more of than any CCW holder.

Also FYI, I dont OWN a gun, however I want my right to one maintained, and I do not begrudge people the RIGHT to own one and carry one if they so choose.
Starbucks has refused the pantie-wegtter's requests to be a gun-free zone. The CEO of Starbucks states to the effect that the company is a neighborhood coffee shop and respects the laws of the neighborhoods and states it is located in. Including Open Carry, and Concealed carry laws.

Bravo, I guess I'll have to buck up and go buy a burnt coffee at least once.

These days, I wouldn't want to go anywhere that is considered a "gun free zone." Nope, not going to do it. Those are the first places a whacko, or terrorist, bent on taking out people, will go.
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Yeah, it's official now that Starbucks has keeled over to the bed-wetters.

I'll not have to bother drinking that nasty coffee anymore.

I might go in and have my wife take my picture with my gun in Starbucks, just in defiance.

Dunkin Donuts has MUCH better coffee.
Maybe some enterprising gun nutter should open a chain of gun friendly coffee shops. They could sell militia mochas, shotgun smoothies, bazooka blend, full-auto frappes, browning brownies, colt caffe, remington roast, and mauser macchiato. Available in single shot, double barrel, or high cap magazine.

Then the rest of us can go to Starbucks without worrying whether or not some trigger happy wacko decides you're looking at him the wrong way.

lol, a trigger happy wacko
I don't think you should ever leave your house if this is what you worry about...all over a cup of coffee:lol:
What kind of freak needs to take a gun with him into a Starbucks or any other coffee shop? What a loser that person would be. Many of these gun nuts appear to think about their weapons the way normal people think about their pets, and doing so definitely indicates some kind of mental illness.

A CCW who wants to keep his firearm on him for his protection, and if needed the protection of others.

Why does a cop need to keep his firearm on him? He can leave it in his patrol car as well.

Your mental illness is a fear of your fellow law abiding citizens carrying firearms.

You gun toting idiots live your life in fear; that's why you need a gun. I have no fear of living my life without carrying a gun around. People who need guns are the ones living in fear. You are projecting onto me how you feel when you assess my dislike of guns as fear. What I don't like is the idea of living in a violent society where people are shooting at each other like the old west, where people think vigilantism is the answer to dealing with crime or perceived crime, where people who have a screw loose are toting guns and ready to shoot and ask questions later, not at me, but just in general at anyone they think needs to be shot at. I am against all this idocy and infavor of a sane, civilized society. That does not equate to fear. The pro-gun people are the ones living their lives in fear.


Bravo. Nailed it.
A CCW who wants to keep his firearm on him for his protection, and if needed the protection of others.

Why does a cop need to keep his firearm on him? He can leave it in his patrol car as well.

Your mental illness is a fear of your fellow law abiding citizens carrying firearms.

You gun toting idiots live your life in fear; that's why you need a gun. I have no fear of living my life without carrying a gun around. People who need guns are the ones living in fear. You are projecting onto me how you feel when you assess my dislike of guns as fear. What I don't like is the idea of living in a violent society where people are shooting at each other like the old west, where people think vigilantism is the answer to dealing with crime or perceived crime, where people who have a screw loose are toting guns and ready to shoot and ask questions later, not at me, but just in general at anyone they think needs to be shot at. I am against all this idocy and infavor of a sane, civilized society. That does not equate to fear. The pro-gun people are the ones living their lives in fear.


Bravo. Nailed it.

Not even close. I find it comical that people so afraid of thier fellow law abiding citizens being armed bring out the whole fear thing when it comes to CCW's.

Its like calling out someone for being afraid of fire because they have an extinguisher in thier house or car.
Did Starbucks Really Need a Policy to Ban Guns?

>> You thought this was common sense and you had no need to specify it, but then Anthony has one too many at the office party and now you have an official policy asking everyone Please Not To Sit Lewdly On The Photocopier, Then Climb Out Onto The Window Ledge And Try To Capture A Pigeon While Crying.

... I miss the days when you didn&#8217;t need an explicit policy for this, when even if you could bring a gun to a coffee shop, it was assumed you wouldn&#8217;t, because &#8212; it&#8217;s a coffee shop. <<

Washington Post, Department of State-The-Obvopis
You gun toting idiots live your life in fear; that's why you need a gun. I have no fear of living my life without carrying a gun around. People who need guns are the ones living in fear. You are projecting onto me how you feel when you assess my dislike of guns as fear. What I don't like is the idea of living in a violent society where people are shooting at each other like the old west, where people think vigilantism is the answer to dealing with crime or perceived crime, where people who have a screw loose are toting guns and ready to shoot and ask questions later, not at me, but just in general at anyone they think needs to be shot at. I am against all this idocy and infavor of a sane, civilized society. That does not equate to fear. The pro-gun people are the ones living their lives in fear.


Bravo. Nailed it.

Not even close. I find it comical that people so afraid of thier fellow law abiding citizens being armed bring out the whole fear thing when it comes to CCW's.

Its like calling out someone for being afraid of fire because they have an extinguisher in thier house or car.

13 bystanders dead in DC... 20 kids dead in Newtown... nah, I wouldn't say it's "comical".

Bravo. Nailed it.

Not even close. I find it comical that people so afraid of thier fellow law abiding citizens being armed bring out the whole fear thing when it comes to CCW's.

Its like calling out someone for being afraid of fire because they have an extinguisher in thier house or car.

13 bystanders dead in DC... 20 kids dead in Newtown... nah, I wouldn't say it's "comical".

How is this related to a CCW holder going into a starbucks with his weapon on him?

Were the shooters CCW holders?
What kind of freak needs to take a gun with him into a Starbucks or any other coffee shop? What a loser that person would be. Many of these gun nuts appear to think about their weapons the way normal people think about their pets, and doing so definitely indicates some kind of mental illness.

A CCW who wants to keep his firearm on him for his protection, and if needed the protection of others.

Why does a cop need to keep his firearm on him? He can leave it in his patrol car as well.

Your mental illness is a fear of your fellow law abiding citizens carrying firearms.

You gun toting idiots live your life in fear; that's why you need a gun. I have no fear of living my life without carrying a gun around. People who need guns are the ones living in fear. You are projecting onto me how you feel when you assess my dislike of guns as fear. What I don't like is the idea of living in a violent society where people are shooting at each other like the old west, where people think vigilantism is the answer to dealing with crime or perceived crime, where people who have a screw loose are toting guns and ready to shoot and ask questions later, not at me, but just in general at anyone they think needs to be shot at. I am against all this idocy and infavor of a sane, civilized society. That does not equate to fear. The pro-gun people are the ones living their lives in fear. our lives in FEAR
so you don't FEAR...whoopee for you
when that home invader breaks down your door, stand there and say, I HAVE NO FEAR...maybe that will scare them away
so not only do we live in fear, but law abiding citizens who have guns are idiots too
get off that soap don't have a or care for a gun, your frikken right...just like owning a gun is OUR Second Amendment right...I'm sure it's not as high on your all's list as ABORTION..but tough doo doo...
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Did Starbucks Really Need a Policy to Ban Guns?

>> You thought this was common sense and you had no need to specify it, but then Anthony has one too many at the office party and now you have an official policy asking everyone Please Not To Sit Lewdly On The Photocopier, Then Climb Out Onto The Window Ledge And Try To Capture A Pigeon While Crying.

... I miss the days when you didn’t need an explicit policy for this, when even if you could bring a gun to a coffee shop, it was assumed you wouldn’t, because — it’s a coffee shop. <<

Washington Post, Department of State-The-Obvopis

They don't have a policy to ban guns. They simply requested that you not bring them into their place of business. A request that is not legally binding.
A CCW who wants to keep his firearm on him for his protection, and if needed the protection of others.

Why does a cop need to keep his firearm on him? He can leave it in his patrol car as well.

Your mental illness is a fear of your fellow law abiding citizens carrying firearms.

You gun toting idiots live your life in fear; that's why you need a gun. I have no fear of living my life without carrying a gun around. People who need guns are the ones living in fear. You are projecting onto me how you feel when you assess my dislike of guns as fear. What I don't like is the idea of living in a violent society where people are shooting at each other like the old west, where people think vigilantism is the answer to dealing with crime or perceived crime, where people who have a screw loose are toting guns and ready to shoot and ask questions later, not at me, but just in general at anyone they think needs to be shot at. I am against all this idocy and infavor of a sane, civilized society. That does not equate to fear. The pro-gun people are the ones living their lives in fear.


Bravo. Nailed it.

nailed it, while screeching high atop her soap box
you like her spew, you're as shallow as she is

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