Starbucks employees now encouraged to berate you over thorny racial issues in America

So if I go down to Starbucks their gonna ask me my thoughts on the Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin situation?
Newsflash! We are all talking about it. That's what the Starbucks CEO wants you to do. There was no directive that all employees have to do anything. Every one of you is outraged or considering boycotting Starbucks for a few weeks has been duped.
Except twitter accounts were closed and even Abdul Jabbar admitted it could get employees injured
Newsflash! We are all talking about it. That's what the Starbucks CEO wants you to do. There was no directive that all employees have to do anything. Every one of you is outraged or considering boycotting Starbucks for a few weeks has been duped.
Except twitter accounts were closed and even Abdul Jabbar admitted it could get employees injured

That is a response to bigoted nut jobs making threats. Not a response to a suggestion that we discuss race in America.
Perhaps we should encourage the floor personnel at shoe retailers to discuss race relations with the customers when the new Air Jordan's come out this season.

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Why is it dangerous?
Do you not know anyone who only becomes human after that first cup of coffee?

That's ridiculous.
Apparently, you're neither a serious coffee-drinker, nor associated with anyone who is.

It was meant to be ridiculous.

It was a joke.



"Thus endeth the lesson."

Yeah, I don't think you were joking. I think you jwanted to say that it would be dangerous to upset bigots. Maybe I'm wrong. But I don't think so.
What's wrong with you?
Stunted sense of humor?
Newsflash! We are all talking about it. That's what the Starbucks CEO wants you to do. There was no directive that all employees have to do anything. Every one of you is outraged or considering boycotting Starbucks for a few weeks has been duped.
Well, I suppose when feedback about a corporate busybody initiative is largely negative, those most in favor of it are bound to break a sweat, conjuring-up 'the cup is half-full' equivalencies, and trying to make a Win out of a Loss, and trying to read things into it that aren't there - but, it really doesn't matter a damn, in the grander scheme of things.
This lady nails it:

Thankfully, since Starbucks baristas want your money more than they want lots of awkward, pointless conversations, “Race Together” will likely soon fade into oblivion, imitating the strictly seasonal and highly controversial Pumpkin Spice Latte. However, while it’s around, “Race Together” offers a pretty clear picture of America’s racial dysfunction, especially among the upper-middle classes. It also shows that talking simply for the sake of talking—call it the American therapy cult—often gets people into trouble.

Racial Trouble on Starbucks Island
By Heather Wilhelm - March 19, 2015
Racial Trouble on Starbucks Island RealClearPolitics

This lady nails it:

Thankfully, since Starbucks baristas want your money more than they want lots of awkward, pointless conversations, “Race Together” will likely soon fade into oblivion, imitating the strictly seasonal and highly controversial Pumpkin Spice Latte. However, while it’s around, “Race Together” offers a pretty clear picture of America’s racial dysfunction, especially among the upper-middle classes. It also shows that talking simply for the sake of talking—call it the American therapy cult—often gets people into trouble.

Racial Trouble on Starbucks Island
By Heather Wilhelm - March 19, 2015
Racial Trouble on Starbucks Island RealClearPolitics

Exactly...the hackles rose very very quickly.
Money wont salve hate.........and thats what you are dealing with.....naked unadulterated hate

Hate by whom? Blacks? Plenty of hate to go around in all groups and nationalities it's been my experience. Any way, I suggested it not to stop hatred, but as a way of righting wrong
Starbucks needs to stick to serving burnt tasting coffee and stay out of things like this.

We now live in an era in which corporate executives have grown convinced that their customers don’t merely want a product or a service, but spiritual and intellectual enlightenment. And they’re relying on their entry-level employees to provide it.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has decided that his 4,700-store enterprise is no longer just going to be offering customers coffee, frothy drinks, and overpriced pastries. His baristas will soon serve up a venti-size helping of social justice.

Starbucks employees now encouraged to berate you over thorny racial issues in America Hot Air
If only Duncan donuts would tell their white trash low income customers who actually need the lecture. Anyone who can afford Starbucks doesnt need a lecture. They're snobs.

Me I'm a Tim Horton guy.

How do you know that Starbucks customers are snobs?
Did you hear starbucks is going to start delivering like pizza companies? How lazy can these snobs be? Plus how much will they pay for a delivered coffee? $10?
You don't like Capitalism?
Well regulated capitalism yes. Not fascism where the rich own our government. Its just another ism that can be corrupted. Dont worship it.
If you're stupid enough to pay Starbucks price for coffee then you're stupid enough to just squat on the floor and pay rapt attention. AFTER you pay for the coffee.
Nobody really wants Starbucks coffee. They go there to socialize and pretend they are something...while shelling out money for their shitty java to a CEO that laughs all the way to the bank.
The last thing I want to do is a have a raced based conversation before I've had my coffee. Just sayin...

Republicans don't want to have a conversation at all. Just say that racism doesn't exist anymore and when others challenge that, they go:

Nobody really wants Starbucks coffee. They go there to socialize and pretend they are something...while shelling out money for their shitty java to a CEO that laughs all the way to the bank.

That's all corporations.

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