Starbucks employees now encouraged to berate you over thorny racial issues in America

All I've seen working there are KIDS. this should go over real good. I hope they lose business. I'll be dammed if I'm going into some business to pay money and then be preached at.

Yeah, the last thing I want is some snot nosed brat trying to talk to me about race relations

I'm sure Starbucks must be really worried about losing all those right wing racist customers.
You never answered my question. Did white people have an inferiority complex when they instituted slavery and Jim Crow?

Of course white women outflanked us. That was the whole intent. AA is great for people that need opportunity. However, the way its implemented is not just for Black people which it should be if its going to address the issue. Once everyone is on an equal footing then we can do away with AA. Until then you white boys are just going to have to continue whining about it.
I doubt they felt inferior then. Not sure why they would.

So what would you consider equal footing? It seems equal now. You have every opportunity I do. How can that not be equal? And if you still think it's not equal you may want to hurry and change your mind before gays and obie's favorite people the illegals jump on the AA bandwagon.
Thats not consistent with your claims. If whites needed government help to place them above Blacks in order to get ahead its obvious they suffered from an inferiority complex. If they didnt they would have never legislated AA for themselves.

Equal footing would be identical economic and academic opportunities. The gap between white guys doing the same job and Black guys needs to disappear. The ownership of resources in this country would need to reflect the population. Finally the income earned from Blacks enslaved by whites needs to be paid out.
Oh I see, so you don't want to go earn anything on your own you would rather be paid for something your long dead relatives may have done. So let me ask you this, since I have never owned a slave and you've never fucking been one who has to pay and who gets that money? If you can find a slave owner and a slave then you may have a point the owner owes him some wages. Yet there are none left. So what do you do now?

We all pay for Israel and I've never been a Nazi
And I've never been to the majority of other places we send money to either. So your point was?

Whoa calm down're going crazy on Israel. Just because you pay for them doesn't mean you have to go wild :rolleyes:

I thought you were against any spending because you didn't own you're all calm about spending because you wasn't a Nazi....Stay consistent my friend
What's fucked up is the reality that blacks kill twice as many whites and yet we whites are the ones that are told to shut up.

The entire system is anti-white.
You are told to shut up because whites kill more whites than anyone else by a large margin.

You're clueless and closed minded of reality. Of course because whites are 2/3rds of the population! Lol. Blacks kill 440 whites compared to whites killing 190 blacks. Know simple math??? Then consider 5 times the population and you get a per capita of 10 times the rate for black on white murders.

Your loves to be untruthful and use lies. I laugh at pieces of scum like you.
You still miss the point. Whites kill more whites than Blacks. Worry about your whites and stop fearing Black people. You play right into the hands of the cons.
No, you are missing the point. While whites may numerically murder more whites than blacks murder blacks, statistically, blacks are far ahead of whites on the murder scales. Statistically, a black person is far more likely to be harmed by another black than by a white person.
All I've seen working there are KIDS. this should go over real good. I hope they lose business. I'll be dammed if I'm going into some business to pay money and then be preached at.

Yeah, the last thing I want is some snot nosed brat trying to talk to me about race relations

I'm sure Starbucks must be really worried about losing all those right wing racist customers.
Right-wing customers drink coffee and spend money, too.
Starbucks is encouraging its employees to make attempts to open discussions on race with their sitting customers.
If These Two Words Appear on Your Cup It Means Your Starbucks Barista Wants to Talk About an Explosive Topic
My response would be simple...."The race card? Seriously? If you insist on intruding on my space, you'll be wearing what iIm drinking. Step off."
There is a thread in Current Events about Starbucks. Might want contact a Mod to merge threads.

I doubt they felt inferior then. Not sure why they would.

So what would you consider equal footing? It seems equal now. You have every opportunity I do. How can that not be equal? And if you still think it's not equal you may want to hurry and change your mind before gays and obie's favorite people the illegals jump on the AA bandwagon.
Thats not consistent with your claims. If whites needed government help to place them above Blacks in order to get ahead its obvious they suffered from an inferiority complex. If they didnt they would have never legislated AA for themselves.

Equal footing would be identical economic and academic opportunities. The gap between white guys doing the same job and Black guys needs to disappear. The ownership of resources in this country would need to reflect the population. Finally the income earned from Blacks enslaved by whites needs to be paid out.
Oh I see, so you don't want to go earn anything on your own you would rather be paid for something your long dead relatives may have done. So let me ask you this, since I have never owned a slave and you've never fucking been one who has to pay and who gets that money? If you can find a slave owner and a slave then you may have a point the owner owes him some wages. Yet there are none left. So what do you do now?
Why should I have to go earn what my ancestors already earned? That doesnt make sense. The US has to pay since the US benefited from it. Just like the Japanese received reparations Blacks should as well. That money is part of the legacy of slavery and should be in Black hands. Not too concerned about what you think of it Dont ask if you dont want to know.
Wouldn't it be great if all the money my parents and grandparents paid into SS in their lifetimes would be remitted to me and my siblings. After all, that was money they earned that the government stole from them. Yah, ain't gonna happen, is it. I will gladly pay anyone I enslaved what they may have earned while in that state. Otherwise, get the fuck over it. I have never owned slaves, my ancestors in this country never owned slaves. Go look somewhere else for your free-ride hand out. Or better yet, get a job and earn your own way, quit relying on "earnings" of someone far in your past.
Why would that money be paid to you if it was paid into SS? Thats a pretty dumb comparison to the wages the enslaved earned but never were allowed to use.
Really? You don't see any comparison between money earned, and extorted by government that is retained (not repaid), and money "earned" but not paid?
What's fucked up is the reality that blacks kill twice as many whites and yet we whites are the ones that are told to shut up.

The entire system is anti-white.
You are told to shut up because whites kill more whites than anyone else by a large margin.

You're clueless and closed minded of reality. Of course because whites are 2/3rds of the population! Lol. Blacks kill 440 whites compared to whites killing 190 blacks. Know simple math??? Then consider 5 times the population and you get a per capita of 10 times the rate for black on white murders.

Your loves to be untruthful and use lies. I laugh at pieces of scum like you.
You still miss the point. Whites kill more whites than Blacks. Worry about your whites and stop fearing Black people. You play right into the hands of the cons.
No, you are missing the point. While whites may numerically murder more whites than blacks murder blacks, statistically, blacks are far ahead of whites on the murder scales. Statistically, a black person is far more likely to be harmed by another black than by a white person.
I agree. A Black person is far more likely to be harmed by a Black person. The same applies to whites. A white is far more likely to be harmed by a white person.
Thats not consistent with your claims. If whites needed government help to place them above Blacks in order to get ahead its obvious they suffered from an inferiority complex. If they didnt they would have never legislated AA for themselves.

Equal footing would be identical economic and academic opportunities. The gap between white guys doing the same job and Black guys needs to disappear. The ownership of resources in this country would need to reflect the population. Finally the income earned from Blacks enslaved by whites needs to be paid out.
Oh I see, so you don't want to go earn anything on your own you would rather be paid for something your long dead relatives may have done. So let me ask you this, since I have never owned a slave and you've never fucking been one who has to pay and who gets that money? If you can find a slave owner and a slave then you may have a point the owner owes him some wages. Yet there are none left. So what do you do now?
Why should I have to go earn what my ancestors already earned? That doesnt make sense. The US has to pay since the US benefited from it. Just like the Japanese received reparations Blacks should as well. That money is part of the legacy of slavery and should be in Black hands. Not too concerned about what you think of it Dont ask if you dont want to know.
Wouldn't it be great if all the money my parents and grandparents paid into SS in their lifetimes would be remitted to me and my siblings. After all, that was money they earned that the government stole from them. Yah, ain't gonna happen, is it. I will gladly pay anyone I enslaved what they may have earned while in that state. Otherwise, get the fuck over it. I have never owned slaves, my ancestors in this country never owned slaves. Go look somewhere else for your free-ride hand out. Or better yet, get a job and earn your own way, quit relying on "earnings" of someone far in your past.
Why would that money be paid to you if it was paid into SS? Thats a pretty dumb comparison to the wages the enslaved earned but never were allowed to use.
Really? You don't see any comparison between money earned, and extorted by government that is retained (not repaid), and money "earned" but not paid?
Youre reaching and its obvious. What does SS (which people get back after retiring) have to do with unpaid wages?
All I've seen working there are KIDS. this should go over real good. I hope they lose business. I'll be dammed if I'm going into some business to pay money and then be preached at.

Yeah, the last thing I want is some snot nosed brat trying to talk to me about race relations

I'm sure Starbucks must be really worried about losing all those right wing racist customers.
Right-wing customers drink coffee and spend money, too.

In that case I think they should register their dim witted outrage using the power of the market place. All the right wing racist cock suckers should boycott Starbucks, that will show them who's boss.
What's fucked up is the reality that blacks kill twice as many whites and yet we whites are the ones that are told to shut up.

The entire system is anti-white.
You are told to shut up because whites kill more whites than anyone else by a large margin.

You're clueless and closed minded of reality. Of course because whites are 2/3rds of the population! Lol. Blacks kill 440 whites compared to whites killing 190 blacks. Know simple math??? Then consider 5 times the population and you get a per capita of 10 times the rate for black on white murders.

Your loves to be untruthful and use lies. I laugh at pieces of scum like you.
You still miss the point. Whites kill more whites than Blacks. Worry about your whites and stop fearing Black people. You play right into the hands of the cons.
No, you are missing the point. While whites may numerically murder more whites than blacks murder blacks, statistically, blacks are far ahead of whites on the murder scales. Statistically, a black person is far more likely to be harmed by another black than by a white person.
I agree. A Black person is far more likely to be harmed by a Black person. The same applies to whites. A white is far more likely to be harmed by a white person.
Statistically speaking, you statement above is correct.
Cool boycott Starbucks then cons. Add it to the list of hundreds of companies that support things you'll never understand.

In fact better yet, just stay home all day. Less risk of accidentally supporting some cause us lesser people support.
Conservatives understand it just fine. The fact that we disagree with how you morons wish to deal with it is what makes people like you and the CEO idiots.

I don't do business with Starbucks because they sell a lousy product. This just puts icing on the cake for Me taking My business elsewhere.
Oh I see, so you don't want to go earn anything on your own you would rather be paid for something your long dead relatives may have done. So let me ask you this, since I have never owned a slave and you've never fucking been one who has to pay and who gets that money? If you can find a slave owner and a slave then you may have a point the owner owes him some wages. Yet there are none left. So what do you do now?
Why should I have to go earn what my ancestors already earned? That doesnt make sense. The US has to pay since the US benefited from it. Just like the Japanese received reparations Blacks should as well. That money is part of the legacy of slavery and should be in Black hands. Not too concerned about what you think of it Dont ask if you dont want to know.
Wouldn't it be great if all the money my parents and grandparents paid into SS in their lifetimes would be remitted to me and my siblings. After all, that was money they earned that the government stole from them. Yah, ain't gonna happen, is it. I will gladly pay anyone I enslaved what they may have earned while in that state. Otherwise, get the fuck over it. I have never owned slaves, my ancestors in this country never owned slaves. Go look somewhere else for your free-ride hand out. Or better yet, get a job and earn your own way, quit relying on "earnings" of someone far in your past.
Why would that money be paid to you if it was paid into SS? Thats a pretty dumb comparison to the wages the enslaved earned but never were allowed to use.
Really? You don't see any comparison between money earned, and extorted by government that is retained (not repaid), and money "earned" but not paid?
Youre reaching and its obvious. What does SS (which people get back after retiring) have to do with unpaid wages?
Not everyone gets that money back. Both my parents died before they started receiving SS. So, what happened to all the money they paid into that fund? It certainly was not returned to their designated inheritors or their children. There's basically no difference between wages unpaid but that would be collected by survivors and SS unpaid.
Cool boycott Starbucks then cons. Add it to the list of hundreds of companies that support things you'll never understand.

In fact better yet, just stay home all day. Less risk of accidentally supporting some cause us lesser people support.
Conservatives understand it just fine. The fact that we disagree with how you morons wish to deal with it is what makes people like you and the CEO idiots.

I don't do business with Starbucks because they sell a lousy product. This just puts icing on the cake for Me taking My business elsewhere.
You are told to shut up because whites kill more whites than anyone else by a large margin.

You're clueless and closed minded of reality. Of course because whites are 2/3rds of the population! Lol. Blacks kill 440 whites compared to whites killing 190 blacks. Know simple math??? Then consider 5 times the population and you get a per capita of 10 times the rate for black on white murders.

Your loves to be untruthful and use lies. I laugh at pieces of scum like you.
You still miss the point. Whites kill more whites than Blacks. Worry about your whites and stop fearing Black people. You play right into the hands of the cons.
No, you are missing the point. While whites may numerically murder more whites than blacks murder blacks, statistically, blacks are far ahead of whites on the murder scales. Statistically, a black person is far more likely to be harmed by another black than by a white person.
I agree. A Black person is far more likely to be harmed by a Black person. The same applies to whites. A white is far more likely to be harmed by a white person.
Statistically speaking, you statement above is correct.
I'm glad you finally understand.
Why should I have to go earn what my ancestors already earned? That doesnt make sense. The US has to pay since the US benefited from it. Just like the Japanese received reparations Blacks should as well. That money is part of the legacy of slavery and should be in Black hands. Not too concerned about what you think of it Dont ask if you dont want to know.
Wouldn't it be great if all the money my parents and grandparents paid into SS in their lifetimes would be remitted to me and my siblings. After all, that was money they earned that the government stole from them. Yah, ain't gonna happen, is it. I will gladly pay anyone I enslaved what they may have earned while in that state. Otherwise, get the fuck over it. I have never owned slaves, my ancestors in this country never owned slaves. Go look somewhere else for your free-ride hand out. Or better yet, get a job and earn your own way, quit relying on "earnings" of someone far in your past.
Why would that money be paid to you if it was paid into SS? Thats a pretty dumb comparison to the wages the enslaved earned but never were allowed to use.
Really? You don't see any comparison between money earned, and extorted by government that is retained (not repaid), and money "earned" but not paid?
Youre reaching and its obvious. What does SS (which people get back after retiring) have to do with unpaid wages?
Not everyone gets that money back. Both my parents died before they started receiving SS. So, what happened to all the money they paid into that fund? It certainly was not returned to their designated inheritors or their children. There's basically no difference between wages unpaid but that would be collected by survivors and SS unpaid.
Youre talking about one offs for starters. Nobody that was enslaved got any of their money. Their money wasnt put into a system to provide for their retirement. They were not able to draw on it at retirement age. They were not able to use it to purchase land and resources. Does that make sense to you?
Cool boycott Starbucks then cons. Add it to the list of hundreds of companies that support things you'll never understand.

In fact better yet, just stay home all day. Less risk of accidentally supporting some cause us lesser people support.
Conservatives understand it just fine. The fact that we disagree with how you morons wish to deal with it is what makes people like you and the CEO idiots.

I don't do business with Starbucks because they sell a lousy product. This just puts icing on the cake for Me taking My business elsewhere.

I'd say something, but then I'd have to wait for you to do an internet search to have someone draw your opinion for you and I just don't have that much time right now.
Wouldn't it be great if all the money my parents and grandparents paid into SS in their lifetimes would be remitted to me and my siblings. After all, that was money they earned that the government stole from them. Yah, ain't gonna happen, is it. I will gladly pay anyone I enslaved what they may have earned while in that state. Otherwise, get the fuck over it. I have never owned slaves, my ancestors in this country never owned slaves. Go look somewhere else for your free-ride hand out. Or better yet, get a job and earn your own way, quit relying on "earnings" of someone far in your past.
Why would that money be paid to you if it was paid into SS? Thats a pretty dumb comparison to the wages the enslaved earned but never were allowed to use.
Really? You don't see any comparison between money earned, and extorted by government that is retained (not repaid), and money "earned" but not paid?
Youre reaching and its obvious. What does SS (which people get back after retiring) have to do with unpaid wages?
Not everyone gets that money back. Both my parents died before they started receiving SS. So, what happened to all the money they paid into that fund? It certainly was not returned to their designated inheritors or their children. There's basically no difference between wages unpaid but that would be collected by survivors and SS unpaid.
Youre talking about one offs for starters. Nobody that was enslaved got any of their money. Their money wasnt put into a system to provide for their retirement. They were not able to draw on it at retirement age. They were not able to use it to purchase land and resources. Does that make sense to you?
Money never paid, money taken and not re-paid, both constitute theft of services without remuneration, i.e. slavery.

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