Starbucks employees now encouraged to berate you over thorny racial issues in America

That only works if the money is never paid back which I pointed out is usually a one off. Besides white people arent the only ones that pay SS. Youre way off base talking about an issue that has nothing to do with back wages owed Black people.
Back wages owed to the black people who earned them. Hey, I have no problem with forcing anyone who owned slaves to pay into a fund to be used to compensate anyone who was held as a slave, based on the minimum wage at the time, or any common wages that would have been paid to non-slave employees. That would be fair. File a case against the family (families) you claim held your long-lost relatives as slaves. We have the legal system. Otherwise, it's time to get over it and move on.
Since the entire country benefited from slavery I disagree. The country should pay. Thats like saying only the military should have paid back the Japanese.

I dont have to get over anything. You asked me about it. I was just telling you.
Who should be paid? What criteria do you suggest for potential recipients of such tax-payer funded largesse?
Black people.
Which ones? Far more blacks have immigrated here one their own than were brought over as slaves. So not all blacks deserve to get paid. If one of your relatives was a free Northerner they don't deserve to get paid. Any white people in your family tree? You shouldn't get paid anything for them, according to you you would owe some money for that.
I suppose we should accept that any white should be expected to allow "guilt" to compel them to pay any black just for being black. Me, I'm not buying that.
Back wages owed to the black people who earned them. Hey, I have no problem with forcing anyone who owned slaves to pay into a fund to be used to compensate anyone who was held as a slave, based on the minimum wage at the time, or any common wages that would have been paid to non-slave employees. That would be fair. File a case against the family (families) you claim held your long-lost relatives as slaves. We have the legal system. Otherwise, it's time to get over it and move on.
Since the entire country benefited from slavery I disagree. The country should pay. Thats like saying only the military should have paid back the Japanese.

I dont have to get over anything. You asked me about it. I was just telling you.
Who should be paid? What criteria do you suggest for potential recipients of such tax-payer funded largesse?
Black people.
Which ones? Far more blacks have immigrated here one their own than were brought over as slaves. So not all blacks deserve to get paid. If one of your relatives was a free Northerner they don't deserve to get paid. Any white people in your family tree? You shouldn't get paid anything for them, according to you you would owe some money for that.
I suppose we should accept that any white should be expected to allow "guilt" to compel them to pay any black just for being black. Me, I'm not buying that.

Yes. All whites owe a debt to all blacks...actual history and family tree doesnt matter.

Get your checkbooks out crackas!
Cool boycott Starbucks then cons. Add it to the list of hundreds of companies that support things you'll never understand.

In fact better yet, just stay home all day. Less risk of accidentally supporting some cause us lesser people support.

The only thing I care about at Starbucks is the fact they serve shitty, overpriced coffee.
Cool boycott Starbucks then cons. Add it to the list of hundreds of companies that support things you'll never understand.

In fact better yet, just stay home all day. Less risk of accidentally supporting some cause us lesser people support.

The only thing I care about at Starbucks is the fact they serve shitty, overpriced coffee.
Congratulations. You're the billionth person to say that on this thread.

So... any comment about n*ggers you'd like to contribute?
Comparing starbucks crappy cafe mocho frapps to coffeebean and tea will never go to starbucks again.
The one in Marina Del Rey is awesome. I need to reorder the chocolate mix. I don't bother with the coffee flavor. I just make my own with instant coffee...really strong, and use that in the frapp. Just add a capful or two, the chocolate mix, ice, milk and blend in mixer. Hose it down with canned whip cream and yer good to go. YUM.
Oh, and what are y'all gonna do when Jack In The Box, McD's, Burger King, Taco Smell, Carls Jr, etc all jump on the starbucks bandwagon?
Oh, and what are y'all gonna do when Jack In The Box, McD's, Burger King, Taco Smell, Carls Jr, etc all jump on the starbucks bandwagon?

I guess they wish to insult whites....Honestly, blacks kill, rape and destroy 4-6 times against whites then the otherway around.

Yet, whites are the bad guys??? Blacks don't seem to want to work this out without lying and attacking people.
They can do this if they wish that is their right as it is my right to tell them for what I pay for a cup of their coffee they can keep their opinions to themselves. If they can't it's not like I can't get overpriced coffee somewhere else.
I personally think we should install "Social Justice Toll Booths" on every US roadway.

Have a liberal hipster college grad staff every one.

Your choice? Pay $2 to pass freely. get a 2 minute talk about race and inequality and social justice. The hipster with 9 college degrees and no career gets to keep all the money.

Jobs for hipster liberal losers. And they get to enlighten all of us shitty old working folks. Perfect right?
The LAST thing I want is to have a cup of coffee and have some schmuck ask me my opinions on race matters. One thing I learned in business is you do NOT discuss abortion, politics or race to customers. EVER.
So what is going to happen if a barrista asks what you think of the race situation and someone says (for example) "I belong to the Klan"? Will they still serve that person? What about the people that hear the comment and start a fight like in the many McDs lately?

This CEO is an idiot.
The LAST thing I want is to have a cup of coffee and have some schmuck ask me my opinions on race matters. One thing I learned in business is you do NOT discuss abortion, politics or race to customers. EVER.
So what is going to happen if a barrista asks what you think of the race situation and someone says (for example) "I belong to the Klan"? Will they still serve that person? What about the people that hear the comment and start a fight like in the many McDs lately?

This CEO is an idiot.
A few incidents and the CEO will have learned his lesson.
"I'd like to have my coffee black please. Uhmm, I mean no cream. Creamless. I'm not saying I want black to promote black or anything, it's just that I don't like cream. I mean not that there's anything wrong with black to compensate for or that it's a color issue, but I know it's a big issue for some people and well, um, nevermind, I'd like some cream please. Thank you".
"I'd like to have my coffee black please. Uhmm, I mean no cream. Creamless. I'm not saying I want black to promote black or anything, it's just that I don't like cream. I mean not that there's anything wrong with black to compensate for or that it's a color issue, but I know it's a big issue for some people and well, um, nevermind, I'd like some cream please. Thank you".
How about "just give me the damn coffee and stick your chattiness where it's really dark and the sun doesn't shine?"
There's my darlin' High_Gravity. LTNS.

I'm off to walk the dogs on the beach, then get my fence posts cemented so thanks for stopping in and hopefully I'll find ya later. :)

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