Starbucks employees now encouraged to berate you over thorny racial issues in America

Here is a great question to put on a starbucks coffee cup: If you were a white waiter and had a black couple, how would you attempt to give them a choice between "Dark Chocolate Cake, White Vanilla Cake, and Brownies".
She should go to Starbucks and have some girly guy with a nose ring tell her how oppressed she is and how successful he is because he's white.
Major Shawna Rochelle Kimbrell


Maj. Shawna Rochelle Kimbrell is the United States Air Force’s first Black fighter pilot, realizing a dream she’s been focused on since she was a little girl. Major Kimbrell knew when she was in the fourth grade that she wanted to be amongst the world’s most elite fighters initially considering becoming an astronaut, but then concluding that a fighter jet would be more her speed.

Major Kimbrell was born April 20th, 1976 to Guyanese parents that came to the United States to pursue education and greater opportunity. Her father excelled at Howard University and later earned a doctorate at Purdue University. That same drive was instilled into Major Kimbrell and her three older siblings.

Little Known Black History Fact Maj. Shawna Kimbrell Black America Web

Major Shawna Rochelle Kimbrell


Maj. Shawna Rochelle Kimbrell is the United States Air Force’s first Black fighter pilot, realizing a dream she’s been focused on since she was a little girl. Major Kimbrell knew when she was in the fourth grade that she wanted to be amongst the world’s most elite fighters initially considering becoming an astronaut, but then concluding that a fighter jet would be more her speed.

Major Kimbrell was born April 20th, 1976 to Guyanese parents that came to the United States to pursue education and greater opportunity. Her father excelled at Howard University and later earned a doctorate at Purdue University. That same drive was instilled into Major Kimbrell and her three older siblings.

Little Known Black History Fact Maj. Shawna Kimbrell Black America Web

Wow, a double whammy! Legal immigrants and chasing a dream. She must not be black enough because it looks like she decided to drop that whole 'black culture' thing and pursue her dream by following what actually works.

Good on her...
How about the fact that blacks murder twice as many whites...
440 black on white murders compared to 190 white on black murders. This is over 10 times per capita.

How about the fact that blacks play the knock out game on whites all the time.

Yet, cock suckers like star bucks and the leftist media cover for blacks all the time.
Here is a great question to put on a starbucks coffee cup: If you were a white waiter and had a black couple, how would you attempt to give them a choice between "Dark Chocolate Cake, White Vanilla Cake, and Brownies".
I prefer chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla smoothies with mocha, please.
Here is a great question to put on a starbucks coffee cup: If you were a white waiter and had a black couple, how would you attempt to give them a choice between "Dark Chocolate Cake, White Vanilla Cake, and Brownies".
I prefer chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla smoothies with mocha, please.
and if you dont want cake this evening, we also offer slices of watermelon.
Major Shawna Rochelle Kimbrell


Maj. Shawna Rochelle Kimbrell is the United States Air Force’s first Black fighter pilot, realizing a dream she’s been focused on since she was a little girl. Major Kimbrell knew when she was in the fourth grade that she wanted to be amongst the world’s most elite fighters initially considering becoming an astronaut, but then concluding that a fighter jet would be more her speed.

Major Kimbrell was born April 20th, 1976 to Guyanese parents that came to the United States to pursue education and greater opportunity. Her father excelled at Howard University and later earned a doctorate at Purdue University. That same drive was instilled into Major Kimbrell and her three older siblings.

Little Known Black History Fact Maj. Shawna Kimbrell Black America Web


Isnt it amazing? She had parents that cared. Who showed her what hard work looks like. She stayed in school and out of trouble. She had a goal and worked her butt off for years.

And now...she made history in her chosen field.

Funny how hard work and good personal decisions always pay off.
Everyone in America has the opportunity to be or do whatever they dream of. Success isnt guaranteed. But a chance is guaranteed.

ONLY a persons own personal decisions can make this happen.

But...using one's race as an excuse is just that. An excuse. I never made the NBA. Its not because im white...or because the mostly black NBA held me back. Its because I sucked at basketball.

Would appear Starbucks has a lot of soul searching to do itself on corporate racism........ at least if they believe their own drivel
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Cool boycott Starbucks then cons. Add it to the list of hundreds of companies that support things you'll never understand.

In fact better yet, just stay home all day. Less risk of accidentally supporting some cause us lesser people support.

You're living up to your usual standard for idiocy.
Would appear Starbucks has a lot of soul searching to do itself on corporate racism........ at least if they believe their own drivel

i look at that picture, I see mostly white people, but one African-American and one Asian. So what's your point, exactly?

I don't know if this has already been posted, but this is evidently the "Race Relations Reality Check" on which we're supposed to base our race discussions.

The narcissism of these people is stunning to me.

They are absolutely consumed by skin color, and they want you to be consumed by it, too.


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i went to a starbucks yesterday. Nobody wrote anything on my cup and no one tried to engage me in a conversation about anything.
I don't know if this has already been posted, but this is evidently the "Race Relations Reality Check" on which we're supposed to base our race discussions.

The narcissism of these people is stunning to me.

They are absolutely consumed with skin color, and they want you to be consumed by it, too.


Again, at a Starbucks yesterday with a resume client (who happened to be African American) and no one handed me this form. No one wrote on my cup. No one tries to waste my time with a silly discussion while I was trying to get some work done.

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