Start "red flag" laws that allow confiscation of guns from gang members & white-supremacists? (Poll) Any other suggestions for reducing lawlessness?

Do you support online monitoring by the government to ID "red flag" risks to be disarmed?

  • YES, for all gang related activity

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • YES, for all white-supremacist activity

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • YES, for all illegal drug related activity

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • 4. NO, the US Constitution guarantees personal liberties and free speech, even for criminals

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • I support prison time for any criminal that uses a gun in the commission of a crime

    Votes: 17 77.3%
  • I support "stop and frisk"

    Votes: 11 50.0%
  • I support laws that jail prosecutors that do not aggressively prosecute criminals

    Votes: 10 45.5%

  • Total voters
"At the start of the American Revolution, from what we’ve been told, all colonials owned guns, right? Wrong – only about 13% of Americans had access to a gun..."
So you kind of admit that most AMericans didn't own guns, which was my point. I don't even think the 13% number is legit.
2. We need to lock up more violent criminals. Better in prison than on the streets. We need better deterrence, not a revolving door.

We lock up 2 million people. Prisons don't work.

3. I think we agree we don't need "big brother" watching everyone.

4. Democrats in control watch white folks, Republicans watch criminals. Even if we agree on #3, the NSA still does what it does.

Tries its best to protect us from terrorists? ANd does it poorly.

5. Link to "Morman Bob"? Never heard of him.
Bob Blaylock...He loves when I point out he belongs to a whacky cult.
6. Your whine about "stop and frisk" is noted. When a "law and order" mayor gets in S&F coming back. You didn't really put up a good reason not to bring it back. If NYC keeps electing lawless dems they can live in a shooting gallery. Elections have consequences...

Actually, NYC elected an uncle tom who talks out of both sides of his mouth.

The problem with S&F is that everyone has a camera now. So now you are going to see tons of viral videos of cops hassling people for "Walking While Black". It will not go over well.

Link to the post where I said that.

You won't, you can't, and you know damn well that you can't. As is usual for you, you know you are lying, I know you are lying, you know that I know that you are lying, and everyone else knows that you are lying.

In any event, even if I had said any such thing, so what? A creature that breaks into a man's car, and steals the tools that a man needs to make his living, does not count as a human being, and If I were to kill it, I would be doing the world a favor.

But, as usual, you always take the side of subhuman criminals pieces of shit, against the side of actual human beings.

So after denying you ever said you wanted to kill the poor fool who stole your tool box, you go ahead and say you want to kill the guy who stole your toolbox. That's awesome Mormon Bob. Like most sociopaths, you just can't help yourself.

Criminals are not people. They are criminals.

It's only murder to kill a human being. Criminals do not count.

So by your logic, Governor Boggs was perfectly justified in ordering the extermination of Mormons in Missouri? They were breaking the law, after all?

Hey, you just justified the murder of Joseph Smith (dum-dum-dum-dum-dum), he was breaking SEVERAL laws (Bigamy, vandalism) when the angry mob in Carthage, IL shot him and his brother Hyrum...

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