Starbucks fires unionizing employees...

These left leaning companies are fake as three dollar bills.

They talk the talk to entice naive Leftist youth to embrace their brand...but when it comes time to walk the walk? Well... you see the results again and again...

Starbucks are in grocery stores now question why is it always staffed with fat ugly girls who can't comprehend " half the ice you usually use cream , liquid sugar "

They fumble like panicked retards .....and can never get it right
It's simple I mean you're already using a scoop for the ice
What's so hard about half?
Saying That Businessmen Create Jobs Is Like Saying That Vampires Create Blood

A real man would tell Starbucks that if it wants cheap labor, it should set up to sell its high-profit-margin coffee in some Third World sweatshop.

A real man would recognize selling coffee and mocha lattes in a air conditioned environment isn't skilled labor at all and doesn't deserve skilled labor wages. A real man also wouldn't think he deserves a living wage for taking liquid from one container and putting it in another one.

Starbucks employees don't even work as hard as a Walmart stocker and it's ridiculous to think they should demand wages enough to live their life on because it's a skilless and meaningless job. It's a job, not a career.

If Starbucks employees demanded more money I'd rather see they just get replaced with machines and cut them out entirely.

It's a job for college kids to make some fun money at and not much else.
Walmart has been pulling this stunt for years

In the last few months of the Clinton disaster I couldn't find a job even with a college degree so I applied to fucking Wal Mart. Of course I got the job. During the first day of training, they made us watch a video about how to report anyone who came into the store and tried to get us to unionize.

At lunch I walked out and never went back.
These left leaning companies are fake as three dollar bills.

They talk the talk to entice naive Leftist youth to embrace their brand...but when it comes time to walk the walk? Well... you see the results again and again...

If unions were a bit more tolerable, this wouldn't happen, but it's funny how this leftist organization kills any attempt to unionize. Reminds me of Amazon.
A real man would recognize selling coffee and mocha lattes in a air conditioned environment isn't skilled labor at all and doesn't deserve skilled labor wages. A real man also wouldn't think he deserves a living wage for taking liquid from one container and putting it in another one.

Starbucks employees don't even work as hard as a Walmart stocker and it's ridiculous to think they should demand wages enough to live their life on because it's a skilless and meaningless job. It's a job, not a career.

If Starbucks employees demanded more money I'd rather see they just get replaced with machines and cut them out entirely.

It's a job for college kids to make some fun money at and not much else.
They don’t even bake their own muffins,scones or cookies. They take them out of their pre packaged wrappers and slap them in the display case. :)
I've never been in a union but when I get my paycheck, which my employer openly admits is high to avoid unionization, I thank a union. When I get up on Saturday morning and don't have to work because I've done my 40 hours, I thank a union. When I get home in time for dinner with the family after working only 8 hours a day, I thank a union.

That some union bosses, one might even argue most, are crooked is something for law enforcement to look into. That child labor is gone, we all work 40 hour weeks, plus or minus, that we work 8 hour days, plus or minus, all that comes from unions.
A real man would recognize selling coffee and mocha lattes in a air conditioned environment isn't skilled labor at all and doesn't deserve skilled labor wages. A real man also wouldn't think he deserves a living wage for taking liquid from one container and putting it in another one.

Starbucks employees don't even work as hard as a Walmart stocker and it's ridiculous to think they should demand wages enough to live their life on because it's a skilless and meaningless job. It's a job, not a career.

If Starbucks employees demanded more money I'd rather see they just get replaced with machines and cut them out entirely.

It's a job for college kids to make some fun money at and not much else.
Don't Be a Job Snob

Owners aren't earners. Those fat-asses are the ones hogging the revenue. Let the lazy fairies of laissez-faire take a cut in their obscene profit margins.
I've never been in a union but when I get my paycheck, which my employer openly admits is high to avoid unionization, I thank a union. When I get up on Saturday morning and don't have to work because I've done my 40 hours, I thank a union. When I get home in time for dinner with the family after working only 8 hours a day, I thank a union.

That some union bosses, one might even argue most, are crooked is something for law enforcement to look into. That child labor is gone, we all work 40 hour weeks, plus or minus, that we work 8 hour days, plus or minus, all that comes from unions.
It didn't hurt that after WW 2 we were the strongest nation on Earth with most of our production capacity ready while most other nations had to rebuild. Unions got back at how they were treated before the war and perhaps got too greedy. We lost a lot of heavy industrial capabilities and electronics with a few decades.
You don't need a union at a god damn Starbucks. If it's that bad then quit and go find one of another million jobs out there. If Starbucks is one your resume you can find any number of other shitty low paying jobs where you don't need any intelligence or skilled labor. You're making coffee, it isn't like that's a career, that's a shit job for kids and bored housewives.
The Barista's union of America takes high umbrage to your statement! 🙂
If unions were a bit more tolerable, this wouldn't happen, but it's funny how this leftist organization kills any attempt to unionize. Reminds me of Amazon.
Preppy Progressives Whose Daddies Bought Them Coffeehouses

It's totally consistent in the narrative stripped of its false images. Leftists are spoiled richkids who have a lifetime contempt for those born in the working class. Their ideology is nothing more than a hostile takeover of their Daddies' Capitalism, so they hate unions as a threat to State Capitalism.

Remember the Hardhats? They were totally consistent in hating and attacking the Campus Commie Scum. Blue collar needs to drink some blueblood as the ambrosia of victory.

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