Starbucks employees now encouraged to berate you over thorny racial issues in America

If someone tries to engage in racial bullying just say Mike Brown was a thug. Trayvon Martin was a thug. Eric Garner was a thug. Vonderrick Myers is a thug. Any questions?
Plenty of other places to get coffee in town, I prefer patronizing locally-owned businesses anyway.

Some 20-year old preaching to me from a position of shallow, simplistic naivete? No thanks.

But I have to admit, this whole story is a hoot. I thought it was a joke when I first heard about it.

I imagine Mac giving some poor Barista a lecture about how the PC Police are oppressing him because he can't blurt out the N-word anymore.
Liberals are liberal...until they get car jacked or pounded at a McD's or robbed or a family member gets dead from a drive by or they are walking down the street and a bored black guy decides to do a knock out game move on him/her or his/her granny/granpappy.
Liberals live in lalaland. For now.
Cool boycott Starbucks then cons. Add it to the list of hundreds of companies that support things you'll never understand.

In fact better yet, just stay home all day. Less risk of accidentally supporting some cause us lesser people support.
Cause...That's your problem. And why liberalism will never be accepted by more than the 20% who identify as liberal...
You people are always on to the next "cause"....
Causes are for cramming up one's ass...Next
The LAST thing I want is to have a cup of coffee and have some schmuck ask me my opinions on race matters. One thing I learned in business is you do NOT discuss abortion, politics or race to customers. EVER.
So what is going to happen if a barrista asks what you think of the race situation and someone says (for example) "I belong to the Klan"? Will they still serve that person? What about the people that hear the comment and start a fight like in the many McDs lately?

This CEO is an idiot.
I'm guessing that their marching orders deal less with your opinion than with their issued talking points. In other words, they "discuss", you listen. Well, unless your opinion correlates with the opinion their boss has issued them.
Who should be paid? What criteria do you suggest for potential recipients of such tax-payer funded largesse?
Black people.
Which ones? Far more blacks have immigrated here one their own than were brought over as slaves. So not all blacks deserve to get paid. If one of your relatives was a free Northerner they don't deserve to get paid. Any white people in your family tree? You shouldn't get paid anything for them, according to you you would owe some money for that.
I suppose we should accept that any white should be expected to allow "guilt" to compel them to pay any black just for being black. Me, I'm not buying that.

Yes. All whites owe a debt to all blacks...actual history and family tree doesnt matter.

Get your checkbooks out crackas!

Well, blacks did help build the country for a couple hundred years, free of charge, although they didn't actually volunteer for the task. A 14th amendment was passed to give them citizenship, so republicans finally got even with that outrage and gave that citizenship to corporations. Go figure. Maybe reparations are in order for past crimes against blacks, no?
You need to go back and hit some legitimate history texts, junior. Democrats did not give citizenship to blacks. Seriously, freakin' libtards are so clueless, ignorant, and obtusely dedicated to their ideology...
Maybe reparations are in order for past crimes against blacks, no?
There is nothing stopping you from going down to a black community and handing out reparations. Have you done that yet?If not, im not sure why you would lecture anyone else about doing it.

I wasn't lecturing, just opinionating. Have you given the opinion any thought? What have blacks received for the free labor their ancestors gave this country for a couple hundred years? We have inheritance laws where you can pass on some of what you have earned to your relatives. Maybe those that gave so much involuntarily for free, would have liked to pass on something to their future generation. Reparation
Maybe reparations are in order for past crimes against blacks, no?
There is nothing stopping you from going down to a black community and handing out reparations. Have you done that yet?If not, im not sure why you would lecture anyone else about doing it.

I wasn't lecturing, just opinionating. Have you given the opinion any thought? What have blacks received for the free labor their ancestors gave this country for a couple hundred years?

What do you think would be fair and do you think that once reparations are made then we are all on equal footing? What would be the goal?

We could have a commission figure it out. Pretty complicated subject when it comes to equal considering our ancestors considered slaves as property. Not too many records kept.
Speak for yourself. My ancestors had nothing to do with slavery in this country, or any other.
Black people.
Which ones? Far more blacks have immigrated here one their own than were brought over as slaves. So not all blacks deserve to get paid. If one of your relatives was a free Northerner they don't deserve to get paid. Any white people in your family tree? You shouldn't get paid anything for them, according to you you would owe some money for that.
I suppose we should accept that any white should be expected to allow "guilt" to compel them to pay any black just for being black. Me, I'm not buying that.

Yes. All whites owe a debt to all blacks...actual history and family tree doesnt matter.

Get your checkbooks out crackas!

Well, blacks did help build the country for a couple hundred years, free of charge, although they didn't actually volunteer for the task. A 14th amendment was passed to give them citizenship, so republicans finally got even with that outrage and gave that citizenship to corporations. Go figure. Maybe reparations are in order for past crimes against blacks, no?
You need to go back and hit some legitimate history texts, junior. Democrats did not give citizenship to blacks. Seriously, freakin' libtards are so clueless, ignorant, and obtusely dedicated to their ideology...
Right, liberals did. Which is what Republicans were, once upon a time. What happened?

And why would anyone have to "give" citizenship to citizens?
Maybe reparations are in order for past crimes against blacks, no?
There is nothing stopping you from going down to a black community and handing out reparations. Have you done that yet?If not, im not sure why you would lecture anyone else about doing it.

I wasn't lecturing, just opinionating. Have you given the opinion any thought? What have blacks received for the free labor their ancestors gave this country for a couple hundred years?

What do you think would be fair and do you think that once reparations are made then we are all on equal footing? What would be the goal?
Manufacturing companies have plants and factories in some very dangerous low income cities around the world. My brother has to visit these plants. One I recall was in Brazil. Anyways, I wish instead these companies would move to places like Detroit flint and saginaw. Jobs are the only reparations blacks want. Opportunity.

The reason most unemployed people dont work is because there aren't jobs not because they are lazy.

I agree, I remember all the factories in America before so many of these "free trade" deals. Every factory had black people working there. This was pulled out from under them. Reparations maybe in the form of education grants. We give away plenty to corporations, we could do it.
How do you envision education grants working to improve things?
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Your reparation grants will be wasted as Obama continues to import a people to replace you............
Michigan is experiencing job growth and higher wages. I guess Obama's doing a great job. Better than Reagan. Look it up. All you got is how he hasn't finished the jihad bush and Chaney started. And jeb and netenyahoo will want to go to war with ira n.

Hillary 2016. Women will vote for hillary like blacks did for Obama.
Do you really have so little respect for women that you consider them that incredibly stupid?
“But the data is going to indicate -- I said this before and I’m not happy about this, I don’t celebrate this. I don’t say it as a way of demonizing the president or casting an aspersion on him – but the data is going to indicate that black people lost ground in every single leading economic category during the Obama years.” Tavis Smiley Black Americans Have Lost Ground Under Obama
'Cause blacks are predictable and the majority seem to follow the expected reaction. The newest voting block, illegal aliens, however, may still need some massaging in order to ensure their vote goes to the demoncratic candidates.
Do you not know anyone who only becomes human after that first cup of coffee?

That's ridiculous.
Apparently, you're neither a serious coffee-drinker, nor associated with anyone who is.

It was meant to be ridiculous.

It was a joke.



"Thus endeth the lesson."

Yeah, I don't think you were joking. I think you jwanted to say that it would be dangerous to upset bigots. Maybe I'm wrong. But I don't think so.
You can think whatever you like.

Being a serious coffee drinker, I have an inside track on understanding the truth and genuine humor of such a joke.

My last couple of posts in this vein meant exactly what they said, on the surface - a lightweight joke or morning chuckle, for those who 'get it'.

Not every single post - even on more serious forums or in more serious threads - needs be serious, eh?

Now, excuse me, while I conjure-up a second cup of joe from the pot upstairs.

Have a good one.
If you have to explain a joke, it isn't much of a joke. :thup:
Depends on who you have to explain it to. Of course, if you feel the need to explain joke to the mentally incapacitated...
There is nothing stopping you from going down to a black community and handing out reparations. Have you done that yet?If not, im not sure why you would lecture anyone else about doing it.

I wasn't lecturing, just opinionating. Have you given the opinion any thought? What have blacks received for the free labor their ancestors gave this country for a couple hundred years?

What do you think would be fair and do you think that once reparations are made then we are all on equal footing? What would be the goal?
Manufacturing companies have plants and factories in some very dangerous low income cities around the world. My brother has to visit these plants. One I recall was in Brazil. Anyways, I wish instead these companies would move to places like Detroit flint and saginaw. Jobs are the only reparations blacks want. Opportunity.

The reason most unemployed people dont work is because there aren't jobs not because they are lazy.

I agree, I remember all the factories in America before so many of these "free trade" deals. Every factory had black people working there. This was pulled out from under them. Reparations maybe in the form of education grants. We give away plenty to corporations, we could do it.
How do you envision education grants working to improve things?
Yea fuck education. First you need jobs for the people in the area. Then they pay property taxes and so taxes go into the school fund and then their kids will get educated. All the education ain't gonna help a city my brother we need jobs first then we'll worry about our own kids.
Your reparation grants will be wasted as Obama continues to import a people to replace you............
Michigan is experiencing job growth and higher wages. I guess Obama's doing a great job. Better than Reagan. Look it up. All you got is how he hasn't finished the jihad bush and Chaney started. And jeb and netenyahoo will want to go to war with ira n.

Hillary 2016. Women will vote for hillary like blacks did for Obama.
Do you really have so little respect for women that you consider them that incredibly stupid?
Of course I'm right. Look how all Greeks voted for michael Dukakis. Didn't matter republican or democrat we wanted to see a Greek president.
Plenty of other places to get coffee in town, I prefer patronizing locally-owned businesses anyway.

Some 20-year old preaching to me from a position of shallow, simplistic naivete? No thanks.

But I have to admit, this whole story is a hoot. I thought it was a joke when I first heard about it.

I imagine Mac giving some poor Barista a lecture about how the PC Police are oppressing him because he can't blurt out the N-word anymore.
I have not noticed any "he" baristas, either. OMG!!! Could it be that Starbucks is sexist as well as racist!?!?! Holy shit!!! If it weren't for the cutie life support system for TandA, would anyone buy Starbucks burnt brew?
I wasn't lecturing, just opinionating. Have you given the opinion any thought? What have blacks received for the free labor their ancestors gave this country for a couple hundred years?

What do you think would be fair and do you think that once reparations are made then we are all on equal footing? What would be the goal?
Manufacturing companies have plants and factories in some very dangerous low income cities around the world. My brother has to visit these plants. One I recall was in Brazil. Anyways, I wish instead these companies would move to places like Detroit flint and saginaw. Jobs are the only reparations blacks want. Opportunity.

The reason most unemployed people dont work is because there aren't jobs not because they are lazy.

I agree, I remember all the factories in America before so many of these "free trade" deals. Every factory had black people working there. This was pulled out from under them. Reparations maybe in the form of education grants. We give away plenty to corporations, we could do it.
How do you envision education grants working to improve things?
Yea fuck education. First you need jobs for the people in the area. Then they pay property taxes and so taxes go into the school fund and then their kids will get educated. All the education ain't gonna help a city my brother we need jobs first then we'll worry about our own kids.
Agreed, brother, we should worry about our own kids and consider the sub-standard "education" (read: indoctrination) that our ill-spent taxes are used to finance. While I have no objection to those interested in such, I would probably differ as to what constitutes and education. Not all are meant to gain a university degree. There are jobs that pay far better that do not require a sheepskin. I teach technicians, I know that not everyone is suited to book-learnin'. Sometimes a solid, hands-on, trade-oriented training program suits youngsters better than book-larnin'...

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