Starbucks employees now encouraged to berate you over thorny racial issues in America


Pretentious sounding word used by dejected art history and drama majors that describes their employment in order to make themselves feel better about serving coffee.
This thread proves that racism is dead in the USA. :rolleyes:

It could be...if you people would let it die. Racism is on life support. We're ready to pull the plug. Why arent you?
Your life would be over if you couldn't spend all your time bemoaning the evil darkes, Bucky. We all know this.

Sure you do. Keep using excuses for your failures. All humans are equal. Your decisions are all that matter. Not skin color.

One day folks like you will finally evolve to understand this fact.
This thread proves that racism is dead in the USA. :rolleyes:

It could be...if you people would let it die. Racism is on life support. We're ready to pull the plug. Why arent you?
Your life would be over if you couldn't spend all your time bemoaning the evil darkes, Bucky. We all know this.

Sure you do. Keep using excuses for your failures. All humans are equal. Your decisions are all that matter. Not skin color.

One day folks like you will finally evolve to understand this fact.
What failures do you imagine I am excusing, Bucky?

I think it would be pretty cool if you realized that your obsession with skin color leads you to spam the board with threads about skin color.
This brings up a question If anyone would like to enlighten me. Do white people talk about Blacks if there are no Blacks around?
No not really,

I think one of the issues is that the USA is not a diverse place as everyone thinks it is. All races tend to live around their own race, especially immigrants. Anyway in the military when we are over seas we have to police ourselves because any incident that happens the locals tend to blame all Americans. Is it fair? No but that is the way it is. Same as the USA when your in a rural community which is white and all you see especially lately with shootings and looting on the news and things it reflects poorly on the black race, yet reasons and excuses are given. Do they have a valid point? Maybe but public opinion is always going to show it in a negative light. After all blacks only make up 12 to 15 percent of the population yet the black people who would police their own are never given the light of day or construed as Uncle Tom and the like. So your always going to have people look at blacks with distrust because that is what they know of them is the negatives. Is it fair? It is the way it is and is human nature from my observation.
Starbucks needs to stick to serving burnt tasting coffee and stay out of things like this.

We now live in an era in which corporate executives have grown convinced that their customers don’t merely want a product or a service, but spiritual and intellectual enlightenment. And they’re relying on their entry-level employees to provide it.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has decided that his 4,700-store enterprise is no longer just going to be offering customers coffee, frothy drinks, and overpriced pastries. His baristas will soon serve up a venti-size helping of social justice.

Starbucks employees now encouraged to berate you over thorny racial issues in America Hot Air
Corporate-public circle-jerk...

That oughtta last for all of... oh... say... three or four weeks... before they start noticing their sales plummeting...
Some little dweeb at Starbucks, lecturing the grown-ups on race relations, before they've had their first cup of coffee for the morning...

Dangerous in the extreme...

Stupid, too...
Since the entire country benefited from slavery I disagree. The country should pay. Thats like saying only the military should have paid back the Japanese.

I dont have to get over anything. You asked me about it. I was just telling you.
Who should be paid? What criteria do you suggest for potential recipients of such tax-payer funded largesse?
Black people.
Which ones? Far more blacks have immigrated here one their own than were brought over as slaves. So not all blacks deserve to get paid. If one of your relatives was a free Northerner they don't deserve to get paid. Any white people in your family tree? You shouldn't get paid anything for them, according to you you would owe some money for that.
I suppose we should accept that any white should be expected to allow "guilt" to compel them to pay any black just for being black. Me, I'm not buying that.

Yes. All whites owe a debt to all blacks...actual history and family tree doesnt matter.

Get your checkbooks out crackas!

Well, blacks did help build the country for a couple hundred years, free of charge, although they didn't actually volunteer for the task. A 14th amendment was passed to give them citizenship, so republicans finally got even with that outrage and gave that citizenship to corporations. Go figure. Maybe reparations are in order for past crimes against blacks, no?
Maybe reparations are in order for past crimes against blacks, no?
There is nothing stopping you from going down to a black community and handing out reparations. Have you done that yet?If not, im not sure why you would lecture anyone else about doing it.
Maybe reparations are in order for past crimes against blacks, no?
There is nothing stopping you from going down to a black community and handing out reparations. Have you done that yet?If not, im not sure why you would lecture anyone else about doing it.

I wasn't lecturing, just opinionating. Have you given the opinion any thought? What have blacks received for the free labor their ancestors gave this country for a couple hundred years?
Maybe reparations are in order for past crimes against blacks, no?
There is nothing stopping you from going down to a black community and handing out reparations. Have you done that yet?If not, im not sure why you would lecture anyone else about doing it.

I wasn't lecturing, just opinionating. Have you given the opinion any thought? What have blacks received for the free labor their ancestors gave this country for a couple hundred years?

What do you think would be fair and do you think that once reparations are made then we are all on equal footing? What would be the goal?
Maybe reparations are in order for past crimes against blacks, no?
There is nothing stopping you from going down to a black community and handing out reparations. Have you done that yet?If not, im not sure why you would lecture anyone else about doing it.

I wasn't lecturing, just opinionating. Have you given the opinion any thought? What have blacks received for the free labor their ancestors gave this country for a couple hundred years?

Keywords being "their ancestors", it just wasn't blacks that were slaves in this nation's history and there isn't a person alive today that has ever been a slave in the United States

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